
What It's Really Like to Date When You've Done Sex Work

Detroit strip clubs
This article by a former stripper and escort is well-written but boring.



  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    The key words she used to describe her future husband is that he had an "open mind". I enjoy the strip club industry and forums like this where I connect with other open-minded people.

    I also think people who want to move away from their past have a responsibility to keep mum about things they aren't proud of. Got the impression the writer wanted it both ways - being able to freely write about her past sex work, but not have to deal with the flack and opinions of others.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    She lost her teaching career because her need to be an attention whore was stronger than her desire to teach children. After all, unless she is a moron, which doesn't seem likely given her ability to write, she had to know that publishing that article was going to jeopardize her teaching career. Maybe she hoped that she could cash in on whatever notoriety came from it.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Wow I feel like this was written by a stripper I know and had a short relationship with.

    Girl in her mid twenties was an elementary school teacher married to a verbally abusive husband causing her to have severe anxiety. Husband leaves her, she smokes pot to calm anxiety and loses 30 pounds and becomes smoking hot. Friend convinces her to leave her job and become a stripper in Vegas. She works hard but it's not enough so she does a little escorting on the side. Now she's making in 2 months what it took her a year to make teaching, and smoking pot at least once a day for continued "anxiety."

    Somehow she thinks she's going to quit, buy a beach house in cash and go back to teaching.

    Hope it works out for her but I find t hard for her to ever be married again.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I don't feel like this article represents me well. I've always felt that I souldn't ask for something from someone if I hadn't done what I could to help myself first. I don't feel like she approves of herself, but she's seeking the approval of others. It takes a lot of thought to decide how you feel ab yourself, and self discipline to follow through with boundaries, and lifestyle decisions. Fuck any guy who tried to use my job, or past, against me. My job works for me and anyone I'm close to shouldn't have an issue with it, bc I handle my own problems. I find that kind of behavior to be incredibly insecure and not sexy. Where will he be when things are hard? Shouldn't he have faith in who she is as a person?
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    You can't get better material to write about than a young stripper who becomes an escort. But this is as boring as watching SJG drink gravy. If she's going to fuck up her relationships by telling everybody about her past, at least she should tell some of the sordid details to make it interesting.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Great post Bj. In my job I always tell people: if you love him/her as they are now, why would it make any difference how they got there?
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    "One word of advice to men who find themselves in the situation of dating a sex worker: don’t expect to get cirque de so-laid. Sorry to disappoint: Sex work doesn’t make you sex-crazy, and it also doesn’t mean you’re necessarily adventurous in bed."


    i always assumed strippers were more freaky/adventurous/sexually experienced than your average girl/woman
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^ wait until you fuck about 30 of them and then you will realize that is simply not true.

    Top 5 biggest sexual freaks I have been with, 4 were never strippers.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Have to agree. ITC I've had some wild sex.

    OTC with the some of the same strippers, not so much.

    Must be the club environment.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I feel the same exact way it's it's because of these reasons:

    1. In the club you probably have a little buzz.

    2. 95% of the time a stripper looks better inside the club than outside.

    3. There's something taboo about doing in where you're not supposed to which makes it more exciting.

    4. You likely have a time limit inside the club where you don't OTC - which can make the session seem rushed giving you an exhilarating feeling.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    skibum609: "if you love him/her as they are now, why would it make any difference how they got there?"

    That's pretty moronic even for a shit-for-brains like you, skifag. So if they "got there" by stealing that's alright? Think, skifag, think!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ eventually everyone does something socially unacceptable. if its someone you love, you might be willing to put the effort forth to understand them, and forgive them, and they might be willing to help you. If you are with someone you don't love, then forget it; there's no point bc you don't love them anyways.

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