The Landing Strip Lounge worth the visit?
Tijuana and Detroit
Another question in preparation for the "Juice Memorial Tour". As an NBA historian, I have a mild interest in seeing the venue where Craig Sager talked Dennis Rodman out of killing himself back in 1993. The reviews for The Landing Strip have been less than stellar as of late. Some of the locals also tell me that it's more of a middle-of-the-road club these days. Given that we only have a limited amount of time to hit the clubs, is it worth a stop?
Keep in mind that we are looking at hitting Flight Club, BT's, Subi's, and Criket all on the same day due to their relative proximity. Henry's and Bogart's were the alternates for that day since they have something to "offer" even though they are dives. Should The Landing Strip get slotted in? What say the locals in the know?
Keep in mind that we are looking at hitting Flight Club, BT's, Subi's, and Criket all on the same day due to their relative proximity. Henry's and Bogart's were the alternates for that day since they have something to "offer" even though they are dives. Should The Landing Strip get slotted in? What say the locals in the know?
BT's, Criket and Flight Club are all on Michigan Ave, not far from each other. Subi's is a little farther away. I have always liked Subi's, but it is not a glitzy and glamorous club.
A lot of their business is from the airport and business men traveling. The club is very close to the airport terminals. So day shift can have a decent amount of girls. I haven't been in quite a while so not sure what it's like lately. You'll have to rely on the latest reviews I suppose.
Landing Strip is relatively close to the Flight Club whereas, Subi's is a good drive down I-75 (which may still be under construction) from the other clubs that you mention. I recommend replacing Subi's with Landing Strip.…
Flight Club still has the hottest dancers, however during my most recent visit, the talent was a bit lower than it has been, and the club was far less crowded. Dance prices were the same, although due to less customers several of the dancers were willing to come down in price more than last year.
Landing Strip Day shift was a bit lower than FC. Night shift about the same or slightly lower. Less dancers during day, and a lot more varied, so I do not always find a dancer to my liking, but when I do find a dancer who meets my fancy, I tend to have a much better time during afternoon. I ran into far more ROB's and dancers with GPS during nightshift here.
Criket is a bit lower LS, but most are a lot better looking than Bogarts or Henry's. For some reason there were a lot more dancers my last visit that were not into extras.
Henry VIII lately has had both more and better looking dancers during the evening than Bogarts. Has been my go to place lately when I don't have any luck at the previous three.
Bogarts seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. Far too many old and out of shape dancers. If I happen to find the now very rare diamond or two in the club, she has been too busy.