Cost vs Nut Price Points

avatar for SirLapdancealot
Former Knight of the Round Table Dance
When you get your nut on with a stripper, how do you do it and how much do you pay?

For an LDK I will pay $25 (single dance) to $150 for a 1/2 hr VIP. I typically pay $50 to $75.


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avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
I pay until I can then pay until she doesn't matter so I never ask what it's worth I just toss a few Franklin 's...nobody seems to complain
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I don't nut. I don't Ldk and not looking for itc extras. If i could ldk i dont pay more $20 for a dance these days and would buy however many it took. I do not do vip ever but if i wanted extras id pay no more than $200.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Do you even Club bro ?
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I have been known to part with several Lincolns when a fine honey can crack my walnut!
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Sometimes Juicy gives payment in fried chackin and Four Loko, every try that route you cheap bastards?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
ppwh is that an LDK walnut crack or something else?

I have paid $250 for an LDK in the past but not anymore.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
LOL shailynn I'm too chackin' to try that on my ATF.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> is that an LDK walnut crack or something else

I'm actually pretty free with the Lincolns when I'm on a winning streak at the chump's game. The details are generally VIP host's choice in the couch room.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
When I used to visit hostess clubs, I could jizz in my pants within 4-5 songs. I liked standing up and grinding on the dance floor to the music. It also give me a head rush, and part of the fun was suddenly feeling dizzy and clasping the dancer to remain standing, haha

I have not actually nutted yet inside a strip club. Dancers have their own rhythm which isn't quite like mine. And so far the ones I encounter in N.C. clubs seem to fall into two groups... they get me hard and merely keep me there to extend the dance time, or the opposite ... mash their asses in a blotting "put the fire out" kind of way when an erection begins.
avatar for 4got2wipe
7 years ago
SirLapdancelot =.ace name!
avatar for houjack
7 years ago
I pay $100, five dances, doesn't matter how quickly I finish.

Yeah, sometimes I drastically overpay when I finish fast. I have considered dropping to $80.

Although a regular went six to make me finish once and said "don't worry about the extra song."
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Lurker_X, how you can JIP standing up is PL mastery. Most impressive!

Pro tip: When those teaser dancers are just barely keeping you hard, do a little grinding back at your own rhythm and tease their pussy the way you like it. Even try a little to take control of her too like grabbing her ass or hips as you thrust, ready to back off if she isn't receptive. If she is really a dancer that wants you to LDK or doesn't care, or if she even likes the tease back by you grinding on her pussy, she *may* match your rhythm and finally and then the dance becomes a virtual dry hump at exactly the pace you need to LDK. I like those dancers that know exactly how to tease and get me rock hard, but if she keeps dodging my dick to keep extending the songs or avoid the LDK altogether, she is simply not an LDK provider and I move on.

Also yeah I'm one and done when a dancer grinds too hard and seems to want to mash my dick so hard as if to intentionally wreck the boner. I will use my hands to control the pressure on my dick and will even just say "softer" as I prevent her from going too hard. But what I have found with those douse out the fire types, they are not really into dick and are almost mocking you as a PL to just get money for the dance. Their intention is not really to make you aroused because they couldn't care less about it. To me this is a stripperweb ROB bona-fide lesbian that really, deep down, doesn't like dick. Avoid!

BTW I am asking about the cost(s) of ANY nut with a stripper - LDK, HJ, BJ, FS, etc - it's all game. My point is to see how much more PLs pay for the more advanced nuts like FS as compared to the "lesser" nuts like an LDK. And ITC or OTC doesn't matter either.

Thank you, 4got2wipe. I love the movie Excalibur and of course LDKing. I'm a knight of the round table dance.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Sirlapdancealot you seem a more well spoken LDK82 lol. But you make excellent points that I agree with all of.

Yeah the standing LDK is one I haven't pulled off in a club, but mainly because I haven't even had the opportunity to attempt it.....until last night. Went to Synn in COI and their VIP was the best I've ever been in in regards to privacy and value. I've done the 1 hour VIP at Sapphire and you get excellent 1 on 1 privacy vs their 30 minute VIP in a shared room with couches. But for a steep price of $400 plus a mandatory $130 bottle. Had my 1st titfuck LDK there but paid out the ass.

Last night at Synn however, $155 for a VIP with the same 1 on 1 privacy as the 1 hour VIP at Sapphire. The dancer makes sure that curtain to the room is securely covering any holes so no one can see her getting down and dirty. Had her beautiful Latina self against the wall grinding that ass and would have easily LDKed standing up right there if I kept going. However my love of titfucks took over and I finished off that way. $150 to her for a total of about $300. WAY less than rip off ass Sapphire. No matter. Any spending is worth it for me and well within my means.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
TFP LOL LDK82 is my TUSCL hero! I have lurked this board for several years now and have learned a lot about LDKing from him and many other PLs here.

Wow you are reminding me of CA vs OR VIP pricing differences. $400 for 1/2 hr VIP is ridonkulous. The most expensive 1/2 hr VIP in Portland is (I think) $300 at Club Rouge and they are $250 at Stars Bridgeport and the Golden Dragon. I will only pay those rates if it is for a guaranteed LDK from a 9 or 10 high mileage dancer. I'm talking all natural swimsuit bikini model look too. A unicorn stripper. Otherwise it's not worth it.

Titfuck LDK isn't my #1 way, but it is an awesome change up from cowgirl camel toe slide with tits in face and my hands grabbing ass LDK. My ATF has all natural DDDs and wow her titfucks can easily make me LDK if I want to. She lets me use my own hands to get myself off with them or she does it herself.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Sirdancealot, it was actually $400 for an hour at Sapphire, not 30 minutes. 30 minutes a Sapphire is $200 but then there's also a two drink minimum so the price is technically $240. Still expensive as fuck.

LDK82 the difference was that my dick was out of my pants in that titfuck so at that point it is an extra. If it were just an OTP titfuck then yeah, no extra charge. TBH the over the pants titfuck is good also, despite not feeling as good and thereby taking longer to 'get me there'. Definitely better value wise, but it was feeling oh so good against her boobs and no sticky shorts afterwards. Even though we're all professional LDKers here so that doesn't bother us. Lol.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i have some favored at synn coi. and my dream stripper.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
LDK82 FYI I don't engage in any direct genitals contact with anyone but my wife. Therefore LDK is the only thing in the barrel as far as I'm concerned. My wife turns a blind eye to my porn and clubbing so I set this limit myself in exchange for her allowing that.

Also if I could, I would pay more for an LDK over a HJ.

LOL I just finished submitting an article (still in review) about LDKing and I covered the same exact thing as your post LDK82.
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