
So this is what follies is truly like? 0_0

Avatar for Estafador
EstafadorBIG APPLE

For shame: www.instagram.com

And here I thought follies was a nice WHOLESOME place full of blonde spinners. You lied to me shadowcat, you devious old man you lol


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Avatar for shadowcat

I only did it to convince Papi_Chulo to give it a try. :)

Avatar for PrimetimeSchein

That's that all natural organic, no msg, no artificial ingredients ass

Avatar for JimGassagain

That's gross. I think I'm unable to eat my lunch for the first time in years.

Avatar for Estafador

@jim stop hating Jim. You wish you can give her your little woodie lol

@shadowcat so.....you may not have hooked PC, but you sure hooked me. What you doing this October? I'm going to ATL baby lol

Avatar for Mate27

Holy cow, you'd need a really large member to get it in past that ass! I bet she craves at least a 10 inch dong.

Maybe I could help her?

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Funny....that is at follies...but it doesn't represent the average looking dancer at follies.

Follies has a wide variety of girl's from thick to spinners, young and old and mainly AA and Hispanic or Latin with whites being a minority

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Looks ranging in the 6-8 department

This is a description of day shift

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

Those middle two would definitely get my money. Nice pulls, juice.


Avatar for Estafador

The very first link had a fine ass chick. The rest outside of the chick with the handle barj1, is eh. And what's the deal with these fugly ass dudes? Pause.

Avatar for Estafador

Guess it really is a variety. I don't get how someone like SC is comfortable in such a noisy atmosphere. I'd expect him to like quiet while getting a bbj

Avatar for twentyfive

Dammit Juice leave some chakken fangers for someone else.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Quick reference

Strong video bases if follies and AA and Hispanic chicks

Neat the end strong picture bases and more white chicks from follies

Pictures inside and out if the building itself is mixed in

As you can see it's a huge mix between all shapes sizes and colors of people

These videos still don't do it justice on the variety being honest

It's a wonderful place to be

But yes very packed and nosey

It's actually a small club LMFAO

Avatar for rane1234

Lol juice in here talking to himself i was like whoa this thread is jumping. I like these types of girls though. Barbie spinners can eff off.

Avatar for rane1234

Appreciate the recon btw been wondering about talent level everyone goes crazy about nice compilation.

Avatar for warhawks

Juice is the King of Instagram.

He must own stock in it.

Avatar for s275ironman

Throughout that whole mess of pictures I did see some chicks that could very easily empty my wallet

Avatar for ime

I replaced my favorite cuban with her younger sister this weekend did on Sunday the other today. Older one was playing too many games and asking for more and more. Younger sister is hotter no games and sucks dick better.

Avatar for ime

Might have a new contender in this tall brunette with b's and amazing ass and legs, chick was like 6ft tall with her stripper heels on. Her sister works there too, bext visit need to see whats on her VIP menu.

Avatar for chessmaster

That one white girl works at tilted kilt is pretty hot.

Avatar for vincemichaels

I'mma going to kick yo butt, dere, Juice !

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

So basically after looking at all these images & videos, Follies is just like what I envisioned: a bunch of ghetto looking dancers, quite a few Latina/AA dancers I'd spend a shit ton on, and the white chicks (at least from this sample) mostly would be ignored.

The most amazing thing is that Follies seems to not discourage or forbid picture or video taking inside the club. Having a hard time wrapping my head around that one, but I guess they like the social media hits they're getting.


Avatar for JuiceBox69

Yeah I'm shocked about the videos as well LMFAO...

I may just live stream my follies visits on IG from now on LMFAO..no jokes

A bunch of Atlanta Trap Rapers not only rap about follies they also Club at follies...most on nights but Gucci Mane is known for day shift visits

Follies is literally a rap video

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I spend all my cash on the Latin and White Chicks

Avatar for JuiceBox69

If In do spend on a AA it's an Oreo :)

Avatar for ppwh

Damn, the second to last one in the 1white_chocolate_ pic is almost enough to make me want to visit Atlanta again. When I was in town there last time, there was a dancer who looked like a cute version of Miley Cyrus, too.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I ducked that Mikey Cyrus chick

Avatar for ppwh

dammit, you're destroying my fantasy. What letter did her stage name start with?

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I really don't go to get names at follies LMFAO

I fuck them and let god sort it out

Avatar for ppwh

Crap, I thought she was the one clean dancer at Follies like how there are rumors on the internet of one working in Detroit.

Avatar for ppwh

Speaking of which, I wonder how many Eskimo brothers there are on TUSCL, and what the vocabulary would be, like "Eskimo brothers ninety times over!" for some of the Atlanta guys.

Avatar for TheeOSU

It took long time to go through all of those pics and vids, used up just about all of my TUSCL time for today but I have to say except for a very few of those girls I am not impressed at all.

Other than a couple others whose links I didn't save the ones that I liked were..





But the vast majority wouldn't get any interest or cash from me.

I don't feel so bad about the dancer quality up in my area now. :D

Avatar for ime

Chili the posts from Juice are of the night shift which is a lot different than day shift.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Very true ime..posted what I could

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I've only meet one clean dancer at follies...very beautiful white Girl...we would meet up for lunch often before heading into follies

Avatar for vincemichaels

Obviously, that isn't the one you were getting friendly with the time we were at Follies. :)

Avatar for s275ironman

For comparison, I'd like to see pics and vids of the day shift girls. The night shift doesn't do it for me. Based on the sample size, only about 10% of those girls are my preferred type.

Avatar for rane1234

Of course you old hicks dont like the flavor night shift offers. Lol "clean" girls. Theyre strippers. Hoods are coming off...let me gtfo this thread. Telling though

Avatar for chessmaster

Osu I like mollydamaneater and br00klyn.

Avatar for chessmaster

Do they work at follies? Has anybody seen them?

Avatar for ppwh

I didn't notice it being significantly different from what these photos represent when I was there during the day. I saw one who I thought was hot, one who was kind of hot and the rest I wasn't interested in at all. Since I'm picky and often visit small clubs with loose hiring standards, that didn't seem out of the norm to me, though. Actually, the main difference was that there were any attractive dancers on a day shift at all. A lot of small clubs either don't have any dancers a lot of the time on day shift, or the ones who show up don't tend to be the ones that interest me.

Avatar for ppwh

Lol "clean" girls. Theyre strippers.

Dude, I swear I read on TUSCL that there is a clean dancer in Detroit!

Avatar for s275ironman

^^^ In all seriousness, there are some clean dancers at Detroit clubs, but they are in the minority. I've had some ask me for dances, but when they told me they didn't do extras, I told them "No thanks".

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