
IME: 10 Questions Resurrected

They never tell you what you need to know.
For others here, ime and I have PM'd several times, but he certainly flies under the radar here, although he is a very good contributor IMO.

1. I see you have a review for Sundowner in Niagara Falls, which was at one time one of my favorite clubs. Describe your experience visiting that club.

2. What sets you off about SJG? (I know, where to begin!)

3. You seem to have an eclectic taste in music, referencing rap artists and alternative rock. I'll break it down into 4 categories:
A. All time favorite rap artist
B. Current rap artist you're listening to the most
C. All time favorite rock/alternative/country/edm/etc group
E. Current rock/alternative/country/edm/etc artist you're listening to the most

4. Are you married? Have any kids?

5. Favorite sports team?

6. You've mentioned you'd like to meet Juice. If you met up with him and all the strip clubs were closed in Asheville, what would you guys do instead?

7. Name a city inside the United States that you'd like to visit (that you haven't been to yet) and why that city?

8. Name the top 3 strip clubs in North America (Mexico and Canada included) that are on your bucket list?

9. Favorite alcohol drink when clubbing? (be specific, brand of beer, or spirits)

10. What hobby(ies) do you have or something you enjoy doing in your spare time?


  • Mate27
    7 years ago
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @IME's consistently funny.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I have shared some PMs with @ime. He's one of the good guys.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Will try to get this tonight. Too long for my phone which I type poorly on enough as you have all seen.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    So here we go.
    1. I see you have a review for Sundowner in Niagara Falls, which was at one time one of my favorite clubs. Describe your experience visiting that club.

    This was my second trip to a strip club in Canada last time was when I was 20 in Montreal and was a ton of fun. It was a good club to go with a group of friends. I was there with friends for the football game and place was getting pretty busy as the day went on. It was the longest time I have spent in a club in forever. We had 7 guys and took over a corner. We got there around 2pm after getting lunch and recovering from hangovers from the night before. I will say I am easy grader of dancers compared to many on here, and I have mentioned before in clubs I go for different women then I date in regular life. I like the real slutty girls in the club. In my regular life I like classier girls who are just slutty in the bedroom with me. I think the quality at Sundowner was good I would give the shift when we got there a conservative average of 7.5 rounding down for the hard graders here. We all managed to find girls of our preference, mine was a stunning big tit tied blond from the Eastern Block whose mileage was good she wasn't an extras girl or not at this day with a full club and VIP wasn't very private. WE had two other girls who were a stripping couple doing a private shoe at are table for tips these chicks were raunchy as fuck, one asked for change so I asked for her what, she said you will see, and came back with a handful of M&M's from one of those coin operated machines. She then says I want to eat these out of my girlfriends pussy you guys want to watch, so being the gentlemen we are we obliged.

    I think it was around 8pm or so when the shift changed and the girls only got better and better so the quality of girls and good exchange rate made for a great time. This was more of a partying with friends trip then a hardcore solo strip club trip. Had a ton of fun, looking for next time.

    2. What sets you off about SJG? (I know, where to begin!) I tried to like him but what can you say he is just a fucking douchenozzle of the highest order. I tend to have issues outspoken hypocrites. I could go on for one of his length posts about why he sucks but we all know that. People who can't understand that other people may want other things are dickheads, he is a dickhead. Also his whole kill Christians and stuff he says for attention because he has no friends or social life are good to get a rise out of me because it is fun to make fun of him. I can think of no one even Alucard who has pissed off every single person on here or gotten into a fight with almost every member. He has a friend in Little Larry Fishsticks but that isn't saying much. I do almost feel sorry for Lloyd but then nah fuck him.

    3. You seem to have an eclectic taste in music, referencing rap artists and alternative rock. I'll break it down into 4 categories:
    I am a huge fan of music, yes who isn't but I will give a little background. I think it is funny I think I have a relatively narrow range of I really like but I am aware of a lot outside of my bubble and actually have a good knowledge of rock.

    I grew up in the underground punk, and hardcore scene in Boston. I was totally the guy who played football on Friday night and then went to punk shows on Saturday's and Sunday's. I would say before I was out of high School I had probably been to close to 250 shows. I think that is why I have some tinnitus today. Me and some friends started off at like 12 or 13 listening to Metallica, and stuff like that then grunge/alternative stuff around 14/15 then we found punk rock. I had always known of stuff like Rancid who I still love but Green Day and Offspring weren't real they were to commercial. Nothing against people who like them, they make pop music that looks like something else. I thin the first CD i bought that I can remember was Bad Religion "Stranger than Fiction" I remember watching Headbangers Ball on MTV and whenever the punk stuff came on like that I always liked it much more than heavy metal. Heavy metal was always corny to me like they were singing about dragons or trying to be the most evil band.

    The biggest thing about punk and hardcore was it was not easily accessible. This was before social media and really MP3's you had to go to shows and then buy a CD, then to find new band you read who the bands thanked or what shirts were they wearing and then try find their music and buy it. It was actually work. The other thing was when you went to shows they were usually in shitty bars or VFW lodges and there was a real sense of danger. Crazy shit happened all the time, fights and violence and drunks were common but that was why it was fun. I could go on with stories of stuff I saw or experienced for days. Here is the craziest one. I was 16 and me two friends went to a street punk show it was full of punks and skins, I knew a lot of the skinheads, I was never a skin but did hang out with some who would buy me and my friends beer and our social circles overlapped (not nazi's, that whole white power shit if fake and not what skins are about, most are anti-racist, just making the clarification because outside of the subculture the general public doesn't know anything about it or their roots which was working class Jamaicans etc and their music and how the British youth took to it. If you have any other interest in the subculture send me a message I will tell you about it and give you some links to the real stuff,) So at this show the Boneheads(white power skins who were not wanted or tolerated showed up. they only showed up to fight, and there was no way around it. There had to be 35 of us fighting 50-60 of them. I saw people getting hit with pipes, cueballs in socks, brass knuckles bottles, it was fucking crazy to see or be a part of when you are 16. But they lost and fucked off and weren't' seen much after that.

    So by growing up listening to punk bands and shit you love that most other people never heard of is a bit unique, you eschew the people singing about making money for the guys who play your town and can't even afford a hotel and are psyched when you offer them a floor. I have some good friends who are in bands now who are very popular for the genre and it is cool to be an old head and go to shows now and again when most people by 30 disappear.

    A. All time favorite rap artist
    Before punk though I did listen to rap I mean Dr. Dre, House of Pain, Cypress Hill all that stuff was coming out when I was 13 or so. The Chronic is easily my favorite rap album of all time, but I would put Cypress Hill as second probably. Don't know why I am a white guy who doesn't smoke weed but they were always one of my favorites.

    B. Current rap artist you're listening to the most.
    Currently I have been listening to more rap but most of it isn't real main stream still a lot of undergound stuff. The stuff that people might know is I really dig Run the Jewels, and Vinnie Paz, both are pretty popular but not huge stars. I also dig Apathy & Celph Titled, Army of the Pharoahs, Slaine, La Coka Nostra, Esoteric.

    C. All time favorite rock/alternative/country/edm/etc group
    This is tough I would probably go with the Bruiser's with Cock Sparrer a very close second but it is really hard to pick one and it could change but those are the answer for now.
    E. Current rock/alternative/country/edm/etc artist you're listening to the most.
    Tim Barry he was the singer of a band called Avail but his solo stuff is acoustic/folky/almost country sometimes but I think most people could like him.

    4. Are you married? Have any kids?
    Not married, no kids that I know of.

    5. Favorite sports team?
    Patriots easily, the stunk when I was a kid and have been great for the second half of my life.

    6. You've mentioned you'd like to meet Juice. If you met up with him and all the strip clubs were closed in Asheville, what would you guys do instead?
    Went to Asheville once, if we aren't going to the strip club, I remember playing a really nice public golf course. I don't play often or well but I still enjoy it. Or maybe we could see how strong Juice really is. He could probably out bench me, but I think I could take him in squats. My best in college when testing for football was 675 no wraps or belt.

    7. Name a city inside the United States that you'd like to visit (that you haven't been to yet) and why that city?
    Never been to the West Coast, I would like to see the bands Social Distortion in Orange County and Rancid in San Francisco

    8. Name the top 3 strip clubs in North America (Mexico and Canada included) that are on your bucket list?
    Flight Club - Detroit
    Tootsies - Miami
    Spearmint Rhino - Las Vegas

    9. Favorite alcohol drink when clubbing? (be specific, brand of beer, or spirits)
    Tanqueray & Tonic. I am a bourbon guy Blanton's is my favorite but I am not paying for it nor can I find it at many bars let alone a strip club.

    10. What hobby(ies) do you have or something you enjoy doing in your spare time?
    Learning guitar
    Mountain Bike
    Homebrewing Beer
    Muay Thai

    This was my longest post ever. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. I didn't think I was going to be a 10 question participant based on being a lesser known veteran.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Thank you very much for taking the time to write all this out.

    I will add, of course I have to ask questions to the usual degenerates (Juice, JS69, LDK82, etc. etc.) but I also wanted to ask more of the interesting people on here (you for example, RandomMember, etc. etc.) because I knew I would get creative answers. A lot of guys on here don't realize there's not much to ask if all you do is go to work, drink beer, and try to fuck strippers. I am more interested in learning about somewhere in the USA I may need to consider visiting, or maybe a music group I should check out, or a hobby I need to try.
  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    Interesting interview. Army of the Pharoahs is the most bad ass group ever.
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