
OT: Licensed To Abuse

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
So this is how it is looking from my vantage point, having been involved with some supposedly opposed to psychiatric medication, but who actually promote psychotherapy and the idea of 'recovery'.

Most middle-class child abuse involves doctors of one sort or another. And because the doctor has a license, the parent will never be accused of wrong doing. The doctor gives the parent power over the child. And what distinguishes the middle-class are two things:

1. They go to private practice doctors, not those assigned to them by social service agencies.

2. They read books.

So poor people go to doctors assigned to them, doctors in public practice. If these doctors see something wrong, they might report it to Child Protective Services, as the law requires. But a private practice doctor will not do this. I mean, what is their practice based on except this conspiracy with the parents? And the parents couldn't be bad, they are middle-class, and they have picked such a good doctor.

And then some of these doctors give parenting advice and even write pedagogy manuals. And these books promote parenthood, they meet the needs of the parents. And so they probably do talk about things like empathy, attachment, nurturing, and communications skills. And so these concepts the parents can quote, and this is how people are able to have children and exploit them, and this is the only reason the middle-class family has even existed.


The Power and Meaning of Sigils

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  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Peace on earth
    Purity of essence...
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Your lack of understanding a family is really scary, what the fuck is wrong with you. So your parents didn't love you and now your fucking weird ass fucked up Lloyd Schoene who needs serious psychological help his family apparently never got him.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Kicking Ass, Taking Scalps, Bragging About It.

    The last guy I dealt with, though not a doctor, I helped to put into San Quentin.

    I am planning to start taking down some doctors who are accomplice child abusers.



    Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light"
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Medicine for imaginary ailments, just for social control and to break someone, that is Josef Mengele territory. Doctors who give out medication which serves no purpose except mood alteration should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity in International Court.

    And for those doing it with juveniles, the penalty should be death.

  • ime
    7 years ago
    If there was ever a case for eugenics you surely are it. Good thing you aren't having any kids.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    There's another whole side to this discussion, but this ain't the forum for it.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    What a weirdo, completely disconnected from reality.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    You're right that proper middle class lifestyle can mask abuse. I have a friend who was verbally abused and occasionally beaten by her upper middle class mother. No one suspected a thing at the time.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Anorexia nervosa can also stem from abuse, often from the mother, and it really is an upper middle class white girl disorder.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So this is how it is looking from my vantage point, having been involved with some supposedly opposed to psychiatric medication, but who actually promote psychotherapy and the idea of 'recovery', as well as the use of street drugs for 'healing'.

    Most middle-class child abuse involves doctors of one sort or another. Parents use doctors to make themselves right. So because the doctor has a license, the parent will never be accused of any wrong doing. The doctor gives the parent power over the child. And what distinguishes the middle-class are two things:

    1. They go to private practice doctors, not those assigned to them by social service agencies.

    2. They use books, like pedagogy manuals, to advance their identities.

    So poor people go to doctors assigned to them, doctors in public practice. If these doctors see evidence that the child is under emotional stress, they might interpret it as suspected child abuse and report it to Child Protective Services, as the law requires. But a private practice doctor will not do this. I mean, what is their practice based on, except this conspiracy with the parents? And the parents couldn't be under suspicion, they are middle-class, and they have picked such a good doctor.

    And then some of these doctors advance themselves and further aid their clients in their need to exploit children, by giving parenting advice, and even by writing pedagogy manuals. These books promote parenthood and they meet the identity needs of the parents. And so they probably do talk about things like empathy, attachment, nurturing, and communications skills, as these are the concepts that parents can quote, and this is how people are able to have children and exploit them, and this is the only reason the middle-class family has ever existed.


    Medicine for imaginary ailments, just for social control and to break someone, this is Josef Mengele territory. Doctors who give out medication which serves no purpose except mood alteration should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity in International Court.

    And for those doing it with juveniles, the penalty should be death.


    Joni Mitchell - Amelia
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    alert: Pierluigi Oliverio, running for office using Mental Health against the poor and homeless.


    This guy is a City Council Member in San Jose California, he is now running for Santa Clara County Supervisor. He is a faux Democrat. He is opposed to raising the minimum wage for San Jose, even though housing costs are astronomical and rising. He advocates union busting for all city departments.

    He is making mental health into the focal point of his campaign. He doesn't think the county should spend money on anything, unless it is of equal importance to treating the "severely mental ill".

    He clearly is trying to turn poverty and homelessness into mental health issues.

    San Jose had worked through intermediaries to bring in this new pastor for a Disciples of Christ Church, in order to shut down a prominent free meals program. The church is directly adjacent to City Hall, and has for decades been a resource in protesting against city pro-gentrification policies. So they brought in this Dana Bainbridge all the way from Nebraska. She has a background in the privatization of gov't health and human services administration, working for this outsourcing company called Maximus.

    She closed the meals program and replaced it with this "Recovery Cafe", where participants have to submit to case management and participate in "Recovery Circles".


    With this and sub minimum wage "work readiness" programs, San Jose is using the homeless as public scapegoats and trying to break down their privacy and destroy what remaining dignity they have. And yes, some homeless and some poor, will submit to this kind of stuff because they want approval, because they are in emotional pain, and because they want food and a roof over their heads. This is the middle-class family being projected out onto our entire society, beating up on its designated scapegoats. People who have been treated with dignity and respect and given the chance to develop and apply their abilities are not likely to be willing to submit to any of this.

    Pierluigi Oliverio, promoting this mental health interpretation, clearly calling for drugs and forced treatment, and clearly sending the message that anyone who does not fit in, is not a happy camper, suffers from a moral and mental defect, and promoting this as the principle of governance.

    There are lots of other things going on now in Santa Clara County California which seek to make poverty and homelessness into mental health issues, and to break down the separation of church and state by making them also into salvation status issues. 'Recovery' is the usually banner used to do this. Religious groups get to break laws because they promote a penitent posture and because the city is afraid of tangling with Bible Brandishers, whereas secular political groups which do not subjugate their participants, but rather try to radicalize them, do not get this consideration.

    And always these kinds of denigration movements seem to be led by people who have long had designated scapegoats within their own families.

    Oliverio has a brother with 'schizophrenia', and Oliverio wants people medicated, even involutarily. So we have the good son who lives up to the work ethic, and the scapegoat son.

  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    All we're missing from this discussion are some tin foil hats. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ What you are seeing is the creation of an underclass, by the middle-class family, by religion, and by the mental health system.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    ^^^ what you are seeing, when @SJG posts is a complete fuckin' psycho spewing a bunch of insane rants.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ and what you are seeing when Dougster posts is a self parody which is able to pass in this world because our entire world is completely crazy.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The best doctors, the best medications, the best therapists, the best people praying for him.

    But no one would tell him that his parents had been using him for his entire life.

    And now Warren has an org devoted to making people believe that they suffer from ~Mental Illness~

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Belief in mental illness is just a way of abusing children and getting away with it. And it is also part of the movement towards a two tier society, eugenics arguments.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    You are completely bonkers, @SJG.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Not surprising that Dougster knows nothing of this, he has after all signed on with a contingent which is trying to divide humanity into two tiers.

  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Not only is SJG completely bonkers, but he's gay, too!!

    Whatever happened to his alter ego, SJGay's postings? At least that guy could be reasoned with no matter if he was promoting gay bath houses in San Jose, or the art of seduction with money, he was still way more of a contributor on this site than San Jose Guy ever will be.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Police Body Cam Video, fatally shooting unarmed 'mentally ill' man.

    Santa Clara California, police shoot and kill unarmed 24yo suicidal man suffering from 'mental illness."

    Warning, this body cam video is disturbing:

    Officer will not be charged, complete article

    What do people think about this?
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Yes, we have to get these drugs off of the market!

    You used to be able see this on youtube, and his other one about Autism. Now you have to be in the UK and register for a free account to see them in full.


    In the first it is beyond anything one could fabricate. In Pittsburg, he talks with several families, but this one he lived with. The mother has a PhD and she used to be making regular trips to Paris. But now she says, "There is too much going on here." So she has to stay home and they keep the 10yo drugged. They even keep their dog drugged. The boy seems like the very nicest when Lou talks with him. The boy does maybe seem kind of beaten down though. The father talks about the boy as though he is a terror, and he cites a suicide attempt.

    The boy does kind of try to slip in an out of situations. Reading Françoise Dolto, she described such a boy as moving like a cat. And it is totally a product of the family environment he is living in.

    But the doctor points out that the boy does not say hello or goodbye when he enters or leaves his office. And so his "illness" is effecting the course of his life and how people respond to him, so he needs to be on drugs.

    As I see it, in these cases there are always two bodies of persons behaving completely unethically, the parents or guardians, and the doctors. And often it does go beyond unethically and into criminality. And that fact that we have mandatory reporting laws makes it even more likely that it is criminal.

    But what makes it hard to prosecute is the doctor's license certificate, framed and up on the wall.

    The whole idea of mandatory reporting is that in most all cases of familial child abuse, doctors had long seen things that could not be proper, but they did not report, or they tried to solve the problem by talking to the parents themselves. Mandatory Reporting is supposed to solve this. But then when you have doctors becoming complicit in the fictional ailments, or advertising a position of parental exoneration, then the problem continues.

    I had talked about this issue with someone I knew in County Social Services and she teaches their class on mandatory reporting, and she insists, "You report everything."

    It seems very different for the doctors in private practice, though the law and the issue are the same. They are just choosing to interpret the situations differently.

    And then some minors will come of age and side with their parents and the drugging. "I have a mental illness." Or "I have autism."

    And so likely so that they can side with the parents they will have children of their own and do the same or similar to them. That way they identify with those who have the power and never have to re-experience what it was like to have that kind of stuff done to them.

    But these drug doctors hold government issued medical licenses, so this is a systemic and organized form of oppression, and clearly within Nuremburg Precedent.


    School of Rock, another one, awesome!
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