
Using Uber to hail a hooker

Sunday, August 27, 2017 6:06 PM
I'd like Uber to have an option to either hail a ride or a hooker.

Of course to hail a hooker - must be 18. Check that.
But all the ride-share conveniences and advantages apply.

1. Uber has screening process to hire professional hookers. Hooking license (STD certificate), Customer rating system, etc.
2. On a given evening, Uber has live info on hookers in the vicinity of a customer who are "on duty" and match customer requirements (white, black, skinny, thick, small boobs, blonde, kinky, etc)
3. All on-duty hookers get to see Customer rating as well. Helps them weed out the trolls.
4. Pricing set by Uber based on Supply & Demand at the moment.
5. Uber app offers up to 5 hooker choices to customer - photos, vital stats and new category - "signature sex move" for each hooker.
6. Customer either declines all, or picks one. All-inclusive Pricing is set. No tipping.Let's say customer picks one. Deal is done.
7. Uber knows location of hooker and customer. Customer may be in a restaurant and hooker may be in a coffee shop. Who cares.
8. From here both hooker and customer know where they are and hooker arrives at customer location.
9. Off they go until the prescribed service is completed!
10. While smoking a cigar, customer rates this hooker and hooker rates this customer - and off to their own business from there on.

For sophisticated customers, Uber may offer hooker/ride/hotel combo. There are various ways that can be packaged. A hooker may herself offer ride-share for "Disney-world enthusiasts" and ride/hooker service for "gentlemen".

Sophisticated customers may also get to pick more than one hooker for the evening.

Biggest benefit Uber brings to this service is Rating System. It's like a Credit Score. Neither Hooker not Customer wants to ruin their rating. This ensures Quality and Safety. (Of course, like ride-sharing, there will be some mishaps)

Next benefit is - taking the ambiguity out of pricing. Fair price. Set by Uber gods. Cashless transaction. Hookers get better organized because money is getting deposited in their bank account.

Whadya guys think? Please share your thoughts.

Let's draft this up. First each one sends to their Reps and Senators in each of 50 States.
Trumps gonna take a while to repeal Obamacare or get the wall built or lower taxes or even stop China.
This one should go through. It's an internet app and conservatives still read newspapers and books and don't like this snapchat and instagram shit. We would define "Hooker" as a friend who likes to fuck a guys brains out.

After the legislation becomes a law - why just limit to Uber. Others can pile on - Lyft, AirBNB, HomeAway - and I don't mind Priceline jumping in either where customer puts in his bid - Priceline provides a hooker - but her stats will only be revealed after deal is done. With no refunds! (Some mongers dig that kinda adventure).

Did I mention TUSCL members get a discount percentage which is equal to 2 x Membership Level. So Shadow & Papi will get 2 x 10 = 20 discount.

... fire away


  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I'd say ace, but I see one issue. I suspect hookers like the under the table part of their trade. Direct deposit = have to pay taxes. Hookers will like say "not brilliant!" to that!
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    If you need a hooker website complete with ratings system just check out www.escortbabylon.com . You can send an Uber to pick up your "friend" and they'll bring her right over.
    Of course I prefer to order my take out from the club so I can sample the goods before I buy the full meal.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I thought this was what UberEats was for. Dang, another wasted app install.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    joc13 - UberEats ! that's perfect
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    whodey - that site is massive pop-up city. Uber will skip the hard sell and show it like it is.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    4got death and taxes get to everyone
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    They could call it Gulper.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Most uber drivers are men. Maybe 1 out of 10 is a woman. But a few months ago, I got a young female driver with a suggestive photo (lots of cleavage).

    When she arrived, I saw that she was wearing a similarly sexed up outfit. She immediately began complaining about how my location was hard to find. Very stripper-like behavior. She told me sge was giving Uber driving a try and her main job was "modeling."

    When the ride ended (at my house) she looked me right in the eye and said "thank yooou" in slutty vouce.

    I'm fairly certain I could have taken her inside and banged her in exchange for a tip.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    U-Her. wh-Uber. X-ber. Pro-ber. LU-ber. U-bone-er. cUm-ber. Bu-ber.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    ^ ha ha that funny (Luber)
    ... Scroo-Bher

    Digitech - I'd ask her to drop me at a strip club
  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    The option already exists and doesn't include a 3rd party UBER driver acting as a pimp .
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I'm been surprised how many people at a strip club will get inside a strangers car when they need a ride. I wonder if uber makes riders sign a waiver saying no drugs allowed in case they get pulled over.
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