Most agrisive custie ive ever seen was last night

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
And it was a shitting you...she even had her boyfriend with her...the boy friend would sit quietly at the stage just drinking and nothing else...his lady on the other hand was Rick flare Woo Hoooo ing and barking at strippers and Shit...funny thing was she was young and attractive herself lol...

for the most part you can't touch in this club and this girl was man handling the dancer's on stage and not even one bouncer gave a fuck...I suppose they enjoyed the I did....

one point a stripper tried to involve her boy toy and he looked confused to what to do..his girl yield at him to fucking stand up and suck those titties LMFAO

Hell this over aggressive but beautiful young lady would often point and high five me when I went up to tip her favorites lol

If her dude wasn't their it would have been extremely fun tipping that bitch when she was tipping a stripper and getting a three way involved...I probably could have any way seeing how she's controlled her boy LMFAO...I didn't because believe it or not I'm some what respectful

You guys seen this ?


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avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Three hours LMFAO my god

If she didn't have her boy toy I would have thought she was a rare attractive dike...she was covered in tattoos...flannel shirt with sleeves cut off and blue jean pants with legs cut into shorts..the amazing thing was this dike was very attractive in the face...long hair and a athletic build on a spinner frame...had be laughing..confused and exited maybe even scared if I'm honest lol
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
You should of taken her to the VIP room Juice.

Sounds like she would have eaten you alive.

Fuck, that's delicious!
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
If I see her again and it's on the rare occasion I'm going to do a champagne room I should invite her to join because her favorites was mine as well LMFAO...maybe next time she will leave her ball in chain at the house so we can play
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
I would pay her fee for damn sure
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Yes. I've seen stuff like that w female customers. They can definitely get away w a little more.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
Women are 100 times worse than men as far as making a spectacle of themselves in clubs. I would hope the female PL's here are not part of this stereotype. I've had club trips become way less fun due to obnoxious female customers. As was JB69's experience, none of the management seems to care. But if a guy acted that way, w\he'd be tossed out.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Yeah. I can just imagine a guy climbing up on stage and getting on top of a dancer lol.
avatar for Crownand7
7 years ago
Is it possible that she was a stripper or ex-stripper herself? It would explain the other girls comfort with letting her do this, her need for attention, her looks and her pussy whipped bf.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Rock lol...totally agree brother

BJ LMFAO...I've seen the attempt from a dude and it didn't go as planned lol...funny to observe

Crown not sure but she looked good enough face and body to do ???
avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
I had an ex that liked to go to see the male dancers every now and then. I would go with her. If you have never gone with a wife or SO to see it (not a Chippendales show or something like that) but a club with male dancers, I suggest you do it. In Vegas we had a place like that upstairs at the old OG's. I'm not sure if there is still anywhere like that here since they closed. Men who accompanied their dates were allowed in.

Those girls are absolutely nuts, and since vice is usually pretty homophobic, they stay out of those. Girls giving BJ's, fucking dancers in the corner, most never wear panties and if they do, they are off pretty quickly. Actually its a better show than most female clubs we are used to.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
LMFAO Brilliant
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Did you get laid any that night ? By a lady customer ?
avatar for whodey
7 years ago
I've seen a few different types of wild female custies over the years. They usually fall into one of three categories:
1) lesbian / bi customers who know the club won't crack down on them because they are good for business and get the club fired up. In many of these cases the "boyfriend" is no such thing and only there because the club doesn't allow "unescorted females" to prevent hookers from working inside the club without the club getting a cut.
2) the girl is over compensating because her boyfriend suggested she go to the club with him when she didn't want to. She is acting wild and crazy because she thinks that is how she wants him to act and she is afraid she will lose him to a stripper if she doesn't act as wild as they do.
3) off duty stripper who is either really into ladies or is simply trying to drum up tips and excitement for her friends that are working. The "boyfriend" is usually a regular of hers who thought it would be fun to take her to a club as a custie as part of their otc date.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I was in Cheetahs West Palm a few years back afternoon about 3 pm and some obviously well known porn star stopped by don't remember her name but she got the crowd riled up for her girlfriend who was a dancer there rowdy as hell but fun nothing bad but they were going at it in stage for a good 40 minutes then she started working the club great fun afternoon, the floor men let it be, there were no problems.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Done right it can be dick Harding

Wrong and it's annoying
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
^ Couldn't have said it better, Juice.

I'll just echo the observation that female custies tend to be louder and handsier than males on average.
avatar for BrotherFogHorn
7 years ago
You crazy ass fuck
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Was at a seedy as all black dive bar this one time and the dancer damn near took my dick out and shoved it into her pussy
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