
Stripper Ambitions: Worst Vs Best

They never tell you what you need to know.
We’ve all heard a million stories from strippers on their ambitions and that stripping is only “temporary.” What are some of the best (strippers with a goal and on the right path) and some of the worst stories you’ve heard.

Probably the best was this smoking hot babe I met in Vegas that had a dynomate personality. She lived in upstate Michigan was married and was a school teacher. Her husband was verbally abusive and her friend talked her into quitting her job, leaving her husband (they didn’t have kids) and moving to Vegas to strip. In the process she had a make over and dropped 50 pounds to transform into a hot stripper. Her goal was to save enough money to pay cash for a house on a beach somewhere and go back to being a school teacher. Realistic goal but she smoked marijuana every single day and I always suspected she was flying around the country as a high end escort as well.

She would have made a good wife for someone as she was gorgeous and a really nice down to earth personality, but I wasn’t sure if the stripper/escort/weed smoking lifestyle would get her too caught up.

Probably the worst I ever heard was “will you buy a lapdance from me? I need to make 50 more dollars so I can pay for my hotel room tonight.”

Amazing, the girl in the 2nd story needed $50 more and the girl in the first story cleared something like $24,000 in something like 19 days during a busy period in Vegas.


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I knew a dancer at the Columbia Platinum Plus that worked her way through USC and then got tenure there teaching public speaking and theater. Last I heard she was still teaching at Clemson.

    I knew a Follies dancer that got her degree in anthropology but then couldn't land a job in that field and went back to college for another degree. I haven't seen her in awhile.

    I know another Follies dancer that got a degree in mechanical engineering and went to work for Georgia Power. But she quit because she could make better money stripping.

    Another Follies dancer that has no car, lives in a by the week motel, only has a burn phone and barely makes enough to get by. Wants to go to a trade school. Lots of luck.

    A goldrush dancer told me that she was going to school to become a pharmacist. I suspect that drug dealer will be as close as she gets.

    My ATF became a paramedic.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    One dancer I knew in Pa - wanted to be French - and an expat. She always thought she was too good for the steel belt around Reading. She had a kid - and she was lucky her family was nearby to babysit. She lived in LA for a while - where she was going to become famous - but she never got famous - and she never became a true expat.

    She had nice European cars - and she kept dancing. She’d leave her home club - and think she’d be a star at another club - but she always came back. I think she started dating a chef who worked at one of the Pocono casinos. The chef was French - so I guess she’s now getting some French in her?...

    A girl who was beautiful - but way too involved in tattoos and pot smoking went from dancing to working at a nail salon at the front desk - as she kept making more of a mess of her body with wacky tattoos gotten while stoned...

    I’m sure there are much worse stories.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Swear to God. I once had a stripper tell me she was stripping to make money to pay for her medical classes... said she was studying to be a brain surgeon.

    She gave excellent head, so maybe she was telling the truth???
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I actually had the “I need $20, $50, etc” more line from strippers many times. Most of the time they needed it “for tipout.”

    I must look like a sucker. Or pathetic loser. Which I admit I am...
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    About a decade ago, a lot of the strippers I encountered said they wanted to go into real estate. Then the housing market blew up.

    Now a lot of them say they want to be nurses. Nurses probably make the same as a stripper but have to work 4 times as long.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Lot of not too practical or more correctly, lucrative degrees that strippers pursue: anthropology, psychology and even social work. Quite a few nurses and only one i remembered going into education.
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    One gal who danced on me was a student in Richmond during the week and then organized social justice protests on weekends in DC.

    My sense is ambitious gals with kids need money just to get by even if they want to get an adult Jon or career. At least two MILFs who dance told me never worked while they were married, and apparently this was their option.
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    *job. (Jon is something else)
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    The nursing thing is probably a bubble, too. It feels like every girl I meet either wants to be a nurse or a teacher, including several strippers. No way this can last forever. Just like real estate.
  • georgebailey
    7 years ago
    I thought these stories were crazy, until I remembered a stripper at BT's in Dearborn told me she was an ER resident at Oakwood hospital. And if I was ever there, I should pretend I didn't know her. Ha!
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    I have known a few dancers over the years who had a plan and stuck to it. One went studied fashion and works at Abercombie. Three different ones were into fitness. One was a martial arts instructor, the other two were fitness trainers and all three competed at the Arnold Fitness Classic, in their appropriate skills. Another was a dental hygienist. Great body, but ironically bad teeth.

    Far more unfortunately didn't have a plan and far too many ended up in the police reports, or obituary columns over the years.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago

    Nurses are in high demand though, at least I think they are. I'd love me a sexy nurse, especially if she needs a semen sample.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > I'd love me a sexy nurse, especially if she needs a semen sample.

    But how will they know which sample of the day it was from with potentially two or more different patients being mixed in when it drips out?

    This explains what was going on with Gregory Isaacs, though:


  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    One girl I know claims to be a Certified Nursing Assistant and is dancing to pay off that training.

    Another dancer I frequent has a 14 yr old and a 10 yr old kid from a former marriage. She dances to support her family, but they all think she works in a normal bar. She said her kids come home from school to her mother's house until she gets home at 8pm.

    A third girl I started getting dances from stopped dancing to go to cosmetology school and graduated. Working in a hair salon is not paying the bills, so now she opens a salon from 8-12 noon, dances down the street from 1-7pm, then goes back and closes/cleans the salon from 8pm-11pm every Monday through Friday.
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