
Elizabeth Montgomery's legs

Avatar for JAprufrock
JAprufrockDid desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?

This has nothing to do with strip clubs. It's late. I just got back from the bar. I'm watching Bewitched on some retro TV channel and I'm getting hard as a rock looking at Elizabeth Montgomery's legs. Damn, what a beauty she was. I remember other episodes with her in short skirts, showing her sexy legs. The ultimate MILF. Time to break out the lube.


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Avatar for doctorevil

Elizabeth Montgomery doesn't do much for me, but Barbara Eden and I Dream of Jeanie--wow!

Avatar for JAprufrock

^^^^You got me there. I Dream of Jeannie is on now, and Barbara Eden looking sexy as fuck in a short blue dress, showing her amazing legs! Damn, women were so much hotter in the 60s!

Avatar for sharkhunter

She looked great when I first saw the show but I know I didn't see it in the 60's. Must have been reruns.

Avatar for flagooner

Barbara Eden could create a boner when she was in her 60s.

Another that has kept it together... Heather Locklear is in her mid-50s and looks almost as good as ever.

Avatar for Dougster

Hadn't heard of her. She is so pure looking.

Avatar for Hugh_G_Rection

Barbara Eden was supposedly preggo part of the time she was wearing the Jeanie outfit which explains why the outfit kept appearing skimpier....

Avatar for ATACdawg

I had the hots for Cheryl Ladd who replaced Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels. She was a major babe.

Avatar for flagooner

^ the prettiest of all the angels

Avatar for gammanu95

One huge problem with chicks in the 60s, it seems from pics and movies, was massive amounts of bush. I understand that there wasn't a Cvs or Walgreens on every corner stocking electric clippers, but it's no less of a turnoff. On the plus side, if she had big tits, They were real.

Avatar for JAprufrock

^^^^Good points, gamma.

I grew up in the '70s checking out Hustler magazine and all the other porn rags of the time and almost all the women had bushes, so I became accustomed to liking bush, as long as it was neatly trimmed, not out of control. They would occasionally feature a shaven woman and I remember thinking how strange that pussy looks with no hair and didn't much care for it.

When I began dating in the 80s every girl I was with had a bush. I can't even recall the first woman I was with who shaved it or when that was.

But now, I love the smooth-shaven look, which makes the pussy lips stand out and looks so fucking hot. I don't like bush at all unless it's a racing stripe or really close-trimmed and sparse.

Avatar for dennyspade

To those us of us who encountered Elizabeth Montgomery and Barbara Eden in our prime time puberty period; the mags like Oui, Hustler and their darker version "Players" took as much of a beating as our pocket sausages. Hell, there was no Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, no 'internets,' and we were hit with HOT PANTS on our classmates, their Moms ann women walking down the streets. To say that every Loner had a Boner would be a misnomer for today's PL.

I had a part time job as a ladie's shoesalesman at 16-17 years of age in downtown Chicago. Polyester pants and leisure suits did not stand a chance against a 17 year-old's Hard-on. To see Playboy Bunnies and strippers come into our store to buy 4" stiletto heels for work (sans panties) destined me to become a Strip Club Enthusiast for a 'Very LONG Time."

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