Trumps boldfaced lies

avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
I had told myself I was no longer going to create political threads but this is upsetting, and it doesn’t make me a snowflake, regardless of what anyone thinks. I’m talking about the fact that Donald Trump has finally made up a lie I never thought he would. He claimed that Obama and previous presidents never called gold star families to express condolences for our service people killed in defense of this great nation. This man is a disgrace to the nation,and any of you that try to defend this are shameless lying hypocritical weaklings.


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avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I voted for Gary Johnson, the outcome of the election surprised me... But I don't think it is any surprise that Trump is a lying narcissistic scoundrel. That doesn't necessarily mean I would prefer Hillary though.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Be careful, you might melt.

avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
What he should have reminded people is that the traitor Obama released 5 members of the Taliban in exchange for the deserter Bergdahl. Words mean jack shit compared to incompetent, traitorous actions like releasing the enemy for a deserter.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Trump campaigns solely to his stalwart base, who prefers to not fact check anything he says. Or, just don't care if it's true or not.

Not really a partisan statement, though, when you consider that Hillary Clinton's stalwart base is no different.

Though I consider myself more of a libertarian than anything else, I've never been a fan of the Libertarian Party. It would be nice if they could run a candidate who isn't a former C-/D+ state governor.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@ishmael not concerned about the fact that it’s partisan I am concerned that he is trying to tear the fabric of civility and now more than ever I believe it’s intentional and we know it’s wrong on so many levels he needs to be called on his lying.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
While Trump is a buffoonish asshole, the idea that he is tearing the country apart just shows the depth of ignorance on the left. He exists and is in power because YOU tore the country apart lefties. He is a reaction to an action, not the other way around. Phrases like White privilege; angry White men; homophobe; nazi and on and on and on which are hurled at everyone who doesn't toe the leftist line created Donald Trump. The idea his supporters are the dumbest in the country flies in the face of government statistics on the least educated groups in the country, which all vote Democrat. America still rues the day they didn't choose Romney.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@ skibum spare us the wacky shit I’m not a lefty maybe you just haven’t put it together this kind of stuff is repugnant and you know it very well.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
News flash!!!!

A politician lied.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I just read skibum's post.

I don't see anything wacky about it, in fact I agree.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
The reason why talking politics is a no win situation is partly due to the environment. You need to cheat, steal, and lie in order to obtain and maintain office.

It's like almost any sport, if you're not cheating then you're giving the edge to the competition. Guarantee every NASCAR Sprint Cup champion over the past 5 decades has been involved in breaking the rules and covering it up. Same goes with baseball World Series, the players have to use some sort of performance enhancement drugs, and they just know how to hide it better.

Talking snack about ones potato all opposition only invites people to roll their eyes. We are all guilty of doing it at some point in time, but most of us learn to move on to better things that we can control.

Trump was the lesser of two evils.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ suppose to be "talking smack about ones political opposition", but you get the gist.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
Trump is a cult of personality to his supporters; issues mean nothing to them. I'm not sure if I should be happy or appalled that it's only about 33% of us.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Sorry 25, but the idea that Trump has caused the split in this country in seven months and 8 years of Obama the wannabe dictator had no effect is nonsense. They are both the same despicable, pompous assholes. Neither gave a shit about this country and I hate both equally. On the day that pos traitor that Obama traded 5 terrorists for decides to admit to desertion, the fact people are whining about Trumpy lying is inane.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Did he lie or was he simply mistaken? I'm not sure to be honest. He has a bad habit of shooting off the hip, amply evidenced by his Tweets.

Look, Trump was my 4th choice behind 3 other Republican contenders. Jeb Bush was #1, followed by two others. But as long as he continues to do what I want (promote strong economic activity through de-regulation, blow up this atrocious healthcare legislation, give the country some tax relief) I will support him. Indeed, I seriously wonder whether a more timid President would have accomplished even a portion of what Trump has already done in his short time in office.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I don't think that Trump caused the ever-widening and vitriolic partisan split in the US, but it's also fair to say that he's doing more to widen it than close it.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
@SkiBirther wrote: "The idea his supporters are the dumbest in the country flies in the face of government statistics on the least educated groups in the country, which all vote Democrat."

Actually that's completely wrong. There's a strong correlation b/w Trump support and lack of education:

Careful statistical study: Education, not income, predicted who voted for Trump:…

Nate Silver is one of the best data-science based journalist in the business. Get your facts straight @SkiBirther. And, no, Obama was not born in Kenya.

avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
rockstar posted: "Trump is a cult of personality to his supporters; issues mean nothing to them. I'm not sure if I should be happy or appalled that it's only about 33% of us."

I've heard this same stupid theory too many times to count, almost always spouted by liberal press that simply cannot imagine that others don't feel the same way that they do on a variety of issues.

Well, here's a news flash: when you leave one of the 487 counties that Hillary won and enter one of the over 2,600 counties that Trump took, or even when you leave one of the 20 states that Hillary won and enter one of the 30 states that supported Trump, you'll meet a lot of people with differing views on these issues. You can actually drive from coast to coast without ever going through a county where the majority of voters agreed with Hillary's view of the world. Yet you would never know this from all of the nonsense posted on major media sites, which of course are populated by people in Dem bastions like NYC, DC and L.A.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I find 25 honorable. We just disagree. I also agree with Ish's comment that Trump is widening the pre-existing gap and would add in that the media is driving this bullshit. The last time the media was so totally out of control was the late 1800's and the result was the Spanish-American war.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Random can childishly call names, since that's very progressive, but the simple fact is that Government statistics show who the least educated groups in America are and they vote Democrat. I don't dispute that philosophy majors ,art majors, women's studies majors etc. voted progressive and that carpenters, electricians and plumbers voted Trump, but then again "educated" is a term of art and I would suggest that just because one has a college degree that doesn't mean they are actually educated. If Obama were born in Hawaii he'd have executed a Hippa compliant release and released his contemporaneous birth records, which he cannot because he wasn't born there.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
Rick, this has nothing to do with Clinton. Obama was a cult of personality too. Clinton lost no because of her stances on issues, it's that she had such a grating personality that she didn't get enough of her supporters to come out to vote for her.

Trump rallied his base just like Obama did. That's how Trump won. The fact he's marginally insane and extremely mean spirited had nothing to do with it.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I find it disgusting that this draft dodging, son of a bitch would use dead soldiers to score political points in this fashion, we are talking about a man who disrespected John McCain's service, during the campaign he went after a Gold Star family the Khans, he is unfit to lead a pack of rats, let alone serve as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, we have never had a a man with such little integrity, or self awareness .
Say what you want about Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, but none of them ever said anything of this magnitude of of disgusting.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I read skibum’s post - and it seems on point. Trump and Hillary were both unsavory candidates. In my view - Trump was the less unsavory candidate. I don’t need another Clinton trying to tell me what to do!
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
@Dugan wrote: "blow up this atrocious healthcare legislation"

Good luck to you @Dugan. I don't have any direct experience with these health plans that sell across state lines. I read that they have an awful reputation for actually paying what they're supposed to. And if you do end up getting cancer, and you can't get insurance anymore because of your pre-existing condition, your wife can always become a maid or a stripper to support your family.

TUSCL is just full of these Libertarian John Galt types who feel they're heroes of American capitalism ... until they really need help themselves.
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
We all bear responsibility for the debacle of this presidency. All of us try to put the blame on "those snivelling, unpatriotic douche bag _______s." Well, folks, all of us are to blame when we allow sound bite campaigning to replace reasoned discussion of issues. If we can't fix this before the next election or two, I fear for this nation.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Random, the main problem with this legislation is that it relies upon too few people to pay for too many. It is a fatal flaw for which there is no fix short of expanding the requirements to rope in 150+ million people on employer provided plans, which neither party has the political courage to attempt.

The problem with liberals is that they are always supportive of spending money on social long as it's mostly other people's money. Pay $20k per year for a family of five like I do, which gives me insurance that doesn't cover jack shit with high deductibles and copays, and I bet you'd have an epiphany soon enough. Many millions are stuck in the same boat with no relief in sight, so you'd better believe that I and millions like me - almost all of whom were Trump supports - want this thing killed dead.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
"Random can childishly call names, since that's very progressive..."

Sure. Because I've never, ever seen conservatives resort to juvenile name calling. Definitely not on TUSCL. And certainly not in this very thread...

(awkward cough)

Plenty of uneducated, undereducated, and just plain ignorant people vote strictly along partisan lines on both sides of the political divide. It's how we ended up having to choose between a nightmare and a nightmare in a pantsuit.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I’m part of Trump’s base. I know he is narcissistic, crude, and often speaks without knowing the facts. I also know he is the best shot we’ve had for shrinking the power held in Washington.
Hillary was convinced the Billy Bush tape would doom Trump. She vastly underestimated the anger that the majority of Americans feel toward politicians on both side of the aisle. As long as Trump stays with his agenda, I’m sticking with him. So is his base of 40% of the population.
Bernie understood the anger of the people. He might have won, but the Washington swamp cut him off at the knees.
If Trump ever reverses one of his major policy points, like building the wall, he will be toast. Until then, pointing out that he is personnally flawed is just a waste of effort.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I don't think I've ever seen anyone convince anyone else of anything on a political thread on the Internet. That being said, I find it rather remarkable that a bunch of horn dogs, a few strippers and a few female adventurers actually get along most of the time on this site, in spite of our differences. I'm thinking most human acrimony must be the result of too much pent up jizz.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
+ 100 Huntsman. Here's one thing we all can agree on, we all like boobies
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Well said Huntsman. I like the way you’ve summed things up.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
The issue I have with trump is he likes to hear himself talk. He likes to think he is perfect and the best.

I gaurntee you that if you took a 10 lbs shit he would come out and say he did one that was 15 lbs.

He needs to keep his mouth shut on the "social" type issues or things. Just like 25 stated... all presidents mourn our fallen service men and women. Don't act like you are the first.

he just likes to hear himself speak.....


Like others have stated he is doing things to right the ship IMHO. Leave all the Dems vs Rep bull shit that the media and others (trump included) are doing.

Look at what he is doing..... trying to lower taxes (you cant lower them for every single person... but honestly the middle class could benefit. We just need to see the cut off's for his tax brackets), he is re-negotiating trade deals to help the USA not the rest of the world, He is finally drawing a line or trying to stop N. Korea, Trying to do something about the Health Care in this country... (yet not touching on the main issue... HIGH COSTS OF MEDICAL SERVICES)..... etc.

He should shut up and just work on policy...
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

I didn't hear President Trump say what you claim. I read transcripts and such. To me this seems more semantics. From what I garnered from coverage, discounting the wacky far left, is that he was referring to every soldier. I could be wrong, of course, but that the gist of what I've read.

I am not taking sides here as I know President Trump can be brutally honest at times and often offends some people. And there are many that are very selectively "offended". See weinstein.

There are many examples of obama's foils that never were even mentioned by the "press".

No President has ever been under the microscope as has President Trump. Trust me, this won't be the last time you'll be upset with him. But I do think you were upset long before this, likely around 11/9/16 at 2:40am.

BTW, You mentioned in another rant that he was a "draft dodging" SOB. Well I take great offense to this from a personal standpoint! I was, of course, prime draft age with a low number. I, too, took an educational deferment when I was in collage. I left collage and then attended an electronics school. Again deferred. After I graduated I got my first real job. I started my new work. A week after I started I got a notice to appear for my physical! At that time I went to the recruiters to see where I could put my electronics training to use. The Navy offered that opportunity.

So I go to take my physical. I filled out the check list when I got there. It asked about physical issues one might have. I checked my back and foot. When I went through they asked me about them. I explained the back as football related and the foot as a gunshot wound. They didn't even bother with the back, took one x-ray of my foot. I was classified as 1H, Not currently subject to processing for induction. Within the year, that was changed to 4F. After i left the physical, I stopped on the way home to see the Navy office to see if I could still go into the Navy. No can do!

So, I will assume that I, too, am a draft dodging SOB in your book!

I also pointed out that there were over a MILLION sorties in Vietnam. A very few got shot down. Some paid for it with their lives. Some were POWs. Not to denigrate their service, but they failed their missions.Those that died often go unsung as heroes, while at the same time McClain is deified! I do not do so.

As for the Khan family, I can certainly sympathize with their loss, but THEY chose to enter a political fight and use their dead son as a shield. Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test.

Guess I got it all off my chest.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Clubber if you were badmouthing all of these people as he has I would refer to yo as a draft dodging SOB but in my discussions with you I have never heard you badmouthing anyone that I can recall so it’s not the same thing, others have taken advantage of those deferments that you are talking about, if they respect the fact that others have served been wounded and KIA in their stead, I have no problem with them either. If you like I’ll try to post a link to his statement but if you tell me it’s doctored like some are trying to say I will get angry. I saw the statement in real time with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.
What doesn’t pass the smell test is his behavior I disagree with your assessment of Khizzar Khan and his family. If you don’t like what he had to say that’s fine but dishonoring his son does not become a candidate, for the highest office in America
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Lol it's funny to see someone who left college say "I left collage."

...Yeah, I bet you did.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ Shit starter.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
LOL! @Clubber the "collage" boy. Didn't realize he was such an artistic arts & crafts guy.

I've seen "collage" girls over on Seeking Arrangements, too.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@rickdugan said "Trump was my 4th choice behind 3 other Republican contenders. Jeb Bush was #1, followed by two others."

Just curious, who were your 2nd and 3rd choices? Bush was my third choice behind Paul and Cruz. Trump would have been roughly my 52,000th choice, tied with Hillary and Bernie Sanders.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Call.Me.Ishmael said "I've never been a fan of the Libertarian Party. It would be nice if they could run a candidate who isn't a former C-/D+ state governor."

Hey now, they usually run college professors and small business owners for president. And then for senator, they run pizza delivery guys. LOL. But seriously, who gave Johnson and Weld a C- or a D+? They had one or two bad years according to Cato, but they were still pretty good.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@skibum609 said "If Obama were born in Hawaii he'd have executed a Hippa compliant release and released his contemporaneous birth records, which he cannot because he wasn't born there."

Come on, skibum, you had some really good points and then you ruin it when you say crazy things like this.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@mark94 said "I’m part of Trump’s base... If Trump ever reverses one of his major policy points, like building the wall, he will be toast."

I appologize for calling Trump's supporters idiots in another thread; you seem like a smart guy. But I predict that, if and when Trump completely reverses himself, his base will blame everyone and everything BUT Donald Trump for it. That's the nature of tribal politics. The knives won't come out for Trump until the very last year of his second term, if he has one, by which time his base will have transferred their adulation onto the next Great Leader of their tribe who promises to fix everything. Works the exact same way for the Democrats, too.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Wow, you seem convinced that you know the future. I know that I don’t.
So far, Trump has kept his promises. As long as he does, I support him. If he changes, as you predict, then I won’t.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Clubber said "Those that died often go unsung as heroes, while at the same time McClain is deified! I do not do so."

John McCain was tortured for years, they repeatedly broke his limbs, stabbed him with bayonets, left him in a bamboo cage in the hot sun with no shade and no water, etc. Then the North Vietnamese found out that he was the son of a Rear Admiral and they offered to release him, but he refused to leave until all the men who were captured before him were released first. For a little while, he even refused to make propaganda videos for the VCs, until they broke him. That's pretty amazing stuff. It was a stupid war, McCain was nuts to volunteer for it, and I often totally disagree with his political views, but he did act quite heroically. When Trump denigrated McCain, I appreciated his willingness to "smash idols," but he still sounded like someone who knew very little about what he was talking about.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
So far if you discount the BS being spewed I think Trump is doing marginally better over all than the last three occupant of the White House. After all he really can't do much worse than Obama the apologist who trades terrorist leaders for for an admitted traitor. Bush II who got the patriot act passed that nullifies a good portion of the bill of rights.
and Clinton the child molester.
I am waiting to make a judgement on how things are going to be. I am seeing all the insiders from DC scrambling to cover their asses, divert attention from their thieving criminal behavior and point their collective finger at minutia to shift the spotlight from their misdeeds to others including Trump.
I will not go into the list of liars, crooks, and incompetents that have been in Washington for years that would be in jail if they were in business and subject their own laws because it would be faster to name the honest.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil.…

avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
McCain acted heroically in Vietnam but used that fame to gain a job that he has no business doing. He was used up in Vietnam and broken. While I respect what he was able to endure it require him to endure. I personally have known POWs from WWII that endured as much from the Japanese and did not break.
He is the ultimate insider and always sought the path of least resistance which is why he was run against Obama the first time because he was told to lose and he lost with honor just like he did in Vietnam. Frankly he sold his soul in South-East Asia and never got it back.
Trump has yet to stop saying things bluntly and couch his speech in DC manure. He is ignorant of the ways of the lowest form of life on the planet (politicians) and has not learned that prostitution is a way of life there and like hollywood where you are required to suck off the powers already in place to not have the complicit media hyenas nipping at your.(Sorry if I have offended any honest prostitutes by comparing them to politicians because at least prostitutes are human beings, whereas politicians are parasites that infect societies, like HIV they infect and eventually kill the host)
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
BHO posted: "Just curious, who were your 2nd and 3rd choices? Bush was my third choice behind Paul and Cruz. Trump would have been roughly my 52,000th choice, tied with Hillary and Bernie Sanders."

Bush #1 (as previously said, then Rubio, Paul and Trump.

What I liked about the first 3 candidates is that they share positions with Trump on most matters, but they are far more moderate on immigration.

Trump's focus on immigration is just stupid from a future economic standpoint. Our population is aging and we need immigrants in order to avoid becoming Japan (or for that matter some European countries) 20 or 30 years from now, with uncontrollable spending on senior care and perennially anemic economic growth due to very low labor force participation.

For decades, with our domestic reproduction rates continuing to decline, immigrants have helped us avoid the same fate by providing new blood, needed manual labor and, of course, more payments into the Social Security system. This trend started to change with the immigration reforms in 1996, when family based immigration was made much tougher, and Trump is going to make it even worse. We have fewer people paying in for each retiree every year and we need more young workers to pay into the system and to generate overall economic activity, not less.

Yet, like Japan, with a stagnant population very resistant to immigration and too stupid to understand the long term consequences for future generations, we have a President playing to the most ignorant and insular dipshits in our population.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@rickdugan, I basically agree with that. I also think it's just wrong to prevent someone from crossing a line in the sand who just wants to come here to work harder and cheaper than his competition. Not to mention it's un-American.

But just so you know, Paul is also pretty anti-immigration and he has been for most of his Senate career. Anyway, what did you have against Cruz? His policies are about 95% identical to Paul's.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

I had my say and you had yours. I doubt I'd ever convince you where you are wrong, nor will you ever convince we where I might be.

Let's leave it at that.

BTW, in talking with vincemichaels while he was down our way, you didn't come up in the conversation. Seemed in another conversation you got to meet him. That's great. I really feel bad I couldn't get to see him on this visit of his to S. Florida.

Who knows what the future "portends"!
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

You mentioned "Those that died often go unsung as heroes, while at the same time McClain is deified! I do not do so.", but took it out of context. It was forwarded by "Not to denigrate their service, but they failed their missions." He is included in "their"!

I saw no need to itemized what they endured as that has been, in McCain's case, repeated ad nauseam.

avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
It's "baldfaced".
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Clubber, @Tiredtraveler,

I understand what you're saying. But it doesn't change anything. Either McCain's a war hero or he isn't. Trump said he isn't. And he said the reason why is because he was captured.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the sentiment. Whenever anyone has a heated debate with McCain, at some point they will be admonished to show him more respect because he's a war hero. (Well, anyone except for Obama, but that's another story.) It's frustrating. And maybe it's enough to make Trump say what he did.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
Well, I agree with him, to a point. ANYONE in the military is a hero in my book, but in the context that it is usually used for McCain, he isn't. Reason, had he not got shot down (failed his mission) he would have been just another of the faceless that flew those other hundreds of thousands of successful missions.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Clubber, I'm not sure I understand. If everyone in the military is automatically a hero, by your definition, then that includes McCain. Personally, I'm not sure I agree with that anyway. You mean to tell me that all it takes is putting on the uniform and you're a bonafide hero? Really? Was Lynndie England a hero? How about Bowe Bergdahl? And how about the hundreds of thousands of people who wear the uniform but never come anywhere near a battlefield for their entire length of service? Or how about all the people in military prisons? They're locked up for murder, or rape, or child pornography, or going AWOL, etc. Are they all heroes, too? And lots of politically controversial people were in the military, you know. Richard Nixon was in the military. Was he a hero? How about John Kerry? Is he your hero? And are we only talking about the American military? Hitler was in the German Army. In fact, he was wounded in battle. Does that make Hitler a hero? Think about it, doesn't it seem silly to blanket an entire category of people with unconditional praise without knowing anything about their individual circumstances?

The thing about McCain that makes him so heroic isn't that he was shot down; it's how he behaved in captivity after he was shot down. He refused to be released until those who were captured before him were released first. He chose to remain a captive because of his own moral code, or sense of duty, or whatever. He also used morse code to communicate with other prisoners for years to try to keep their spirits up, even though he was at times close to death himself. Yes, I'm sure he began thinking about his future political career as soon as he was released, but I doubt that he spent much time thinking about getting elected while he was having his arms repeatedly broken by the North Vietnamese, knowing that he could die. He can't even comb his own hair to this day. Listen, I don't personally like McCain and I disagree with him on so much (even though I did vote for him in 2008). But facts are facts.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@BHF @ Clubber not sure what all of the deviation from who is a war hero or not has to do with the presidents claim that our previous leaders never called the families of fallen service members ?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@ Clubber RE;VM met with him and Papi in Pompano last Thursday good afternoon he’s a good guy and he did mention that he was hoping to meet up with you but I guess you guys never got the opportunity.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@twentyfive, we got off on a tangent, but if you read back through it I think you'll understand the progression
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

We've met up a couple of times down south, but this time I just couldn't make it. For some things, it sucks to be in a rural area. :)
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
From today’s Washington Post

From our perusal of news reports and news databases, we could not find any contemporaneous evidence that Obama spoke about such calls or that the White House announced he had called families.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

First, it doesn't seem you read. I said, "Well, I agree with him, to a point. ANYONE in the military is a hero in my book, but in the context that it is usually used for McCain, he isn't."
"Context", a very important word in the English language.

Also, you are getting way to tedious in trying to manipulate what I say. I tire of that. So, have a great rest of your life.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Clubber, that's fair enough. It's like @huntsman said, no one ever convinced anyone of anything on a political thread on the internet anyway. No hard feelings.
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