
Do you have another Clubbing Persona?

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
If you get invited to a guy's night out with friends that (compared to everyone on tuscl) are rank amateurs at strip clubbing, how do you handle that?

I usually suggest a tamer club more on the eye candy air dance end of the spectrum. This would not be a place I frequent so I would not expect to run into dancers that know me and greet me by name.

If I am along for the ride and we end up at a club I DO frequent, I have had very good luck with dancers recognizing that I am with some kids in a candy shop. The dancer will NOT greet me like they have sucked my cock before and will play like they don't know me. On later trips they may even ask who those guys were.

Do you have problems with dancers "outing you" if you come in as part of an obvious one-time friends night out?


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Nope. What you see is what you get.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    There was one time I had to go out with a bunch of guys to a club for a buddy's bachelor party. It was a little weird, not going to lie.

    Here I am, in my element, wondering if any of the dancers are going to know me or who I am. And here are all these other noobs I know from outside the club -- no better word for it, really -- totally not getting what the whole club thing is supposed to be about. No singles (some didn't even bring much money, period), all looking like deer in the headlights, all trying to act cool, then looking like they had never seen a naked woman in their lives.

    The weird part was seeing them all be so uncomfortable. That's what was strange to me. They're all there in their seats, squirming, not sure what to do. It's like, "Hey, it's just naked women. Enjoy it. Act like you've been around them before."

    I did buy a set of lappers for the groom with the hottest girl in there. He said I had excellent taste.

    Then, I went back the next weekend and did a room with the same girl. She said she remembered me and was happy I recommended her. Her room, though, wasn't stellar.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    For the record, I did kind of have to play it cool. I said that the club had sponsored a softball team I was on in college and that meant I wasn't unfamiliar, something that club does do.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've done this a few times, and (as described above) it usually is a bit odd seeing other non-PL types in the club.

    I will try to direct the group to a eye candy - low mileage - club. I do this because I don't want there to be too much of an issue with any of the married guys. It's dangerous to put certain married guys in extras clubs. They might not be able to resist the offerings - and then you end up dealing with a guy who has made some bad choices - and who needs to do some painful explaining to his wife.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Nope. I even tell the truth when talking to strippers. I may withhold, but I don't lie (usually). ;-)
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    One two guys I was friends with decided to show me a good time. They ended up taking me to a strip club I frequented at that time. Their faces were classic as we entered and a favorite of mine yelled my name, ran over to give me a hug, and sat down on my lap. That is only time I have ever clubbed with other guys. I am a loner when I club.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    "Friends"? Not sure I'm familiar with the term.

    I have gone to clubs with acquaintances before. In one instance they wanted to go to a place at which I frequently get my dick sucked. I texted one of the dancers I knew worked there and said, "if you see me there with a bunch of other people, please tell everybody that they don't know me."

    She did, and it was like walking into the club for the very first time. :)
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I don't have a persona I put on for anyway. I am who I am. I generally prefer to club alone, but I do periodically go with friends. I prefer a different set of clubs when alone, but there is some overlap.

    I've had dancers, bartenders, managers, greet me when coming in with friends. I'm pretty open about my lifestyle and fondness of strippers with my friends, so its not really a problem for me. I would prefer that they had the sense to let me take the lead and not make it obvious they know me, but I've never seen strip club staff smart enough to do that. The funny thing is that when I see them in public, which I seem to often do, they all expect me to extend them that courtesy and will often thank me for doing so the next time I see them at work. So, its odd that they seem to understand the concept but can't seem to be bothered to do it themselves.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I am generally outgoing and gregarious I would say the same all of the time.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Nope. I'm the same either way. I'm also the guy who reads Tuscl with his wife, so take that into account.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I tell everyone I’m a white wannabe wrapper from North Carolina. Just got off the Greyhound bus with $100 in singles (well, $88 in singles. I stopped at Wendy’s and KFC). and I’m looking for a pale white red headed girl who’s covered in tattoos!!!

    And if she’s dressed as a clown, bonus!!!

  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Doesn't really matter the company, but I have two. Retired old dude and old biker dude. The latter most always works better.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I'm still me but I do get into a bit of the fantasy that I'm a good looking stud and all the strippers want my big dick. It's more of an attitude than a persona.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I think "persona" was a bad choice of words. What is different when out with friends is that I do not act like I am there all the time, do not go for kitty play, etc and certainly do not excuse myself to go get a BJ in VIP.

    I am basically a good boy first timer. I also save lots of money by not partaking.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    LOL the only time I change my attitude and moreover my actual behavior in a strip club is when my wife wants to go with me. LMAO we never go to my normal clubs and I just pray an ATF (current or ex) doesn't see me and jump on me or hug me like a regular. With wife we usually just sit and tip at the stage and I appreciate the extra attention she gets. We have also done private dances at the same time and side by side but I would make sure my dance stayed one-way and no OTP stick shifting.

    With my buddies I'm the same PL lecher as I am alone.
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