
Ever run into someone you know at the club?

Only twice has i ever even seen someone i knew at a strip club. The first time i saw a high school PE teacher/coach (i only recognized him as he was never my teacher). This was after high school of course, although there was a club or two that were 18+, but that wasn't it. We or i specifically didn't make eye contact, but he just seemed oblivious and unconcerned that anyone would recognize him. I mean there were some students that failed so many times that they were still in school by the time they were 21, but if anyone else had seen him, they would probably have some explaining to do themselves. I never saw him again at the club. The next time was many years later i saw a friend whom i knew liked strip clubs and we actually went to a couple clubs together many years before, so i guess that doesn't really count. I guess it would be kind of like seeing a TUSCL member or something. However, he was with another mutual friend (or in my case, a former coworker) that i didn't know was into strip clubs, so that was different. The strange thing was, that he was with a group of 3 of 4 other guys and they all were with their girlfriend/wife, him included, which surprised me. Hope they didn't get into too much trouble.

To be fair, there are no strip clubs very close to me. The nearest one is still about half an hour away. And the better ones are even further away, so it takes a more serious PL/monger to frequent them than just your casual local dude. I know some people go through great lengths to protect their anonymity, but unless you travel great lengths, you probably will run into someone you know. Again, i guess the advantage is that you saw them there too, so if they have half a brain, nothing gets said, but who knows. Sometimes they have nothing to lose (single, no family, or even a female customer you know) and blab on anyway.


  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Nope and if I spot someone I know I leave. I prefer my anonymity.
    I seldom even club with friends.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    I have seen anyone I know at a strip club. Almost the entirety of my clubbing is done while out of town. I just have no reason to go to clubs when I am at home. There are friends and family to visit and work that needs to get done around the house.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Never ran into anyone I know in a club. Most of my real life acquaintances would not be caught dead in a strip club and frown on such activities. I have a lot of patients in my practice but have never seen one at a strip club. But of course I travel an hr to two hrs away to go to clubs to minimize those chances.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    2nd tired traveler
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    I have never seen anyone that I know in clubs, but I club in the city where I live and I am concerned as I have a 20 year old son whose friends are starting to turn 21. I club mostly during the day and expect that his friends will go at night, but I may have to limit my visits that are so close to where I live.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    My boss. I was a young single guy and he was married, with his wife out of town. We didn’t say anything to each other and never talked about it.

    He always made a big show about being a loving husband, but he got mean and nasty when he drank.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Twice I’ve run into folks I know in clubs.

    My roommate and I went to a club where there was supposed to be a feature dancer. The place was packed - and the crowd was a bit rowdy. There weren’t any seats - but two guys at the bar were turning and getting up to leave. I recognized them - as I worked with them. I waited - and when one said hello - I knew it was ok to chat with them - and we got a good view of the stage.

    Another time - at a dive club - I had just gotten in (and I was clubbing with a few friends) - I was looking for a spot at the bar - and the vip door opens - a blonde dancer comes out - and my cousin follows her out! That was wild. He was in a rush - as he was headed to the men’s room - and then he snuck out the back.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    I ran into a friend and his wife while tipping the main stage at a nice Dallas club, he was tipping on the other side of the stage. Hilarity ensued... now we club together every once in a while.

    I also have another friend who "dated" a stripper he met at a local breastaurant, and we all hung out and drank together occasionally. It's only a matter of time until I run into her at a SC somewhere...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I ran into someone from work.

    It was a dancer.

  • Dblednmike
    7 years ago
    I’ve run into people I know on both sides of the rail. LOL

    When I used to bounce I had a teacher I knew from high school that came by on a regular basis. It was an all nude club so the girls only had to be 18 yo. He never acknowledged that he remembered me, but I knew he was still teaching at the school.

    I’ve also run into girls that I knew that were dancing at a club. That can be awkward as fuck. Once it was a chick I had a crush on in school and she didn’t recognize me at first. AFTER getting the lap dance we were talking and she says “you look look familiar, have I danced for you before?”

    I said no, it’s my first time at that club. I picked her because she reminded me of someone from school that I thought was cute though. I figured I’d give her chance to deny and move on. She didn’t... She asked what school and what class? Then confirmed it was her. We talked for a long time and ended up exchanging numbers. We saw each other off and on for the next three years till she moved, but never in the club again.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    It happens periodically. Not nearly as often as I see people from the strip club out at other places though. When I was in college, I found out my GF of 3 months was stripping a few nights a month when I saw her come out on stage at Rachels. I've seen a guy who worked for me & called in sick to work in the morning at the SC that night. I ran into the hottie who works the front reception desk at my office, along with her equally hot GF at Scarletts.

    It doesn't just happen locally; I live in S. FL. But, I've seen guys I played football with in school at clubs in Vegas. I ran into my former boss at one of the Airport clubs in Mississauga. I've seen guys from the office in Scores in NYC.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    I saw my landlord at my local club... twice. Now I know what he did with my rent money!
  • Daddillac
    7 years ago
    While in college I visited The Gold Club, in Atlanta before they closed. I ran into my high school crush who was dancing. She danced for me then left for a few and brought back my first crush from 6th grade.... who also was dancing. I got a few dances from each and had a great time. They asked me not to tell anyone and I didnt..... years later I ran into the high school crush at stormin normin, now flashers, she was concerned her tits were sagging so I took her to the VIP to check them out.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    A relative of a friend of mine.

    A coworker, who hasn't spoken to me since.

    One of my son's former girlfriends.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Back when I lived in Omaha, I used to run into two different people from work on a semiregular basis at the various clubs I went to. Then there was the time I ran into the whole management team at a club. That was to celebrate the one manager's last day there/new job promotion. That day was awkward, considering I go to clubs to escape those type of people.

    Even at the club I go to now that I live here, I have ran into the guy at my local convenience store once.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago

    Never ran into anyone I knew other than people I was planning on meeting there.

    But my ATF who used to sit with me her whole shift once saw all the guys from the front office of a Ford dealership come into the club once. She had worked with all of them previous to dancing.
    Needless to say, she spent the whole shift in the booth with me with her head buried or facing me with her back to the club to avoid running into them. She was pretty embarrassed to say the least. I paid for her to skip going on stage so she didn’t have to get up and we spend a LONG time in VIP that day.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I used to teach a HS age Sunday School class. Recognized a guy in a club once and after a while I figured out it was the dad of one of my female students. I had a CF at the time, so I was pretty occupied, so I never noticed if he seemed to recognize me or when he left. The girl kept coming to class, and he never confronted me, so who knows?

    I saw a group of guys in same club one time who were all wearing a shirt with the same logo. Saw one up close in the bathroom - it was the logo of a local high school. Heard him talking to the bathroom valet - the group was the entire football coaching staff out celebrating the end of their "staff planning retreat" before the start of the season. I bet the booster club ended up funding some, or all, of that trip in some way.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I ran into my high school phys ed teacher. Mr. Morally Upright. I laughed and laughed after I confronted him.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Several times I spotted coworkers or ex-cocoworkers. At least one as he exited VIP. Made an exit before they saw me, or so I hoped.

    Two exceptions. Saw a coworker and a slutty excoworker who was apparently his girlfriend. They said hi and asked for a suggestion as to who to take to VIP so they could both eat her pussy.

    Another time I was in the big VIP at Follies getting a BJ. I heard a familiar voice ask me a question. On the next couch was an old acquaintance also getting a BJ.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’ve ran into a couple people I’ve worked with.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Once a fellow I knew from some law school classes, no big whoop.

    Har har and sometimes I also see dancers I've met before har har ... j.k. :)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    it's never happened to me..... yet. bound to happen sooner or later.

    i do see some members of stripper sites that i have previously met either face to face or online.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I guess a more interesting question would be if you ever run into someone you knew who was a dancer at the club. Probably a different discussion...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    For all the nightmares I had about running into someone I know, or worse yet, someone my wife knew, back when I was married, I never ran into anyone I knew, ever, that I can recall.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I suppose your casual PL usually doesn't go during the day shift.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler: "I guess a more interesting question would be if you ever run into someone you knew who was a dancer at the club."

    My company hires a lot of temps. I've seen quite a few that *could* be strippers, based on their looks, but only two that I *know* were. One was an extras girl who'd been nice to me a time or two. The other, if only seen at a club, but never interacted with her.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Saw a FedEx counter girl walk into a club I was in. She wasn't alone. Said the guy was her bf. Didn't ask why she was there, and it was never mentioned after that. She stayed at FedEx at least a year afterwards.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I had a condo built about 11 years ago and bumped into the developer at my favorite club and sat & had a drink with him. He's a tall handsome rugged guy and after he left my ATF said he was a regular customer and a big spender and had a real small dick.
    Several times at the same club I met a guy who was divorced from a friend of my wife. He was always drunk and very gregarious. My ATF said he was usually there 2 or 3 nights a week, was a big spender but was a total asshole. She refused to do dances with him and he was always asking her. He'd see me coming out of the CR and always ask if I got anything. I told him no, just good conversation.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    No I haven't (fingers crossed) lol.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    One time i was with an old (as in a while ago, the girl was and is still quite young) favorite, and she said she instantly recognized a neighbor that had walked into the club and she was starting to stress. I didn't really know what to do, but i'm guessing she wanted me to take her to the back so she could hide for a long time. Except the LD rooms were pretty open and even more well lit than the general seating area. So tough titties for her. The strange thing is, i think she seemed to have left the club not long after that and i didn't see her anywhere else except maybe as a customer at another strip club. So maybe it had something to do with that although she had near full time other job billing and coding or something like that and was recently promoted to something else so maybe she just got out. At the other club she acted like she didn't know me and to a degree vice versa. I didn't engage her at all, as i was only 95-99% sure it was her in her civvies. Despite that bit of coldness or whatever, i still miss her a bit :(
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