She Doesn't Do This With Other Guys

avatar for NaturalSelection
I've mentioned this stripper I meet up with around the first of every month before. She always makes a point to tell me that she doesn't do this with other guys. Yeah. Sure. What's not to believe? Hope she gets that nursing degree she's been working so hard for. So we've been to Red Roof the first 3 times, then twice at her place, and back at Red Roof last Monday. I give her $350 for her time and she takes care of the room. I gave her $350 at her place, I don't know why she didn't want to do that this time. So I noticed her paperwork for the room. She has a Red Roof loyalty card, there's a print out of all her transaction. 2 nights somewhere in FL, 1 night in TN. 4 nights around Detroit that all match up with our sessions.

Is it possible she doesn't do this with other guys?


last comment
8 years ago
Anythings possible, its possible that Donald Trump could be President of these United States.
8 years ago
If she's a liar, you'll be able to figure it out because she'll tell small lies about other things.

My money is on her being a truth-teller, at least at the moment. LOL!
8 years ago
Try to get he into your own bed and do over nighters with her.

8 years ago
Yeah, it's possible, even probable. Do you care, though?
8 years ago
^^^^^^ I agree with GMD. That's the real issue, what difference does it make what she is saying. And like I said, if you want to escalate with her, your own bed and all night. Evaluate by what she does, not what she says.

8 years ago
It could means she's a lesbian.
8 years ago
The rest of the story...

I've never prepaid her before but did this time. Thursday prior, she texted me about noon and told me she wanted me to come in and be her friend's first customer. Reluctantly I immediately texted her back for full details (and pics, the new girl is HOT) and with great hesitation I arrived an hour early...

I didn't see them come in but they were there for the start of night shift. They come sit with me. Only four of strippers managed to show on time. So it was pretty quick and the new girl got to stage for the first time. My stripper videoed it. What a great FB memory that'll be.

She comes back and sits with us. I teach her the immortal phrase, "wanna dance?" We go for dances, I give her advice and what not, she's not afraid of the mileage. I give her $150 for 7. She's got a 'god damn that was fast and easy money' look on her face. On the way out, I tell her to pay attention to the customers watching her leave the VIP, those guys probably want to be next.

Back at my table, I tell the new girl to go mingle. My stripper returns and asks for $350 in advance. No problem, I whip out $350 and give it to her, and give her another $100 and told her the lapper better be awesome. They were. Almost as good as the Red Roof.
8 years ago
Now if she is passing you off onto another girl, then you've really got to ask yourself, what do you want?

Do you want to be paying a girl and seeing her open ended? Nothing wrong with that. But not everyone wants that.

But this girl might be bailing on you.

And as far as the new girl, always better if you pick them yourself after a f2f first meeting.

Do you want to be able to walk into the strip club and go with which everyone floats your boat that day, and both ITC and OTC? Some guys seem to want that, not regular meetings.

So you have to decide what you really want, and not let the girls decide for you.

8 years ago
Yes, strange that she would pay for room after having you over at her place. But maybe her husband was home that day.
8 years ago
There is no fucking way in hell that an ignoramus like Donald Dickweed Trump could ever be elected President and .....omg I just read the news.....................
8 years ago
@NaturalSelection, if you're concerned about who else she might be fucking, or even *if* she's fucking someone else, then you might be getting to close.

Be ware.
8 years ago
@NaturalSelection, don't worry about it, man. Strippers have always been known to only do certain things with certain guys. There might have been those 330 times with the male staff and 497 times with other customers, but that was just an aberration where she had been drinking too much and they started getting handsy.
8 years ago
"... I noticed her paperwork for the room. She has a Red Roof loyalty card, there's a print out of all her transaction. 2 nights somewhere in FL, 1 night in TN. 4 nights around Detroit ..."

Maybe she's a traveling dancer and likes to check-out different clubs and naturally she'd have to stay at a hotel.

If your thread is just a simple comment then fine, but if it's something you think-about about her lying to you about being w/ other custies then the strip-club game is not for you.
8 years ago
^ or you just have to change your mindset
8 years ago
@SJG: if you actually went to strip clubs and actually participated in ITC and OTC relationships with dancers, then you'd know that sometimes you find a dancer who is simply cool to be with, as well as a great fuck. She knows what you like, and she also is confident enough in herself that she isn't afraid to recommend a new dancer to you.

This has happened to me on a number of occasions, and the new dancer can immediately be comfortable because she knows the first dancer has already vouched for me. It makes dances inside the club (I know, a chump's game) start at a higher mileage almost immediately, and brings OTC (and a possible threesome) out very quickly and easily. Nothing like a dancer telling another dancer, "This guy's got a great cock and knows how to use it" to spur the interest. You ought to try it sometime, instead of engaging in slave trade massage parlor activities.

8 years ago
Red Roof Inn? Could it be any worse? Motel 6?
8 years ago
It's rare that the stripper pays for the room. She probably only does that with you and her other clients pay for the room themselves.
8 years ago
Chances are she had the room from some other guy before you I doubt the stripper ever paid for a room !
8 years ago
Chili Palmer wrote, "is confident enough in herself that she isn't afraid to recommend a new dancer to you."

Chili, if you actually had relationships with women, you would know that if she is passing you onto someone else, then obviously she sees you as quite peripheral.

8 years ago
Stop being so loose with the money. Fucking it up for the rest of us.
8 years ago
twentyfive > Anythings possible, its possible that Donald Trump could be President of these United States.
Sure, like that will happen.…

HungryGiraffe > If she's a liar, you'll be able to figure it out because she'll tell small lies about other things.
>My money is on her being a truth-teller, at least at the moment. LOL!
so far nothing has heigthened my senses

san_jose_guy > Try to get he into your own bed and do over nighters with her.
Shut up.

georgmicrodong > Yeah, it's possible, even probable. Do you care, though?
No, not really. If I'm one of hundreds, I concider my time and money well spent. If I'm the only one, I consider my time and money well spent. As long as our sessions keep remaining amazing, I'll remain a loyal customer.

san_jose_guy > I agree with GMD
Shut up.

Dominic77 > It could means she's a lesbian.
If so, as a true stripper, she is sending mixed signels!

san_jose_guy > Now if she is blah blah blah
Shut up.

RandomMember > Yes, strange that she would pay for room after having you over at her place. But maybe > her husband was home that day.
You're closest to being right I'm afraid. I think her old BF is back in the scene. I kinda feel bad for the guy, I think he has a promising future but he's hooked on my whore. Too bad Larry Tech (Lawrence Technological University, Big 3 engineering college) doesn't teach drug dealing.

skibum609 > There is no fucking way in hell that an ignoramus like Donald Dickweed Trump could ever be > elected President and .....omg I just read the news.....................
I know right!

ppwh > @NaturalSelection, don't worry about it, man. Strippers have always been known to only do certain > things with certain guys. There might have been those 330 times with the male staff and 497 times with > other customers, but that was just an aberration where she had been drinking too much and they started > getting handsy.
I'd still be a virgin if my life weren't an aberration!

Papi_ChuloAugust > "... I noticed her paperwork for the room. She has a Red Roof loyalty card, there's a > print out of all her transaction. 2 nights somewhere in FL, 1 night in TN. 4 nights around Detroit ..."
> Maybe she's a traveling dancer and likes to check-out different clubs and naturally she'd have to stay at a > hotel.
It sounds more like the thousands of trips Michiganers make to FL. Drive down, stay with friends, stay with family, and catch a few rooms, catch a room half way back. If I'm right and you're right, well, she's just a level headed stripper, goes on vacation and pays the bills while she's there.

>If your thread is just a simple comment then fine, but if it's something you think-about about her lying to you about being w/ other custies then the strip-club game is not for you.
I actually have this unsettling feeling that she's not seeing other guys!

jackslash > Red Roof Inn? Could it be any worse? Motel 6?
What's your fucking problem, Red Roof has microwave ovens to heat your discount Walmart tomatoe soup. with.

JohnSmith69 > It's rare that the stripper pays for the room. She probably only does that with you and her other clients pay for the room themselves.
I learned this from you! You gave a room to whore and her kids came the next day and loved it. It's my system now, at least in Detroit. I don't need a room 9 miles from my house so I let her put it in her name. She can have it and turn tricks, her kids over, duck her bf, who cares.

twentyfive > Chances are she had the room from some other guy before you I doubt the stripper ever paid for a room !
When I give her the money in the parking lot and it her 15 minutes to check-in, I feel relatively comfortable I'm the first (in this room) of the day.

san_jose_guy > Chili, if you actually had relationships with women, you would know that if she is passing > you onto someone else, then obviously she sees you as quite peripheral.
Shut up.

txtittyfag > ^^^^^^^ Wutz ur problm loyd?
> R u sterel n impotent 2?
> Kant get lil loyd up?
> Kant hav no kidz?
> Iz dat y u hael womenz?
> Y do u haet womenz so much?
> Iz it reelatd 2 ur wief runin awey?
> Yd ur wief run awey loyd?
> Wuz it kaus ur a cykel nut job?
> Wuz it kauz ur mom chaysed her awey frm her lil boi?
> U do no dat ur mom luvz u loyd evn tho ur a 100% fuck up she stil livz u.
> Taint no reezon 2 haet ur mom loyd.
> Dont haet ur ex wief hoo ran awey kauz she got smart.
> Did ur wief run awey kauz ur rly sjgay?
> Did she run awey kauz ur a no ballz unik?
> Wut womenz wud want 2 liv wit a no ballz cykel fuck up?
> U kant blaem her loyd.
> She did wut she had 2 do.
> She got smart.
> Comprende?
> Or did ur wief taek ur ballz wen she ran away frm u?
> Iz it kauz u spent 2 much tyem wit dem dancin Mexacali boiz?
> Or kauz u wer bringin dem bathhouse towel boiz hoem wit u?

Spooky, exactly what I was thinking

Dlee305 > Stop being so loose with the money. Fucking it up for the rest of us.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Here's a shout out to Chili Palmer for this comment:

@SJG: if you actually went to strip clubs and actually participated in ITC and OTC relationships with dancers, then you'd know that sometimes you find a dancer who is simply cool to be with, as well as a great fuck. She knows what you like, and she also is confident enough in herself that she isn't afraid to recommend a new dancer to you.

This has happened to me on a number of occasions, and the new dancer can immediately be comfortable because she knows the first dancer has already vouched for me. It makes dances inside the club (I know, a chump's game) start at a higher mileage almost immediately, and brings OTC (and a possible threesome) out very quickly and easily. Nothing like a dancer telling another dancer, "This guy's got a great cock and knows how to use it" to spur the interest. You ought to try it sometime, instead of engaging in slave trade massage parlor activities.

I'm not even trying to bed this wench yet but Chili totally sums it up.

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