
From no touching to kissing on chest

Somewhere in the club
Sunday, November 5, 2017 4:05 PM
There is a club in Baltimore which does not allow touching of dancers during bikini lap dances. They are $30 per dance.its upto dancers o guess. One night I saw a hot and attractive dancer with natural C to D breasts.I requested for dances and went to VIP couch room. Whenever i move my hands toeards her breats She didn't allow me to touch them. I had 4 dances that night. Next time I went there had 3 dances with her and she relaxed the rules. Third time I went there she took my face and put it in between her chest.I didn't take my face for few seconds.I could kiss there and brush with my lips I am guessing what will she allow next. I need more from her. Any tips how to proceed??


  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Spend more money. Get more mileage.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Buying dances is a chumps move. Sure, if you want to engage with her you feed her money. But better to do it in the front room, sitting tips, not buying dances. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In our local no touching clubs I have handed dancers the full dance fee, just to sit close and talk with me. Club T's, now defunct, bikini, no touching, $20 dances. If one wants to be seeing girls outside, far better to do that than to be expecting the girl to do for you some bullshit service. Follow The System (tm) [view link] SJG
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    proceed at a steady rate of pushing the boundaries... as much as she lets you. aslong as you feel it is worth it.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^ ^ In some cases though it really is the club rules which are the issue. Where I live it is like that. I wish it were different. That is why I instantly liked the underground Mexican Bar circuit, much more just up to the girl. But loose or tight rules, don't buy dances. Feed the girl money and interact with her in the front room. What ever can't be done at the club can be done elsewhere. But you have to talk to your girl in a civilian manner. SJG
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    $30/dance with no touching??? And you went back for round 2???? Let me see if I got this right. $120 for a few seconds of motorboating?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Some of these clubs suck. LE enforces strict rules. BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY DANCES! SJG
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    What's the name of this club so I know to stay away. That's great you got millage on the second and third visits but this seems like a slow hustle. I doubt she will give you more than what you've gotten to this point, but she has enticed you enough to keep coming back and spending money without her having to go too far in terms of millage. The best way to find out is to ask. Why stay in the dark? If you don't get a definitive answer it's time to move on unless you can live with the dances as they are to this point.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Lol SJG SMH
  • Hank Moody
    7 years ago
    Yeah really. Which club is this? Things aren’t as good as they used to be in Maryland but they aren’t $30 bikini no touch bad.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    For $30 i expect full contact(ass and breasts) and topless dances. If possible go to another strip club.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    In Maryland, no topless lap dances available in any club. Hustler used to have 2 for one topless dances,now it's bikini dances
  • steve3000
    7 years ago
    Hustler has been bikini dances for a long time; 2 for $40 on my last visit months ago. Are you talking about Hustler? If so, I'm in no hurry to go again. The Millstream has $30 topless/pastie, no touch dances. Also, not very much fun. Regarding how to proceed - Keep trying, I guess. Although it sounds like things have progressed very slowly so far...
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Somewhere the shadowcat is shaking his head. $10 can get him full contact (including shadowkitty play), full nude at his favorite club. For the rest of us, that still seems like highway robbery. $30 for bikini motorboating? One dollar will get most of us bare breasts and nipples in the face and sometimes a handful of ass as well. For someone who has been to so many clubs and i'm sure much better ones that this, it makes no sense why you would waste even a cent or a second there. Clubs like this just need to die yesterday.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Flagooner, She allowed me to touch her butt in round 1 She allowed me to touch her breasts in round 2 She allowed to have romantic cuddles in round 3.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Steve3000, Jimmymcnulty It's not Hustler.Hustler had stopped topless dances since 2015. Thus club is good club.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    This club is Gold club
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Rh48h4, This is Gold club
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Lapdanceking82, I did as you described from second round onwards
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I usually don't go for bikini dances buy this girl is 9.6 I could give 10 but her but is not well toned She is 1- gorgeous 2- hot 3-fun to hang out 4- keeps good conversation
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "She allowed me to touch her butt in round 1 She allowed me to touch her breasts in round 2 She allowed to have romantic cuddles in round 3." Oh, I must have misunderstood. I hope you rate that club a 10 for value. I think we are all jealous of the mileage you are getting.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Lol@flaganoor, I rate the club @4 for value
  • groundball
    7 years ago
    Gold Club Baltimore? Your experiences reflect more on the GIRL than the CLUB. More can be had if that's what you're after. But if you're having fun, keep going and push the boundaries this girl has, lol.
  • steve3000
    7 years ago
    Baltimore was a lot more fun 5+ years ago. Two way touch, topless at least, and with most girls. My clubbing has been way down the past couple years. Hope things turn around.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @groundball. I agree, to a point. Far be it from me to judge how someone enjoys themselves in a club. We all have different priorities. But when you spend that kind of money for that kind of action, it just sets the bar such that it drives the value down for everyone.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Flagooner, I understand what you are saying. When there are no other options what can anybody do? I live in Virginia...No lap dances in VS. No lap dances in Washington DC. Only options are the clubs in MD. My go to club in Baltimore used to be Hustler,not any more. They also made it bikini dances now. 2 tier to upscale clubs are Hustler, Fantacies and Gold club. At Fantacies absolutely no touching allowed. I went only once there. I usually go Philly clubs but due to time constraints and busy work can't go that often. I think LE enforces these rules in MD. Ridiculous prices for tame dances.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Groundball, I had dances with other girls too ,they told me no touching directly and also they are not comparable to the girl mentioned in the first post.May be few girls are more liberal but it takes time and money to find.
  • yahtzee74
    7 years ago
    At Gold Club? Just for reference, depending on the girl you could have got everything thing you got in round 3 plus touching her pussy in your first round.
  • beekers
    7 years ago
    I encountered the same thing when I went there recently. Whether it's only a club rule, or some law, I don't know. One dancer made the pups available for a minute or two, then covered them up. Another dancer wouldn't take them out at all, stating that was the house rule. If I ever go back there, if a dancer is trying to sell me a dance, I'd insist 'No tits, no dance'. There is VIP there, but exactly what it offers, I didn't bother to find out.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm not familiar with the SC scene in the Crabcake Capitol. It sounds like it's time for PLs to make some pickets signs and start marching in front of the clubs, demanding nudity and 2-way groping. Isn't it a constitutional right?
  • Jasdoit
    7 years ago
    I think only one girl at the Gold club acts that way. The beautiful blond. And her dances where lame to. I tried one dance and never again with her. Next time go for the Spanish blonde milf.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Dark blue I’m in Virginia too.....which part you live in?
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    GoVikings, I live in Northern Virginia.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I’m in Richmond. as I’m sure you already know, we got it bad. Not only do the clubs in our state suck, but the surrounding areas suck too DC isn’t worth it and Maryland use to have more clubs but many of them closed down Showcase Theater is very good, but pricey.....you been there?
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I been there to showcase only once.Not my cup of tea.Its located in an area where I usually don't like and it opens at 7pm. The vip room has just two couches.The VIP dances are all nude though you can't touch.its expensive.I had VIP dance with a blonde girl. She gave me a good dance though. The dancers there are not good looking. Fuegos was an option who can go or stay late at stripclub..it was full of Spanish girls who gives full contact dances for $10 or $15..They danced good.I took 10 dances nonstop woth one girl. It opens/picks up at 11pm..i went there only two times just to try it out.timing doesn't work for me.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    i like both fuego and showcase, but i liked fuego more because of the cheaper dances. plus, as you mentioned, fuego is full of latinas and latinas are my favorite. all that being said, i heard fuego isn't the same anymore. i haven't been there since they re-opened, but from what i've been told......its not the same anymore. i never done VIP at showcase, so i can't speak on that. but what i liked about showcase was that there were white, latina, black girls working there. in other words, something for everyone. and when i was there, the dancers were attractive. the only big downside of it was the dance prices. it was 20 bucks to enter VIP, and then 30 per topless and 40 per nude. that's just too much
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    I don't understand why you'd go with her on a second visit, let alone a second dance. Boob and butt touching is the minimum mileage. It's Stripperweb shit to sloooowly increase the mileage over multiple visits. You should have been at the boob kissing level by the second dance, otherwise find a different stripper.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "You should have been at the boob kissing level by the second dance, otherwise find a different stripper." Thats a bit fast normally. But for the price i would agree sooner than later. Too many clubs with hm for $20 or less. Maybe not in baltimore but i rarely spend more than $20 on a lapdance anywhere. On rare occasions have i had great dances for $30+.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Great story. Just keep spending $. Another $500 or so and I bet you get to suck a tit for 2-3 seconds.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    "You should have been at the boob kissing level by the second dance, otherwise find a different stripper." Not in Baltimore,not at high end clubs. At hustler, a dancer told me that 'nope ,I don't allow that' when I tried to do that in second song
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    "You should have been at the boob kissing level by the second dance, otherwise find a different stripper." [view link] Philly it happens in first [view link] need to wait for second one and it's $20 per [view link]
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Look at the top 40 value club list. Determine which is closest to you. Go there.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Front Room! SJG
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Ok..Update here...I had dances with her fourth time.Had 3 dances and I asked her directly to show her tits.She said ok only a glimpse,youcant touch them.I told her why not.She said there are cameras here.I said no there r no cameras here. She smiled and said she has been working for so long and I told her I have been coming here for 6 years.She smiled and said you can touch in champagne room.I told I expect beyond that in champagne room.Anyways she did show me a glimpse. OMG,the perfect tits I have ever seen in my life and so close.. I had to wait 4 hours to get her. When I entered the club I saw her but i went to rest room when I came back she was going to champagne room with another guy.He never left her. I thought he would leave after 30 min..But no,he spent 4 hours with her..He bought her drinks then went to couch room dances.She informed me through bartender to wait .After 20 min She then came with another dancer and told me she will give me number until then have fun with this dancer.That guy was in couch room for 1.5 hour.. I think this dancer made atleast $800 from that customer alone.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    It will vindicate Liwet spending $400 to finger a chubby girl at a Nevada brothel if you spend $800 to touch a boob. I say go for it!
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I don't understand what you r saying
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    It was given in the form of a koan: [view link]
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Who spent $800 to touch a boob?
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Some guy who took the dancer you posted about into the couch room for 1.5 hours, apparently: Had 3 dances and I asked her directly to show her tits.She said ok only a glimpse,youcant touch them.I told her why not.She said there are cameras here.I said no there r no cameras here. She smiled and said she has been working for so long and I told her I have been coming here for 6 years.She smiled and said you can touch in champagne room. . . . That guy was in couch room for 1.5 hour.. I think this dancer made atleast $800 from that customer alone.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    ...or did you mean to imply that since he spent 1.5 hours in the couch room rather than the champagne room that he wouldn't have gotten to touch a boob?
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Looks like you misunderstood my post. HE spend total 4 hours with her. First in champagne room for 30 minutes ($300)don't know what she allowed and then he bought her drinks,sat with her for 30 to 40 min then they went to couch room spent around 1.5 hr.( may be they took breaks in between whatever the price per song it goes to dancer) ofcourse in couch room she was just dancing fully covered when I was taking dances. So in total I assumed he spent $800 on her. So $800 for 4 hours of quality time with solid 9.75.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I think it would be cheaper to fly to Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Miami,... and enjoy what they have to offer.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Well, in that case, it sounds like you could touch a boob for the low, low price of only $300. :-) This throws into doubt the value compared to Liwet's experience, though.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Flagooner, I can't fly to any places... To fly to those places It takes one full day round trip minimum which I can't make it
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    $200 an hour is good for her. I have seen strippers sit with one guy for 4 hours and theres no way in hell they were getting that kinda loot. If a stripper is gonna be monopolized at least make these chumps pay for it. Jeez. Then again, i dont really care what they are making anymore.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I think you math is way off. He spent well over $1k on her not including drinks so maybe approaching $2k. CR is $300 for half hour not including tips for girl and possibly bouncer. Depending how long songs are @ $30 each, unless they have promotions that lower the cost of average dance, 15-20 songs an hour is $450-600 again not including tip. So $1000 is the low end (just dancing and CR with no tips) while $1200 is the higher end (again just dancing and CR with not tips). The guy must have been a certified whale to pay that much for those services. Why anyone else would is beyond me. Unless the customer can pick out a song list and plays all Metallica (6+ minute songs) with no cuts and even then...
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Dang, man. What do you have against a guy getting to touch a boob?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Yes. $300 for vip and probably $500 worth of $30 dances=$800. That was darkblues number. He may well have(and probably did) spend more than that though, as you said, probably $1000 or more in total but spent less on her individually. But probably still spent more than $800 on her alone including drinks and tips. I cant imagine spending that kinda bread and no extras. Hell for that i want a threesome itc.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ oh my comment was for Darkblue. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Dirk, he didnt say they were doing dances the whole time.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    $30 for a low mileage bikini dance in still outrageous in any market. Save your money and drive to jersey or philly if you cant fly.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I've never been to that club and of course never will, but my understanding of couch rooms, lap dance areas, chump stations is that as soon as the next full song starts and until the last full song the dancer is on you undressed (although at this club they're never undressed), you are on the count. That's how it's been at every club i've been to. That was the whole difference between front room and back room. One is "free".
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Guys, I just need titty action.I don't expect or want to do anything else in clubs. I can't go anywhere else because of my current job. We need to just satisfy whatever is available in our area.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Cool. Just don't overpay (or really overpay for it, as i and many others consider $30 overpaying for the tamest of titty play, e.g. no nipple sucking/licking or titty job covered or uncovered) for it like that one guy.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I have thrown an approx minimum number of $800 because of my observations.She also know that I have been waiting for her.The time was around 9.50 or so 1 - They went to $300 per 30 min champagne room.They came out after 30 min 2 - They had drinks together for few min 3 - They guy went somewhere. The girl went out for smoking 4 - Waitress informed me that girl told me to wait.She will be back.. 5 - She is back and the guy also came back.They had drinks again talked for few min 6 - They left to couch room 7 - They came out after minimum 1.5 he as far as I remember 8 - They came out of couch room and went out through exit door.I was surprised where they going. Realized they went to ATM 9 - They came inside and she said good bye to him 10 - She came to me and said to sorry multiple times for making me wait. The time was 1.45am I was surprised that girl was with him for almost 4 hours. May be he is a regular who spends much every week. She definitely stands out of the rest in the club.She is the second prettiest hottest girl I have ever seen in strip clubs.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Thedirkdiggler, Just tit licking or tot sucking not titty job,that's typo from android.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ If you can get that somehow, $30 might not be too bad, but still too steep for me, particularly as regular or repeating activity, especially in light of my ATF situation (not to beat a dead horse or rub anything in anyone's face). By covered titty job, i just meant over the pants, so it's more of simulated titty job, but still feels nice. Anyway, even with your breakdown, i thought $800 was too low of a minimum unless you can spend a significant amount of time in the couch room without paying for dances or the dances/songs are really long, or they have discounted dances if you get a large number of them (like every fourth one is free or 4 for $100 or something), or the girl and guy actually negotiated a cheaper rate for an hour+. Factor in drinks and tipping and now ATM charges and the figure is much higher than $800 IMO. But you know the club and pricing way better than i do, so i won't say anymore more about it.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    [view link] may be more than $800 for sure.Unbelievable to be spending that much on one girl in one night
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    But there were only 4 customers that night. So many girls were sitting alone to themselves. May not be that this girl has to make $300 per hour.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ You still thinking about this? If the guy was a true whale (and it seems like he was) he might not care too much about how much he was spending. If the girl is really the biggest fish in that pond, she also might not care to discount much if at all. Again, i don't know your club specifics, but at the club i go to with VIPS/Champagne rooms, the girls (or the PL really) has to pay a non-negotiable room fee which can be as much if not more than half the total cost. So the dancers actually usually earn less with the CRs on an hourly basis than they do getting lap dances, where they usually keep 2/3 or more of the dance price. But even then they can't discount too much because if there is an accurate count being done, a girl will still owe around $180-300 for 24-30 dances depending on how much they have to pay per dance and how many dances they were charged with. For example, the last time i saw my ATF (which is quite detailed in my "feeling a little pathetic" discussion), there were only a handful or (maybe two maximum at one point) of customers in the entire club but at least twice as many dancers. I doubt that my ATF was giving any deals that night and i have no idea if other girls had, but i have almost never been offered a genuine discount for dances no matter how slow it was, although i could probably have negotiated them in those situations with the less popular dancers (but i have no interest in those dancers or even the more popular ones now that are not my ATF or former favorite). A $5-10 profit per dance (compared to $20 or more) is better than nothing. Anyway, i spent an hour in the chump station with her. I didn't think i was going to spend that much time and money with her, but she was making very sure that i wasn't going to stop getting dances giving me some of the best i've ever gotten from her. That hour just flew by so fast. In hindsight, i should have just taken her to the CR, because 18 songs (they cut the songs shorter on weekdays) @ $30 each cost $540 plus tip where the CR with even more privacy is $500 plus tip although the dancer keeps less. In this case she would make about $270 before tip in the CR, but $405 (75%) for the lap dances before tip, so she was much happier with the dances. I had only planned to spend around somewhat more than half or maybe two thirds that amount (which usually lasts almost an hour on weekends; they play out the songs longer and have promotions that further discount dances), but that quickly went out the window. But again, i don't know the specifics of the club and dancer and how much money she normally makes.
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