Are VIP Rooms worth it if not interested in extras?

avatar for chronot94
rhode island
Serious question here, just started getting back into clubs after not going in years (we're talking decade plus), when back then I didn't even know about extras. Anyway, can anyone chime in one weather or not the VIP experience is worth the extra cash if you don't intend to get extras? I'm in RI, so they're almost a given in private booths, but the $140 entrance fee seems like it might be kind of steep if I don't want any more mileage. Would my money be better spent on a series of private nude lap dances, or are the VIP dances still a lot better even if you're not looking for anything more than touching?


VIP can be expensive - depending on the club. You usually get a bottle and access to a larger room (than the usual LD closet). The block of time is longer as well - as it's not based on per song price. It lets you relax a bit more too.

However, due to the higher cost of VIP, the girls will expect a bigger tip too.

If you simply want an LD - then get an LD. I find the cost effectiveness of VIP to vary considerably by club - but its most likely not worth it for you.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Now that I'm a veteran of lots of extras in VIP rooms, I would say that they're *not* worth it if you're not looking for extras. However, several years ago I used to do occasional VIPs in low-touch clubs just to be able to touch the dancer all over.

True story: One of the five most beautiful dancers I've seen in my 20+ years of clubbing, a stunning blonde with large natural breasts, worked at a low-touch club in Indiana. It frustrated me that I couldn't touch her tits during $20 lap dances, so one time I paid $150 for a 30-minute VIP, during which I touched her *everywhere* except the kitty. When we were done, she thanked me for being such a gentleman. I exclaimed "Girl, I just touched you all over!" and she replied "Yes, but you didn't try to finger-fuck me!" *This* is the world strippers live in, where they can't even do a VIP room without fighting to keep unwelcome fingers and other body parts out of their orifices.
Hmmm don't know how to answer that, as I like extras. There is nothing like getting FS under a sign stating "prostitution is illegal". But if you can get privacy enough you are comfortable, and the lap dances are providing what you want, save the money.
The club I was in was a fairly high touch place I guess you could say, got to touch everywhere except between the legs during nude lap dances. So I'm starting to wonder if the VIP experience would allow more touching, as that might we worth it with the right girl. Also, during the LD's she massaged my crotch a bit over my pants, more of that would be nice too if they went longer in VIP. A few of the girls offered extras, but they were all $100 and up, and dropping $240 minimum seems a bit steep.
Now I'm confused. Didn't you say you weren't interested in extras? It's best to decide what you want.

$240 for a half hour VIP experience is not bad at all.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
"I paid $150 for a 30-minute VIP"

This is GREAT value, IMO. I'd kill to be in an area with these prices.

In my area, it's 10 bucks a minute. 100 bucks for 10 minutes, 150 bucks for 15 minutes and so on. :-(
Apologies, guess I should clarify, not interested in extras such as HJ, BJ, FS, if ytouching between legs (not penetrating just rubbing) is considered and extra, then that would be about it. Also the VIP rooms at this club are 15 minute blocks, so it's be 140 for 15 plus tips for extras.

And yes they offered so it'd be about 240 for 15 minutes with an extra, but if you don't want to go that far I'm just wondering the VIP touching is better overall that wha't found in LD booths. Like I said, just getting back into the scene so excuse my noobness.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
adding more to my first post in this thread: excluding one club in north carolina that is no longer open, follies is the *only* club i've been to that offers 30 minute VIPs for ONLY 150 bucks

^ i don't know how long ago that was, but there are quite a few places with $150-200 for 30 minute VIPs. i've never considered them great value because they were all low contact/mileage not factoring hefty tips (and even then) or basically what Deuce described. Heck, the one the OP describes is only $140 at an extras place, so i would go for that even without hard extras. i'm sure half an hour of dances costs a lot more.
^ oops. $140 for 15 minutes at an extras club, so maybe $250 for half an hour sounds closer to what i've experienced. Still on the lower side.
Chronot - your desires will drive your decision. If you want to touch her in ways not allowed in LD - then VIP is the place for you. The price isn't bad for 15 minutes of VIP.

It's important that you clarify what she will do in VIP. The specific acts and price should be agreed upon first.

In my opinion - the price is reasonable -
Well just in Illinois, Kappa Kabanna in Kappa near Bloomington, Pulse and Elliot's in Peoria have $150 VIPs for an hour. No discount for an hour so better to get two half hours if you're not sure with the girl. Kappa has the best lineup but the lowest contact and least amount of privacy so YMMV. The Silver Slipper Saloon in Ottawa has VIPs for $175 for half an hour or $300 for an hour. Mileage/contact is very hit or miss, but not as bad as the Admiral Theater in Chicago which has "private" (private being a 70% closed curtain) booths/suites at $225 for half an hour but $300 for an hour (really pushes the hour). There are also $375 and $500 rooms for more space and "privacy" (still a partially open curtain but the bouncers supposedly don't walk by as often). But back to the Slipper, most girls will allow full contact short of kitty :( not that dissimilar to Kappa Kabanna although some girls there won't even allow titty touching.

Industrial Strip in Hammond, Indiana has half hour VIPs for $200 and hour for $400 or at least they did when they were nude. i don't think the VIPs have gone up since they added liquor and became topless/pastie only, although the private dances went up slightly, smh. You can probably forget about true full contact now. The next lowest VIP i can think of would probably be Blackjack's in Elgin, IL at $240 a half hour and $450 an hour, but i still haven't gone there with their outrageous dance prices $30/50 for topless and nude. They also charge $20 to go to the more "fun" (no camera) side for dances. Full extras are possible there, i hear, but not all girls do them and i'm sure it drives up the cost.
I know I'm spoiled by having Follies so close by but I would not pay for a VIP room to just grope including the kitty.
avatar for Timbuck12
7 years ago
So I guess $140 for 15 minutes behind a closed door isn't a bad deal then. I'll most likely be going back tomorrow, and if I find a girl I like I'll take the VIP plunge and write up another review. Thanks for the input, it seemed like a lot at first, but I guess in comparison it's pretty reasonable.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
The whole point of VIP is to either provide extras or pretend to offer extras as a way of ripping people off.

Going to VIP without interest in extras is like paying for an all you can eat buffet, then nibbling on a carrot stick.
If you find a girl you like - you should first chat with her to agree on specific acts and prices in VIP. If the price is reasonable - then go for it.
$140 for 15 minutes would be like getting 4-5 dances (@ $30 each for 3-4 minutes) at the full contact clubs in my area. And you can pretty much do all sorts of touching or the type you're looking for in the regular dances. The VIPs are usually just like half hour and hour versions of the dances, price wise, although more if not much more is available. i guess the benefit of doing the VIP at your club is the girl can't overcount dances if that is a thing at your club, and doesn't have to waste time or break the spontaneity every few minutes asking if you want another dance. The downside is the girl might not even deliver on the touching/contact and your out $140 instead of one dance if she's a ROB. i would still do a regular dance first to try her out and then later that day or another day you can do the VIP.
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago

Can't speak to the going rate at Pulse, but $150 gets you 15 minutes at Elliott's and 1/2 hour at Kappa, not an hour.
^Oops again, i meant half an hour. Can't edit these comments. I actually haven't been to Elliott's but i've heard that Pulse had the same management/ownership as Kappa which i have been to. I'm surprised that Elliott's charges so much compared to the local competition despite having worse talent. But then they are a dirtier club.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
If you're enjoying yourself and it's worth the $$$ to you, then it is. Don't let other people's expectations define yours.
It's usually a good idea to sample several girls on the floor. Odds are, all of them will provide some degree of "better" in VIP. Out of those you pick a few good ones, then try VIP, and decide if VIP is worth it.

At one of my clubs I am thinking of skipping VIP in the future, and stopping there more as a warm-up spot for laps and stage. I will explain this to a few of the dancers, encourage them to migrate to a club with fewer rules, or just OTC with me.
I am also in RI and so is SkiBum609. We both go to Club Desire (the club you reviewed), but we don't know each other in real life. He may have some input as well.

Generally speaking, girls who do VIPs there expect you to want extras (and *many* but not all provide). But, I'm sure those same girls would be happy to go back there and not fuck you...

Honestly, this is a club where you can talk to the dancers pretty openly about what you want. If you know you want to enjoy whatever that is for a solid 15 minutes in a more spacious and permissive setting, then the VIP may be the right place for you. If time and elbow room aren't that much of a factor, then see if you can negotiate for the same in a lapdance booth.

Petting Felix isn't really an extra, but a lot of dancers do consider it to be a "bonus" and, if they allow it, expect to be tipped more (but not tons more).
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
I guess I'm lucky in terms of VIP pricing. Just in my neck of the woods:
$150 for half hour: Club Rio in Indy, Night Moves in Bloomington, IN; various dive clubs in Washington Park, IL
$100 for half hour: Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy, 6th Avenue Dancers in Terre Haute
IMO, as with all such questions, YMMV.

I don't mean to be derisive or dismissive, I just think the answer depends on the club and the girl and on what you're after, for that night.

Extras are something that I indeed do enjoy. In my mongering career I have regularly used use the pay-for-entry rooms for "extras" service and, to clarify: no, I do NOT merely mean to indicate with the term "extra" that she gives me more contact than would otherwise be available during an otherwise sanitized breezy almost-lap dance; I mean, instead, that "extra" is sexual service of some sort, with parts unveiled and unclothed and with my completion the aim of the girl's ministrations.

But sometimes, I have enjoyed being in the VIP without extras. It wasn't always merely because extras weren't available at all, but sometimes that is a good enough reason. I recall when Scores Maison on Bourbon was in its heyday in New Orleans, I didn't really want to pay the tippy-top dollar required for extras service (I didn't ever try, IIRC, so I can't confirm whether or not extras were actually available there) but I also didn't find the club's pricing scheme amenable to any other good times with the dancer(s) of my choice. Going up to a VIP room was a guaranteed "intimate experience" in the sense that she would be near, on, with, and in contact with me, 100% of the allotted time, we could speak to each other without the pounding music preventing our communication and mutual ribbing and flirting (sometimes I think the main floor's on-floor music is blared out so loud precisely in order to coax patrons off the main floor!), and with one or two almost-ATFs at the time, there was ample make-out and deep-french-kissing, which is what I had craved, and which is what had not been available on the main floor.

So yes, the VIP room was worth it even without any "extras." But what I was getting in the VIP was, indeed, EXTRA-ordinary to the usual main-floor experience, even though it wasn't so extraordinary as to be sexually explicit service. Which thereby reverses my insistence that the term "extra" mean sexual service. Har har. Things come full circle.
Book Guy, my definition of extra would be anything she won't do on the floor... Kiss, pull aside her bottom for a peek. Doesn't have to be sexual but something she does not want every guy in the club to assume is available, or something she could fined for by the club and costs her income. ("Fines" are a shady way for a club to earn income from extras, in my opinion)
Considering the block of time, the privacy, and the exclusivity? And considering both the OP's premise and my own clubbing? No, I don't find VIP worth my money.

I'm perfectly okay for now with the normal floor activities: stage, LDs, and edgy, sexy club interactions with dancers at my table for my money spent. At least where I club and on my budget.

PS: smile. You might be on camera and/or recorded. I'm kidding. ...mostly. :)
Buying dances is a chump's game.

Instead, select your girl and approach her yourself. Engage with her in the front room, feeding her money to show good intentions and respect. Get a front room makeout session going.

When it is time for your own pants to come down, then you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you to continue, and keep on seeing her regularly.


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