
Is your go-to club non-smoking?

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Monday, October 9, 2017 1:58 PM
In my area (northern NJ) the clubs are non-smoking. I'm a non-smoker, and I prefer a non-smoking club environment. Is your club non-smoking? Do you prefer a non-smoking club? Does your club have a place to accommodate the smokers (outdoors or indoors)?


  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    All indoor areas that are accessible to the public are smoke free over here. That's just fine by me. The only thing I dislike about going to clubs in the U.S. is leaving with the smell of smoke on my clothes, as well as the smoky atmosphere.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Miami clubs allow smoking but it's not too bad b/c: a) the black dives I hit the black folks do not smoke too regularly except for some weed every now and then which doew bither me but it's not too prevalent - rarely have been approached by an AA dancer with cig in-hand in these small black clubs (can't even remember a time) 2) the non-black Miami clubs are mostly Latinos and some smoking but not super prevalent IME it's been in the white clubs where I've had the toughest time with cig smoke all over the damn club including dancers puffing away like their life depended on it
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    All clubs in AZ are non smoking. My normal club does have a smoking area outside for dancers and customers.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    the Majority of the clubs I go to allow smoking inside the club. As a non-smoker I wish they didn’t, but I can tolerate it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    All businesses are non-smoking by law in CA ... a law I fucking well adore. Ya,all the SCs are non-smoking here
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I'm glad the clubs in my area are non-smoking now. When they allowed smoking - the mix of cigarette smoke, stripper perfume, stripper body smells and glitter - would make a mess of the clothes I would wear to the club. It was challenging to wash those smells out of clothing. The dry cleaning didn't get it all out either.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    All Atlanta clubs allow smoking. I'm an ex smoker so cigarette smoke smell does not bother me. I can even put up with the smell of pot. But those fucking cigars are cock blockers.
  • nj_pete
    7 years ago
    Being in NJ clubs are non smoking, on my occasional visit to PA clubs, of which some allow smoking, I try to stay away from the smokers and leave car window down on way home, my SO has a good sense of smell! So I much prefer non smoking clubs.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    most clubs in my area allow smoking. only 2 of them don’t I despise cig smoke, but if it’s not too busy I can tolerate it
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Noooo smoking here. I don't smoke and I'd rather not breathe other people's smoke. But i also live in the Land of 10,000 Hypocrtical Politicians Who Wish to Legislate All Personal Behaviors. Thus, tobacco, alcohol, weed, heterosexual sex, thinking of fucking a member of the opposite sex, and generally having fun are officially prohibited. Admitting to knowing anyone who does or likes those things or speaking approvingly of such a person is also officially prohibited. But of course, people do all these things anyway. So strippers and there cuties can't smoke inside. However, I know very few strippers that don't smoke and they are willing to do so outside in sub zero temps.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I wish.
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Most Detroit clubs have a smoking area like an upstairs bar. Customers sometimes smoke in the non-smoking areas too.
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    I intentionally avoid smoking clubs. All of the clubs I frequent are non-smoking. Although, I guess I've gotten a bit complacent. I completely missed that Key West clubs allow smoking, but by that point I was beyond the point of no return.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    All the clubs I go to in Indiana and Illinois are non-smoking except the dive bars in Washington Park. Though I'm not particularly bothered by the smell of tobacco smoke, since my parents smoked throughout my childhood, I do *love* the ritual of the "smoke break" necessitated by the in-club smoking ban.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I have a buddy that comes to town and smokes a cigar so heavily that the table is covered in a cloud. He wonders why no dancers will approach us.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Just a smoking story. On a visit to Atlanta, I went to, I think it was Cheetah, SC would know. I walked in at sat at the bar, only one there. I asked the bartender if a cigar was ok, certainly was is answer as he brought out a first class ash tray and lighter for me. After I got my Jack I looked around and saw another bar with customers. I excused myself and headed that way. As I was sitting at the bar, the barmaid came over and told me i could smoke at the bar. I told her I was told at the other bar I could. Her response was, "I'm allergic to smoke." I don't even know if one can be. Anyway, to avoid a scene, I got up to head to a table and mentioned to her that perhaps she should think of another work environment.
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