My close friend and I had sex with our first stripper together
Atlanta ,GA
I grew up with this friend. Played sports, prom hell you name it and we claimed it. Best of best friends. Well one day drinking beer and trash talking over a good game of Nimrod Wii bowling and golf we figured its time to find a stripper that would allow us to fuck her pussy at the same time. Well this wasn't the easiest thing to find but with the right club and some $$$ we got or Gale. A tall glass of water about 23 with long flowing red hair. She was a goddess. Long story short she gave us a blow job with us touching tips then let us both slide into her pussy. Let me tell you it was exciting to cum on each others hard cocks while inside a sexy stripper
What do you want is to ask or discuss?
The funny this is, this story read like a Juice sex exploit. But then I saw the username
Or if a woman is there!! If you know what I am saying!
BTW, for the slide it in her pussy part was two different dicks in the same hole sequentially at the same time. Not judging, just trying to clarify.