Agree that she's hot, though not in my all-time top 10. For those not already aware, she has a porn doppelgagnger whose stage name is obviously a reference to the 24 character that first made Elisha a household name:… (SFW link, but Googling will quickly turn up *much* less wholesome material).
Thanks to Shadowcat and WillMunny for the Chloe Foster link! I see a definite resemblance. Chloe has a bit of a young look for my tastes - but she has some hot scenes.
@flagooner I stand corrected, Kim was the daughter played by Cuthbert. But I still think the stage name is a 24 reference (making the same mistake I did).
@alterego Not sure about the resemblance on Sarah Blue - seems like she's had quite a varied look over her career though. In the younger and blonder days I could see a passing similarity, but not as strikingkly close as Ms. Foster.
last comment… (SFW link, but Googling will quickly turn up *much* less wholesome material).…
Definitely hot, when she was much younger, in my opinion.
@alterego Not sure about the resemblance on Sarah Blue - seems like she's had quite a varied look over her career though. In the younger and blonder days I could see a passing similarity, but not as strikingkly close as Ms. Foster.