Only cnbc would report something as stupid as that.
Liberal douche bags have no sense of humor.
This is the same network that reported Trump was to blame for Irma and that Irma was the biggest hurricane ever.
What horse shit - look up Camille That bitch in 1969 had 200+ MPH winds.
Camille did $15,000,000,000.00 damage to underpopulated areas by today's standards. In 1969 few people had homes in her path. If she hit now the total damage likely would run into the trillions. Camille in not even the most powerful storm on record that honor goes to the Labor Day storm of 1935. The deadly storms previous to that were not able to be classified due to lack of accurate equipment.
The 1900 Galveston, TX storm was estimated as a Cat 4 when it made landfall but had a massive storm surge.
Harvey was a very dangerous storm because it stopped and sat over the Houston area and dumped 50+ inches of rain causing flooding that did most of the damage.
Irma will be bad because of her lap dance all the way up the Florida penile peninsula!
Tiredtraveler, no disrespect but the "don't shoot at a hurricane" warning from the cops was sadly necessary.
I read about the "shoot at Irma" Facebook group on my Apple news feed and the guy who made it intended it as a harmless joke. The problem with posting things like that on the net is that even if only one or two people are stupid and/or drunk enough to do it becomes a problem.
The last thing cops need during a disaster is idiots of whatever political persuasion shooting at the hurricane. Fortunately, there were no reports of people actually shooting.
Besides, if it was only liberals that are stupid enough to shoot at a hurricane then it is no harm no foul. After all, liberals don't own guns!
After reading the article - and seeing the comments - I don't think there's really any politics involved. It's simple - if you were stupid enough to think shooting at a hurricane is a good idea - you probably won't be smart enough to be dissuaded by an article that says to not shoot at it.
last commentWow! I didn't think of that. I was hoping that Floridians were smart enough that this type of warning wouldn't be needed.
Only cnbc would report something as stupid as that.
Liberal douche bags have no sense of humor.
This is the same network that reported Trump was to blame for Irma and that Irma was the biggest hurricane ever.
What horse shit - look up Camille That bitch in 1969 had 200+ MPH winds.
Camille did $15,000,000,000.00 damage to underpopulated areas by today's standards. In 1969 few people had homes in her path. If she hit now the total damage likely would run into the trillions. Camille in not even the most powerful storm on record that honor goes to the Labor Day storm of 1935. The deadly storms previous to that were not able to be classified due to lack of accurate equipment.
The 1900 Galveston, TX storm was estimated as a Cat 4 when it made landfall but had a massive storm surge.
Harvey was a very dangerous storm because it stopped and sat over the Houston area and dumped 50+ inches of rain causing flooding that did most of the damage.
Irma will be bad because of her lap dance all the way up the Florida penile peninsula!
Tiredtraveler, no disrespect but the "don't shoot at a hurricane" warning from the cops was sadly necessary.
I read about the "shoot at Irma" Facebook group on my Apple news feed and the guy who made it intended it as a harmless joke. The problem with posting things like that on the net is that even if only one or two people are stupid and/or drunk enough to do it becomes a problem.
The last thing cops need during a disaster is idiots of whatever political persuasion shooting at the hurricane. Fortunately, there were no reports of people actually shooting.
Besides, if it was only liberals that are stupid enough to shoot at a hurricane then it is no harm no foul. After all, liberals don't own guns!
After reading the article - and seeing the comments - I don't think there's really any politics involved. It's simple - if you were stupid enough to think shooting at a hurricane is a good idea - you probably won't be smart enough to be dissuaded by an article that says to not shoot at it.
Yes, it was on CNBC.
Also, Fox, USN&WW, Newsweek, The Hill, and many others.