
PLAIN TRUTH: Husbands do not belong in strip clubs

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

I hope you husbands are properly chastened by this article.

"Visiting a strip club frequently is disrespectful to your marriage, your partner, who is probably busy reheating your favourite meal as you indulge, and believe it or not, it is disrespectful even to the young women who strip for money."



last comment
avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

Thank goodness I'm not a husband. :)

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

So my wife has to go to the club alone?

avatar for RandomMember
7 yrs ago

So going to strip clubs and cheating on your wife with non-age-appropriate girls is disrespectful and represents living in a paid fantasy.

Who would have thought?

avatar for s275ironman
7 yrs ago

"Do you think your man would be enthusiastic at the thought of you going to leer over naked men? I don’t think so. So why are you pretending to be?"

Those last sentences in the article, while they make a good point, don't seem to be realistic as they suggest that men and women are wired the same when they are not. Men are more visual than women which explains why men tend to be more perverted than women. Because of this reason, I would tend to believe that the majority of the customers at a male strip club would be gay men.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

stupid article if your husband wants to run around there are millions of avenues besides strip clubs. I bet this is written by some woman who is looking to blame someone for her problems.

avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
7 yrs ago

There another discussion simultaneously happening where a woman wants counseling on what husbands do at SC.

avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
7 yrs ago

@s275ironman said "Men are more visual than women"

Men follow monomaniacal obsessions and want distraction every time they are tired and take a break. Like running a marathon...

Beauty and Beast was written in context of a patriarchal society. There will be book called any Handsome and fugly soon.

Historically its been accepted that being beautiful is the only quality that is important for a woman, if she's beautiful even good nature is taken to be granted which we know is not true...

avatar for K
7 yrs ago

My wife would go to the clubs with me. On occasion she and her friends did go see male dancers. The other husbands were upset at first but got over it after we met up with them later.

I find it amusing hat the women that work in or go to strip clubs rarely find it degrading or disrespectful. The only women that do are those that refuse to check it out.

avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
7 yrs ago

^^^its called acclimatization

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

Seeing sexy girls just makes men happy. It's a brain thing, like shopping is for women. tho I did watch a show ab Japanese drink boys, who sit w women for very expensive drinks, I guess like a drink hustle club. They don't dance, and they wear regular sharp looking club wear. The women have cf's they go hang out w regularly, and the guys behave like charming fun hosts.

avatar for Rickberge
7 yrs ago

I just recently got married (2yrs). Im scared to read the article. I don't want to polute my Pathetic Loser mindset.... At least not now lol

avatar for bifem4fem
7 yrs ago

I brought my husband to a strip club for his birthday and bought his lapdance. I know who is he going home with...and more than ok if she wants to join. go with him..you might have a whole new outlook

avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

Woo hoo! Now that all the husbands aren't at the clubs i will have all the hunny's all to myself, lol.

And for the record - we women are just as visual as men are. Many are just discreet about it. I'm not, lol - I'm pretty overt about my ogling.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

I agree that for a married man to be visiting strip clubs is marital infidelity, and it is disrespectful to your wife, your marriage, to the strip club dancers, and to yourself too.

You need to learn to keep your commitments, or you need to get out of your marriage. You have to stand up for what you really believe in.

So if you need help, then there are Marriage Councilors and Divorce Lawyers. But you don't find too many of these dancing at strip clubs. So we need to start collecting money and sending some of these girls to school.

If you want to play with your spouse, this is why people have set up swinger's clubs. But if you are in the strip club, while the wife stays home and you lie to her, that is not okay. Talking the wife to the strip club, maybe, but swinger's clubs are probably better.

Hey, don't blame me, I oppose marriage. Blame the marriage industry, because that is who promotes it, and that is who keeps Marriage Councilors and Divorce Lawyers in business.


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avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

No doubt that it is disrespectful if not done with explicit knowledge and understanding. I admit that I'm being disrespectful, and it does make me feel guilty at times.

The way I try to justify it or rationalize it is that there are lines I don't cross. If I didn't have clubs to go to I don't know what I would do. One extreme would be constantly being frustrated because I would want to go, and the other extreme being that I would escalate and seek out something else that would make it less likely for me to maintain my boundaries. Of course there are many options in between.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Explicit knowledge and understanding? Is that freely given, or just she just feel that she has no choice.

Marriage should be outlawed. But until that time, guys have got to learn to keep their vows.


avatar for imjustabil
7 yrs ago

Smells like fear, to me. If you're not the confident woman you profess to be and in the relationship you desire, then you should be afraid. Of course, my wife thinks that the author is an idiot. She's the one who takes me to the SC.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Women almost always want strict monogamy. This is not hard to understand. The party who is operating out of fear is the one who has promised that but is not delivering. He agreed to something he was not going to abide by, because otherwise he knew 'his woman' would be gone.

Don't get me wrong, I am against marriage. But for those who have opted for it, then need to keep their vows, and likely they need a marriage councilor too. A swinger's club is a good way if they both opt for openness.

But otherwise they are likely going to need a divorce lawyer, as I did.

I was not willing to build my life on lies.


avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

omg lopaw... i wish i met you years ago.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Lopaw wrote, "And for the record - we women are just as visual as men are. Many are just discreet about it. I'm not, lol - I'm pretty overt about my ogling."

This is not the way women are usually presented. People say that they have to learn to be free to be that way.

But I still say that what guys look for in strip club dancers is very different from what women customers look for.


avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

What txtittyfag(period) said.

I'm curious as to what you think that I look for in the clubs, SJG. Yes I am not your typical female customer but you are using an inclusive reference when you say "what women customers look for". So tell me what you think that I look for.

avatar for gammanu95
7 yrs ago

"strip clubs and everything they sell is just a fantasy." This is true. Unless you are a true PL or RIL, this is WHY you go.

"...these impossibly lithe and attractive young girls you throw money at" This is also true and reason why we go.

"These perfect women do not exist". This is untrue. They are real. We can and have put our hands on them. Some have put their dicks in them. The difference is there are guys who know and enjoy the P4P game. The women are real, the sex is real, it is only the relationship that is faked. Those who are unfortunate enough to allow the P4P (whether ITC or OTC) experience to become confused with the real deal, are the ones who need to be reminded that these women are imperfect and their feelings for you not real.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

People have written that it takes women a while to become that visual, to get used to looking at men as only physical sex objects. They have to give themselves permission to think that way.

As far as women looking at women, this has also been written about, for women the visual otherness factor is not as important, they don't so much care about high heels and makeup, and the extreme stripper big hair. They aren't fetishistic about other women.

But yes of course, these are just general tendencies.


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avatar for mr_evans2u
7 yrs ago

Well my wife like going to the clubs with me. I don't think she would like going alone. So yeah I call BS!

avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

"Well my wife like going to the clubs with me. I don't think she would like going alone."

Lol you never know!

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