
A different kind of stripper handshake

layin low but staying high
Hot girl is she on stage. She is number one on my mental list of blow job service providers for the evening, so I'm watching her dance intently.

Loser walks up to tip her. He is clearly a newbie and looks nervous and tentative. He times the approach all wrong so just as he reaches her she turns around, not seeing him. He has a deer in headlights look, not knowing what to do. Instead of just waiting ten seconds until she turns around, he sheepishly walks back to his seat in defeat. The stripper never saw him.

Next song she is still on stage. Loser gathers his courage and walks back up to her, dollar bill in hand. Unbelievably, he totally fucks it up again. Just as he walks up she turns around and doesn't see him. She is not being evasive, she just doesn't see him.

Guy looks panicked again, but he doesn't walk off. Instead he says, in a voice that I'm sure was much louder than he intended, "hello." Most people in the club heard him. It was very loud. She is obviously startled but turns around. Facing her is a 50ish desheveled looking guy who has a huge grin on his face like a little kid who just opened up a new bike on Christmas morning. I'm not sure that he's ever been this close to a nude woman before.

Then he does something bizarre. He reaches his hand out towards her. At first I think he is reaching for a tit, which will probably get him kicked out of this place. But he doesn't touch her. Instead he just holds his hand out to her. He is offering to shake hands. In. 25 years of going to strip clubs I have never seen a guy walk up to a stripper on stage and shake her hand.

The dancer is clearly taken aback somewhat by this gesture. But what choice does she have? She reaches out and shakes his hand. And then the funniest part. He won't let go. He just keeps pumping her hand with a shit eating huge grin all over his face. For a few seconds it looks like a bouncer might have to disengage his hand from hers.

Finally the girl manages to pull her hand away. He still stands there staring at her naked body. Then, finally, he remembers why he is there. He holds out the $1 bill like it has a couple of zeros after that 1.

The bad news, however, is that this girl didn't end up giving me a blow job. I had to settle for an LDK from an exceptionally hot blond.

Anybody else ever seen a stripper handshake like this one?


  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Sounds like that stage could use some mirrors around it. I've had strippers shake my hand at the stage, but never offered it like it's a business meeting. I have seen guys initiate a handshake, but not like what you described. That sounds like something awkward, and I'm surprised someone didn't heckle him.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    You always have great stories!
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    Not like you described but just a couple weeks ago, I shook hands with 3 different strippers on stage in row. However, it was during the day shift, the club was incredibly slow and I was the only one who was at the tip rail. Rather than each of the girls doing a dance in the middle of the stage (they are forced to take turns on the stage even if no one is along the stage), they came over to me, I greeted each of them with a hand shake and had small conversations with them while they danced/wiggled just for me instead of centrally on the stage. It seemed to me like the appropriate way to get the names of the dancers as I have read a bunch of names on this website for this club I started going to and wanted to put some names to some faces.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Nice LDK ending to the story. Now you're one of us!!
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    no, never seen this happen. really good description of what happened. I could see it all in my head
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yes it is true, not every one has reached the same level of lecherous womanizing as our JohnSmith69 has.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    We were all newbs at some point and most of us probably had that "deer om the headlights" look at first while we tried to take in this strip club bizarro world
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    It’s what strip clubs were made for. Guys like that, who can actually see a hot woman nude or semi nude, who aside from the club would never otherwise see such a beauty naked.

    It’s PLs like us who exploit such a treat to the max and take much more from the club experience than what was originally intended. Then again these strippers probably get a lot more out of our wallets than the average PL too.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    That's right, strip clubs are for learning. And most of all you learn that buying dances is a chump's game.

  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i still get that 'deer in the headlights' look when i encounter a pretty woman...
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Damn, John, I wish I had known you were in the club that night. I could have used some advice!
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    It’s a very unusual way to approach a dancer. It’s even more unusual to do this while a dancer is on stage. A verbal hello - in a loud voice - and a handshake - are possible signs of minimal social skills (and possible little social interaction).

    Hopefully he didn’t get himself into trouble with the bouncers. In some clubs - the bouncers can be more aggressive - and guys can get tossed for minimal infractions.
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