
Clubbing in the hood

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Bottoms Up in Brooklyn, IL:

"... I went to Bottoms Up 3 nights in a row. I should have quit while I was behind. I arrived in town on a Wednesday night and had to check it out. I guess I was trying to re-live the good time from my previous visit. Wednesday night was pretty dead. There was 1 decent looking slim AA dancer that I tipped several dollars and received a few dances. She said that VIP wasnt open. I came back on Thursday night and there was more talent on duty. The quality improved slightly. I got a couple of table dances on the floor from a dancer that I found very attractive. After 2 dances, I asked her how much she said $40. I thought the songs were 10 a song based on previous dances. She asked me if she looked like a $10 a song girl ( I thought to myself, YES). I paid her 40 & left.

On Friday, I arrived around midnight. There was a dancer on stage i definitely wanted to sample. I wasn't in there more than 10 minutes, when I heard, if you are driving a black car and parked near the stop sign, your car is being towed. I ran outside to see a tow truck turning the corner, leaving with my car. I was told by guys standing outside that I would have to go to the police precinct down the street to get a "tow release". I walked the 2-3 blocks down the dark streets and through an alley to the cop station. Normally, I would have been a little hesitant and concerned about walking in the dark in a foreign place. I was so pissed that I was ready for someone to jump out and try some shit, along the way. When I got to the station, no one was there. It was inside a "Village Hall", not even a City Hall or Town Hall. I walked back to the club and was told that I should flag down 1 of the 2 police cars circling the blocks. I flagged down 1 of the cars, and the cop told me to go back to the station and he would meet me there. I walked back to the station and then waited about 15 minutes. A different cop showed up and said he would handle the paper work. I was told my car was towed because I was parked within 30 feet of a stop sign. Who the fuck enforces a law like that at midnight??! I never knew that was a law, and from my experience, there is usually a red painted area on the curb indicating when you are too close to the intersection. Plus, this particular stop sign was probably about 30 ft away from the corner!

Anyway, because I was in a rental car, I was told that getting my car back was a little more complicated since they had to go thru the rental company to have them as the actual owner verify the car. After about 2 hours, I was informed by the cops that the fine was $150 (cash only) before I could get a tow release form to get the car. I paid the SOB's and asked about the tow cost. The tow company was in the next town over. After some maneuvering, I made it to the tow company and had to pay another $210 (cash only) to get my car. In total, a $360 scam!!! Fortunately, I hadn't started spending any money in the club and I had the cash on me. Brooklyn is a fucking bombed out, shithole of a town. Hopefully, the motherfuckers will use at least part of my money & others who get scammed to start fixing up the broken down armpit of a place.

On a brighter note, my morning ended well because I received a call from a girl I met in Scarlett's earlier in the evening ..."



  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Yes shit happens in the hood. Lol. This is how the government does. Take from the niggas knowing it probably is nowhere else to park.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Wow. That's a rough night. Good thing no one did try to mug him because they would have been packing more than fists. Don't care how mad you are a gun will end things quickly.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't have been surprised if he went back the next night. He seems to be a glutton for punishment.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    That definitely sucks! If his car was near the club - and they were aware of the local police and their ticketing practices - the club mgmt should have given customers a heads up.

    Clubs that have no parking lot should keep customers aware of issues with street parking. It's important for customers be able to relax and enjoy the club.
  • sweetjamesjones
    7 years ago
    I was down there this past weekend. I guess I won’t complain anymore about having to pay the $10 or $20 they charge to park in the lots right outside of the club. That definitely beats being out of $320.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    It's a racket. Fucking bullshit.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Judging by the title of this thread I was expecting it to be a recap of your annual social meeting with the KKK.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ I don't go to KKK rallies anymore, I've switched to "Black Lives Matter " rallies b/c there's way more booty in the latter
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^LMAO Papi_Chulo is the leader of the "Black Booties Matter" movement.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    all booties matter
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