
Does anyone DATY?

avatar for Cashman1234
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.

There have been several comments about kissing strippers, and that got me thinking about the potential issues with DATY. Do any PL's enjoy this knowing what might have just been in there?


last comment
avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

I have dined at the Y on rare occasion, but only at the beginning of a shift and only with a select few. Almost all of it has been with my ATF, sometimes in the VIP room by about 1pm but usually in her bedroom after dinner and/or before brunch. I haven't seen her since March, so I haven't done it since then.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Not something that's on my mind when I hit the club but have partaken a handful of times over the years kinda in the spur of the PL-moment - and yeah it was on my mind I should not be doing it - I like DATY but wouln only be truly comfortable doing it in a monogamous relationship

avatar for Girl_Crazy
7 yrs ago

I have only done that with my ATF. The first time was during our first private dance together. We were in a private booth for lap dances, and she was at one point standing in front of me bent over presenting her thong-clad ass. I leaned over and planted some kisses on her ass cheeks as I had done with many strippers before her. To my surprise, she reached back and pulled aside to fabric of her thong and exposed her vadge right in front of my face. I couldn't help myself, I started licking. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :-D

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

Yes. I have done it with a select few. I don't do it for my enjoyment but rather for hers in hopes that it will take our relationship to a higher level sexually.

avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

The only DATY I allow nowadays is her lips on mine.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 yrs ago

There is no way I would ever DATY or kiss a stripper.

avatar for rh48hr
7 yrs ago

I have on a couple of occasions, but not in a while.

avatar for londonguy
7 yrs ago

You could say the same about BBBJ's, she may have just let some guy cum in her mouth just before she takes your cock in her mouth

Personally I enjoy doing this to a girl although I am selective about their hygenie.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

This again? DATY's not that complicated. You first do a series of smell tests. Put the finger in, smell it, not that you even have to put your tongue in or around that hole, so that one's optional unless she likes some fingerbanging done with DATY. Sandwich the hood between two fingers, smell said fingers. Peel the hood back, flick the bean. Smell said finger. Discreetly of course. Most guys aren't doing girls bareback ITC and probably not with 9+s. I doubt that most guys are finishing right on the clit either if they're finishing outside the bag. If she passes the smell tests, you can commence with taste tests if offered. Fortunately, or maybe not so fortunately for the girl, i would guess the majority of PLs don't DATY, even if freely (well included in the dance/vip price) given/offered. Jut not high on the list for most PLs, especially if it costs extra. I have every now and then smelled stale saliva on a girl's nipples/tits (thankfully i haven't ever smelled fresh or even worse, rancid splooge), but rarely on her pussy. Her pussy usually smells like some variation of pussy. Occasionally, something much worse. If she passes all tests, the pussy (and vagina particularly) is actually one of the cleanest parts of her external body (hands, feet, mouth and anus being the dirtiest parts), and one of life's greatest pleasures IMO can be partaken in.

As far as risk for STI's and diseases, the giver of cunnilingus has the lowest risk as HSV-2 to the mouth area is very rare. lopaw actually is taking more risk by allowing dancers to perform on her as HSV-1 (cold sores) to the genitals, although still somewhat rare is actually getting more common for whatever reason. If someone already has HSV-1 on their mouth (the majority of people), they probably have some immunity from HSV-1 on their genitals. Genital warts (HPV) are also unlikely to spread to the mouth area. Chlamydia and gonorrhea is rarely spread orally and when it does, it's usually from girls or gay men getting it from deep throating. HIV and hepatitis C is also very unlikely to be spread that way even with minor damage to your lips unless you are just bathing your mouth in vaginal fluids or menstrual blood. Starting to get TMI. From a selfish PL perspective, performing DATY is one of the lowest risk extras out there.

@londonguy, that was my point exactly in the kissing thread. Your dick is potentially swimming in gym every time you let her BBBJ.

I used to be very into DATY. This was more than a few years ago. Somehow I got a kick out of doing something that I thought many other guys weren't doing. Lots of other guys were asking for head, but I was giving the girls head. And I knew the girls at my club at the time were talking about it backstage in the dressing room and giggling with delight. Well, that's what I told myself, anyway. In reality, they were probably just laughing about the sucker who just paid his hard-earned money for the privilege of licking gash while kneeling on the floor of a filthy VIP room.

Times have changed. I go to different clubs now and I seldom DATY unless the girl initiates it. It's an occasional treat, but not something I look for on a regular basis. I'm not sure why I stopped. Maybe I just didn't need the small ego boost anymore. Definitely it wasn't because of fear of disease, because I completely agree with theDirkDiggler that eating pussy in a strip club is, paradoxically, one of the safer things you can do.

Sorry, stupid autocorrect. Two posts above, I meant "Your dick is potentially swimming in cum every time you let her BBBJ"

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Thanks DirkDiggler for the insight. I know a lot more about the potential for disease transmission now.

I didn't think it through - as most dancers won't be allowing uncovered penetration - so that should also keep the pussy a bit cleaner too.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 yrs ago

I'm at the more cautious end of the spectrum. With strippers, I don't do DATY, kissing, or anything bareback.

Now, all PLs have their weak moments. I've broken my rules with regard to both kissing and BB, but not DATY.

Also, any advice you get here about disease transmission should probably be backed up by a conversation with a doc, more research, or at least some thorough Googling.

avatar for gammanu95
7 yrs ago

Never have, never would.

avatar for Doces300
7 yrs ago

Yes I have and do daty strippers. There are certain standards it needs to meet first. I like to with my CF and have no reservations about it. She is clean, good hygiene, D&D free. I get regular testing and have never had an STD. I would guess from the amount of years I have been doing this my standards are 98%-99% effective. I laugh at guys who stick their dick in every available orifice yet want her to not worry where it has been and yet always worry about where her parts have been.

avatar for larryfisherman
7 yrs ago

I've done it once, and I probably won't do it again.

avatar for Doces300
7 yrs ago

Hell I'll lick that thing luke a dog licking its own ass. ;)

avatar for Doces300
7 yrs ago


avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Well said Doces300!

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

I'm surprised so many guys admit to it. Not to lead us astray, but another difference between tuscl and SW: guys here will admit things that they know most guys will come down on.

My general rule is: I don't DATY strippers. However, my overriding rule is: rules are meant to be broken in extraordinary circumstances. Again, I "luckily" don't have the problem many of you guys have -- temptation to DATY a stripper who does extras -- and that's something I have never done in decades of stripping. I have, however, DATY'ed a very small number of no-extras ATF-level strippers (I can probably count the number on one hand, and have fingers left over). Just a few calculated risks with very high reward.

In general, I enjoy DATY, so there's no tension around "why would DATY a girl I'm paying, shouldn't she be paying me?" type questions -- it gives me pleasure to pleasure her, and yes, I realize in most cases she's likely pretending to like it. But I don't do it with extras girls at all, and only rarely break my rule for my very favorite ATFs

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

-->"and that's something I have never done in decades of stripping".

That's right bitches, surprise, I'm a stripper. Or, that was a typo. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader as to which is the right answer :)

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

There you have it - a stripper who dines at the y! I'm glad you finally admitted it Subraman - lol!

avatar for Doces300
7 yrs ago

"I have, however, Daty'ed a very small number of no-extras ATF-level strippers." by definition, that would make them strippers who do extras if they allow daty. Hmmm. And by the wisdom of many strip club escapades then by definition, if she does it with you she does it with others as well.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

Thank you, DirkDiggler, for your very thorough and informative discourse on relative STD risks. I will continue to DATY on rare occasions -- at shift start, with a select few -- and to get BBBJs with wild abandon :)

avatar for doctorevil
7 yrs ago

I like it, but I don’t go looking for it. Once, I was negotiating VIP and was discussing what was available. She told me me she didn’t do BJ or FS, but would “let me” eat her. I passed.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

doctorevil - I think we have run into the same stripper. :)

avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 yrs ago

The short answer is yes but not with strippers. Only with women I date for quite a while.

I used to do it all the time and enjoyed making girls crazy but not so much any more. Whether I have gotten more careful or the possibility of issues is more today??

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

I've done DATY with three strippers -- DS I, DS II, and DS III. I was fucking all three of them bareback, so there was no real added risk. I love oral sex, giving and receiving, but strippers are usually too high risk for me to enjoy giving.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

Doces: Good points. I mostly DATY my strippers OTC, not ITC, and most of us don't use the term "extras girl" to describe that. In addition, the consensus tuscl definition of extras seems to be that it's about you cumming (HJ, BJ, FS, etc), not DATY. These are not extras girls, IMO. I'm not just playing semantics: the important thing for me (psychologically, and risk-wise) is that she 1. hasn't fucked 4 other guys first (with the concurrent possibility of condom leaks, etc), 2. isn't fucking 4 guys a day on an ongoing basis ITC, with the concurrent increase in risk of herps, hpv, etc. even if a condom is used.

In addition, while I believe it's true that if she does daty with me, she does it with others (maybe many others, maybe just other regulars), I do think again this is somewhat self-limiting. She does DATY with a random customer in our militantly-no-extras, bouncer-patrolled club, there's a pretty high chance she'll get caught; as a regular customer at the club who gets VIP treatment from staff, it's no exaggeration to say that no bouncer has checked on me in the VIP in at least 2 years, probably more (usually they take 2-3 strolls through the VIP per song), so it does take away what is a very real risk for her.

avatar for londonguy
7 yrs ago

@burligtonhofactory - indeed, good point and well made.

avatar for RandomMember
7 yrs ago

@MrDeuce: "Thank you, DirkDiggler, for your very thorough and informative discourse on relative STD risks."

...except for the fact that @Diggler left out the single biggest DATY risk: HPV throat cancer.

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

As I commented in a previous discussion, Nothing Uncovered ITC. That's now, I have once or twice in my earlier years clubbing.

I have seen girls working the bar, stop and spread to receive from monger after monger at barside... unbelievable.

@lick-that said: "I have seen girls working the bar, stop and spread to receive from monger after monger at barside... unbelievable."

Wow, seriously? You've seen girls get eaten out by multiple guys in a row barside? That's pretty cool. I'd pay to watch that. Was this recent? Where did this happen?

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

NJ. Maybe 8-10years ago. Girls would crawl along to counter for tips.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

I've seen some wild shit - at NJ clubs - and that is pretty amazing!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

^ yeah - fucking bar-side @ Vic's

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

^ true Papi! Vic's is always an eyefull! Those girls are quick and smooth - you are in and fucking right out in the main club!

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

Yeah Vics is something else. This was maybe C Room or Slicks, don't quote me on that.

avatar for gunrack
7 yrs ago

I love to DATY but now that I have gotten older I'm more selective in who I want to do it to. If she is not into it then I won't even go there. After that, if I'm attracted to her and she looks clean then I'll eat her out.

avatar for jester214
7 yrs ago

I consider DATY a chore, one I generally engage with on the basis/assumption of reciprocity.

So when I'm paying? Fuck no.

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

Not for two weeks and only because I was able to do a room with a dancer I had wanted for 3 years and was always busy.

avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

i enjoy daty... butt i won't pay extra for it.

avatar for bulo44
7 yrs ago

Hell, no! But there was a place called Harmony Burlesque in Times Square. You could cut the pheremones with a knife. Naked girls would walk around, ask you, 'Want some?', and, for a dollar or two, you could do pretty much whatever you wanted for a couple of minutes.

There was a stage and there was often a nude girl on the edge of the stage with her legs open and a line of men waiting to DATY with her.

Mid-seventies through the early eighties. Those were the days...

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Not with whores, but with a partner I know and trust certainly, I want to satisfy her if she satisfies me.

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