…I saw a comment in the "investment" thread, somebody said that the strip club industry is on its way out. However, the above graph demonstrates a rather consistent interest in the united states based on internet searches. Looks like it bottomed out in '09 and '10 after the financial crisis and high unemployment.
Do you think the strip club industry has been in a down trend since the 90'? (How accurately do you think your perception of any market trend reflects the true trend of the industry?) What do you predict for the future of this industry?
last commentStrip clubs had two things to compete with fifteen years ago, escorts (it was hard to find a good one) and porn, which you had to go to the video store for, worrying if you were going to run into your neighbor catching you walk out of the porno room.
Now, there's endless places escorts can advertise on the internet, sugar daddy websites, phone apps where you can hook up with women who want to have sex, and the biggest blows of all, cam sites, and endless free porn on the internet. Yes, most of us here hate cam sites, but there are many PLs out there that settle for cam sites and porn because they don't even need to leave their home.
I've been clubbing since the late 90s so I have almost 20 years under my belt. I can't even come close to compare to others here much older to me, but in the limited time of clubbing I have experienced - my "golden age" would be the early 2000s, mainly fueled by Seductions in Niagara Falls Ontario which (back then) would be fair to be called the "Canadian Follies."
The corporate customer hasn't returned since companies were pressured via glass-ceiling feminists to no longer allow expense reports for club visits on or off company time. This was 25% revenue from easy, low mileage, frequent customers that vanished overnight.
Since the '90s the typical customer spends the about the same $$$ amount as he did 20 years ago, but the club costs for owners have gone up.
Unable to coax more spending from the typical customer from a typical visit -- legal fees, taxes, rent, energy have all gone up for the owners -- the owners extract cash from the only people they left can, the dancers, via higher house fees and a larger cut from dancers, and tips outs a mandatory to make payroll for the staff (bouncers, DJ, etc). This squeezes the dancers.
Coupled with the hobbyists who demand more ahem *bang for their *buck, this means extras customers. This drives a lot of the 7-ups out, and the opioid epidemic isn't helping.
Topless clubs have been shut down and restricted. The closest club requires pasties and charges more than the old clubs did for a lot less action. At least they aren't air dances like some states have.
The indent is to reduce demand (Customers), where the Gov't hope if demand dries up, the dancers will move on, and the clubs will close.
Before returning to clubbing in Ohio (back in Sept 2015) I actually planned to get an escort and have her just dance for me nude in a hotel room, based on the Strip Club laws we have. True story. I mentioned that to the wife, she was OK with it, but said, let's try the club first and go from there. Since me clubbing again was her idea to help improve my mood and as a reward for all that I do.
Some of the girls I know also use the shops as an easy way to screen men for partying etc. It's a lot easier to tell if a guy has money if he's coming to your hut every day in his new Mercedes vs. meeting him in the club and hoping he's telling you the truth about his job and money. One thing I know is that all these girls, whether in clubs or at a bikini coffee shop, love to go boating.
+1. Exactly
There have been ups and downs, but over the course of the last 35+ years, I haven't seen much evidence of strip club decline overall. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Where I see their as being growth potential is:
1. No alcohol clubs, in places like California where you have to have this to have nudity. Back in the early 90's a guy wanted to open KitKat Club Sunnyvale ( now Cheetahs ). Of course the city tried to decline and so he fought it in court and the newspapers. One of his arguments was that Sunnyvale's other clubs attracted drinkers. Whereas his new club would attract naked women watchers. I find the argument to be compelling as many of us have had bad experiences with intoxicated drivers, and we see all the police out on the El Camino around the time the bars close.
2. Membership Clubs, these cannot hold an alcohol license but they can be BYOB. Because these are no longer retail / public places, they get out from under all public lewdness and public sex laws, and it just becomes impractical to enforce much else in them either. Notice that in PGC Maryland they are having to resort to enforcing on zoning ordinances to close some of the most notorious. People have come to expect strip clubs to be sex clubs, and as I see it, Membership Club is the practical way to get away with this.
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flagooner +10
The organization I am building will not be a strip club. It won't be a church either, but some of it will be registered as a religion to avoid having to pay property tax.
SCs by in-large have notoriously often treated customers like shit and shaking them down at every-turn:
+ some clubs have forced valet or charge you to park your own car (even if you park down the street on city property)
+ some SCs have covers as high as $20
+ over-priced and/or watered down drinks
+ shortened songs (especially 2-for-1 "specials")
+ some clubs have a large chunk of the seating reserved as paid-seating
+ everyone wants a tip and the most egregious is the VIP bouncer basically demanding a good-tip or else (or else he'll make sure you don't enjoy your time; i.e. basically a shakedown) - and not too mention the VIP waitress also pretty-much demanding her kickback lest she comes in every 30 seconds to see if you want another drink
+ dealing w/ ROBs or bitches w/ terrible attitudes
+ ATM-fees that should be illegal
+ surly bouncers and staff
+ etc
Back in the day SCs were sorta the only game in town except for street-walkers or call-in escorts; so they could more easily get-away w/ being assholes b/c they did not have much competition in the arena - but today it's a different world w/ many more options and thus more PLs, and more dancers, not-wanting to put up with the bullshit in many SCs and these PLs and dancers have more options these days.
The shitty service combined w/ tough local ordinances in most areas of the country and women and PLs having more-choices, means it's hard to see the SCs doing any-better than they are doing now; but who knows.
Reading the discussion boards over the last few years it seems there are more areas now that have worse/no SC-scenes than areas that have improved or gained a good SC scene.
Hadn't thought of that but def makes sense if the PL is a big-enough fish for her to pass-up.
I automatically assumed cam-girls cammed so they didn't have to physically interact w/ PLs.
I frequent use the free can site advertising on tuscl...a good percentage of these girls are selling in person interactions..but you need a deep Wallet
John Smith could swim in DS pussy if he went this route
Do you ever hear about a new strip club opening up? It's a NIMBY issue, and the only reason we still have the old clubs is because the restrictive zoning laws only target new clubs.
Sex is the strongest human motivation, in a tie with food, and yet our society suppresses the expression of that desire, channeling it out of the public space and into cyberspace. It's not just cam girls that are drawing away custies, either. The ubiquity of (free) hardcore porn is very hard (heh) to compete with for males' attention. This affects not just strip clubs, but all facets of society, and is contributing to the phenomenon of young men "dropping out." Think about young women, too: they lost their religion, but they gained feminism, so having sex for money went from being taboo because it was a sin to being taboo because it was patriarchal exploitation. Either way, it's a tough psychological barrier for the smart, well-educated (both of which are highly correlated with good looks) ones to cross.
I can't explain why, exactly, but despite all the rap videos and celebrity sex tapes, there is still deep sexual repression among even the younger generations in this country. Some of my friends growing up had the money and looks to have plenty of casual sex and a variety of sexual experiences, such as visiting strip clubs, but barely had any interest in playing the field. All of that was either gross or tacky to them--worth missing out on.
Then there is the geography issue. If you live in the wrong jurisdiction, you're fucked. Or rather, not, because in many places between the Appalachians and the Rockies, the local vice squad takes its job very seriously, and is good at it. And nobody protests because who the hell wants to go on record as a whoremonger or some other breed of pervert?
Finally, I'll just confirm the impression that dancer quality is bad. In most clubs, 7 is the ceiling, not the floor. And at the point, there is no point, as far as I'm concerned (which could just as well be said of this rambling post, but there you have it).
^^^ Probably not a bad idea. ;-)