
America sucks when it comes to adult entertainment.


OMG its almost as if we believed in sexual freedom and a womans right to use her body how she sees fit that the world would be better. Stupid rules like no booze if your bottom is off or no contact lap dances all relate to a feeling that some invisible person watching us is gonna cast us in to hell. Other countries are running off and leaving us when it comes to adult entertainment .


  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    Good thinking. Lets do some adult entertainment
  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    I can lick my eyebrows
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    so can i lol
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    This is news?
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    It's BrotherFogHorn's fault.

    Religious zealots wanting to push their interpretation of everything on everyone else.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    So strip clubs are great in ultra blue Washington DC? Ultra blue Massachusetts? Ultra blue Nyc? They seem more fun in redneck Floriduh, Texas, South Carolina etc.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    ultra blue cali?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    The land of the free and of the brave are such hypocrites .
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    The choir hears ya!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "ts almost as if we believed in sexual freedom and a womans right to use her body how she sees fit that the world would be better. "

    No, it's not just almost, it actually would be better if we believed in and protected those freedoms.

    Here on TUSCL you will find an endless barrage of Well-Off White Male idiots who bash feminism. These guys have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. The freedoms of which you speak, were first articulated by feminists and first defended by feminists.

  • ime
    7 years ago
    Male Feminists = snakes, sneaky guys who can't compete for females , pretty much sums you up there Lloyd Schoene.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I had found sheet music for this in a book.

    Use Zoom + to expand this to better read it.




    So I learned to play it, mostly because I thought it was humorous.

    I had a friend who was a life long organ player. So I handed the paper to him when he was standing outside, and he started to sing it. Then he asked, "Does it sound like that?"

    It has chromatic notes in both the left and right hand, and so it through me back some.

    But really taken back by his singing I said, "Y-e-s!"

    He explained to me that he had been in a college class on Sight Singing. And the teacher would always be handing him stuff to sing to let the class hear how it should be.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    The hard right is anti-P4P b/c of morality and the hard-left is often as much anti-P4P b/c they say it exploits women.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Live version


    And new music, claimed to have been inspired by a night of listening to a TJ girl tell of her woes

    Emile Zola and Nana, 1937 film


    Sex Positive Feminism

    1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Papi, there are different threads of Leftist thought.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Sexual prohibition is more stupid and more counter-productive than alcohol prohibition was.

    Sex is a need - and if one is not having their needs met then one will be unhappy and unhealthy - and why Western Europe countries people often live longer and healthier b/c they are allowed to satisfy and take care of their needs.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @SJG you are funny as fuck you complaining about well off guys who bash women. You do it constantly when you aren't bashing everyone else.
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    The article is wrong to paint it as a hard right issue. I agree with Papi that both the hard right and hard left have their reasons
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    The hard left does have a stake in this. Watch local city council, you'll see it. It's often spearheaded by the same formula, it's almost a meme: a woman, over 40, career forcused, childless, and often, unmarried.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I could imagine someone reading the article and thinking we need more sex Ed and more free condoms and birth control with easier access without parents permission to curb unwanted pregnancies and stds but in the US, parents will fight that and think abstinence is the only thing they will allow, until they find out their kids broke their rules. Happens each year but American parents don't seem to be getting any smarter. I believe their kids may take after them.

    Some parents may argue they rule with an iron fist and their kids will never do whatever because if they do, there will be hell to pay. The problem is schools and authorities in the US have no way of knowing which kids are grounded unable to have sex versus those who are free to mingle and if birth control is hard to get or kids are not stressed about using it, then they might not.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I remember I had an invitation in elementary school to visit a nice girl called Donna and she even stopped by my house. She wanted me to go visit her. My parents wouldn't let me. That sucked. I wasn't any good at lying back then either. They did let me go play in the local swamp. All safety there. Poisonous snakes and all kinds of critters. Water hazards. The girl down the street? No way.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "but in the US, parents will fight that and think abstinence is the only thing they will allow"

    But we know that that does not lower the teen pregnancy rate, it has the opposite effect. And we see the data in poledancer's article.



    American Exceptionalism

    The more celebrated aspects of this nation’s exceptionalism, adopted by other democracies —freedom of religion, women’s rights and demographic diversity, social welfare—started to be dismantled in the U.S. around the Reagan years, Jouet says. The result is the rise of a strengthened nativism, nationalism, anti-immigrant sentiment, distrust of institutions, lack of empathy for the poor, disdain for education and the rise of “alternative facts.”

    Curious Development, next to Santa Cruz, in Scotts Valley. A new Esalen?

    Being rid of that Assemblies of God Bethel Christian College is a blessing! But I believe that the site had become a Pharmacy School.

    Stanford, support animals in dormotories:

    Will be reading, not sure what to expect:
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    In mexico people are happy
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    spain is great also
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    SJG to bad america will never have this https://en.apricots.es/
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    papi usa will never advertise whore services like this https://en.apricots.es/
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Not sure if this is a complaint or not. Due to the laws and views on sexuality, it may be driving down demand and keeping prices low, although admittedly I have no experience to fall back on in this area.

    The FKK clubs in Germany seem to be fairly priced in a more of an open market, so that blows away my theory right there. Maybe more girls would enter the industry if the market opened up? This business model has not worked for Obama Care, but that is what happens when government decides to get into your wallets; the odds are always stacked against the consumer.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    All we really need to do is wait for enough Christians to die:


    Deep Purple, Moscow 2016
  • ime
    7 years ago
    More bigotry from Lloyd
    schoene big suprise, what a total faggot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If living in MX was so awesome then there wouldn't be millions of them over here
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    What I can say from seeing Mexican-Americans is that they seem very happy, more so than most upwardly mobile whites, and far more so than the typical hard living whites ( shit heads ).

    But I will ask about the iron cages. I am assuming you mean house security cages. Homes in Latin America have long had atriums, in the center of the house, instead of back yards.

    As I have seen, Mexican-Americans are warm and loving people.

    This is also very interesting, Guymas 1970, not at all like what Che describes.

    David Stuart went on to head the Anthropology Dept at UNM, and then to become Dean.

    He wrote that Mexican's coming to the US Southwest ask things like, "Why all the huge lawns, doesn't that use too much water?" ... "Why only one person per car, don't these people have families?" ... "Why are the only people we see on the street homeless?"

    And Mexican's tend to see Americans as loners, really meaning as psychopaths.


    Vincent Price - Deep Purple
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Papi, their culture has much good in it. But it is still a poor country. For one thing they lost more than half of their land to an acquisitive neighbor. For another, they resisted the idea of using slavery to position themselves commercially.

    This is good:

    Looking at 1968 as the low point and then following to the present.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Although they outlawed slavery much earlier than the US did, and the Californios fought bravely to avoid being made part of the United States, democracy has been slow in coming to Mexico.

  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Mostly I agree with the thread. But there's one big reason I worry.

    First, let me confirm, A. The choir hears the preacher, you're preaching to the choir. B. The crazy-right-wingers are against the adult-sex-industry because of their Bible-thumping stupidity. Meanwhile C. the crazy-left-wingers are against the adult-sex-industry because of their politically-correct femi-Nazi stupidity. D. Other countries make it a lot more interesting and fun to be an adult, especially in terms of pay for play. E. American parents are stupider and stupider. F. American children seem to be taking after their parents. It all seems pretty sensible.

    But. (If you think I'm being too this-or-that and so you're going to start some flame-war or trolling phenomenon in this thread, first you should please see my paragraph immediately above, about how I already agree with you on that-or-this, thank you.)

    I don't personally like the human-trafficking issue. I do notice, sometimes, that there are MAJOR indicators of human-trafficking at some of the "better" adult-sex-industry venues mentioned in this thread, or at some of the world-wide locations where there is good-better-best adult-sex-industry opportunities. So, I would totally agree with the preacher and sing right along with the choir, EXCEPT for the problem of sex-slavery worldwide. I don't know the stats, but I do notice, consistently, that there's a problem.

    Example, the women who work in brothel / strip-club-type establishments in Tijuana. Read enough of some of the reliable internet boards, and you'll get the idea that SOME of them are happy-happy-hookers, sure, and they're laughing all the way to the bank. I mean, what other job could a generally unskilled young woman undertake to gain that huge an amount of money with so little out-lay of effort or education or background training or purchase of industrial infrastructure and capital investment, etc. etc.. But read those boards some more, and you'll get the idea that SOME OTHERS of those women are actually quite unhappy, roped into the arrangement of having to provide sexual services by drug-cartel leaders, by dominant aggressive male 'pimp' or 'lover-boy' types who control them with threats of violence, etc.. Can't tell you the percentages. I just suggest, if you monger with prostitutes in Tijuana at one of those establishments, try to learn the lay of the land and patronize the girls who "want" (by choice, not coersion) to be there (and, of course, define "want" in that subjective way that we all have to, when we ask ourselves whether we "want" to go to work today ...).

    Another example, the FKK places in Germany and the rest of Northern Europe. Mostly, the Germans take great care to prevent exploitation and trafficking. And the Dutch, Lordie knows I've mongered in The Netherlands, they have PLENTY of local girls who are interested in getting extra cash for less effort, who are attractive to many male tourists and go into the window-girl business to pay off university expenses quick. But there are also the seedier places where girls from the less modernized Pacific Rim nations just happen to "show up" (again, probably thanks to a 'lover-boy' or 'pimp' situation), they give less than enthusiastic performances but keep getting hired because of their youthful appearance, their exotic looks (relative to other girls in The Netherlands, f.e.), or just because the idea of exploiting an almost-unwilling young-looking girl is very exciting for some men. Also, less economically successful parts of the European Union are starting to see that some of their young women are getting trafficked to the more successful zones. An attractive country girl from Latvia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, gets into the EU borders thanks to her nationality, gets what she thinks is a good job as a nanny or a house-cleaner in Amsterdam or Copenhagen or Antwerp, then when she gets there they snitch her passport and force her to "work off" some manufactured indebtedness through sex-work. Maybe she consents, maybe she has the sense to run to the police, or maybe she feels entrapped and forced into the sex-work. Also, with up-tick in terrorism threat, some law-enforcement resources in (f.e.) Germany and the rest of Western Europe are being redirected from the trafficking to the terrorism issues. In fact, I've heard that some of the trafficking is being organized and perpetrated by terrorist or quasi-terrorist-sympathizing groups, using the girls to fund their ongoing efforts to support The Islamic State or Al Qaeda or whatever other of their favorite nut-job Wahabbi theories of religious persecution they happen to advocate. Again, I don't know the percentages. All I suggest is, if you monger in Amsterdam or similar, you should be a RESPONSIBLE MONGER and keep your eye out for any sensible signs of the girls being trafficked, of not "wanting" to be in the sex-industry, and don't patronize those places or those girls.

    OK but mostly, aside from the risk of trafficking, I really think the USA could loosen up a lot. Boner is boner, an involuntary and autonomous response, and therefore it cannot be politically incorrect OR a thought-crime. There is no _mens_ _rea_, to use a legal term. Consequently, the _actus_ _reus_ is without the requisite mental intent. Etc.. Please, more blowjobs for less money, thank you. Just imagine how low the world's thermo-nucleo-political stress level would go if our world's leaders weren't entrapped into bizarre sexless performances of Protestant Work Ethic moralities.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Most of this shit was too long and boring to the point of tears, just one simple question how many Americans are deported from Mexico to the United States for being in Mexico illegally ?
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