We need more names, numbers, and LISTS on TUSCL

avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
1. Stardust
2. Hedgehogs
3. Honesty
4. People named Mitch
5. Sharks
6. Dougster
7. Dayton
8. Aliens named Mitch
9. Helium
10. Dougster and his idiotic aliases
11. The cotton gin
12. Supple breasts
13. Kielbasa

I bet those of you with TINY CREATURE BRAINS will not see the pattern. I am WAITING with 3 X 3



last comment
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
I admit. it's above me.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Alucard's enemies list gives us a view of a strange and paranoid mind:

Sticks and Stones...... I am WAITING........With a...9... ;)

Do NOT Like List of TUSCL/TwoSheds Members, Ever Growing Unfortunately [NO WAY to get rid of them, YET!!! - But there is hope when a Moderator appears FINALLY!]
***NOT A POWER LIST IN ORDER - New additions go to the Bottom:
1. Is
2. C
3. Dr ^ #
4. R
5. S ^
6. G
7. Ts +
8. Sl
9. B
10. H
11. J
12. L
13. J4 ^
14. t ^
15. J0 ^
16. Cr
17. s3
18. D ^
19. s9
20. KK [PV]^
21. Vs
22. Er
23. Tp ^
24. d2
25. Te ^~
26. T
27. m6 ^
28. j ^
29. L3
30. z8 ^
31. Co
32. s ^
33. Ce ^
34. Dy
35. d ^
36. b ^
37. T ^ (
38. P ^
39. b ^
40. to ^
41. Dl [PV][HLP]^
42. mg ^
43. g [PV][HLP]^
44. BN +
45. J9 ^ [Who is this new A.H. - An alias I think]
46. SS ^
47. W ^
48. A
49. sr ^
***50. b6 ^ [Well this Moron wins the Asshole of the Month award for being #50]
51. gs ^ [The NEWEST Asshole! - They're multiplying rapidly - Dougster is spreading his contaminated seed around TOO MUCH. LMFAO!!]
52. tl [PV] ^
53. to ^
54. TF ^
55. Ty ^
56. St ^
57. m1 ^
58. Ly ^
59. Ka ^
***60. m ^ [Well this Moron wins the Asshole of the Month [Sept] award for being #60]
61. *e ^
62. re ^
63. Bs ^
64. A. ^ [The NEWEST Asshole! Or just maybe an OLD 1 with infected shit for brains!!!]
65. Bs ^
66. cr ^
↓?????? WHO WILL BE #70??? - {To protect the GUILTY &/or INNOCENT! And to expose the Profane, the LIARS, the mocking, the Vicious, the Crazy, the TOTALLY & COMPLETELY illiterate, the Bizarre, the Racists, the INSANELY self-important, the PRIVACY VIOLATORS and the HIGHLY delusional! NO ass kissing either - heh *********}
Take some guesses. Some are really rather OBVIOUS & well known. And I see you are now taking some wild and ridiculous GUESSES and guessing badly too!! LMAO - NO more guesses about who is on the List? Heh? I guess it is too hard for the Attack Dogs. Their creature brains/neurons are TOO TINY & weak. LMFAO!!!
avatar for ime
8 years ago
He was batshit crazy I think I was 60 or 61 on his list, but even as far as profiles his is maybe the weirdest with his symbols and codes. Still though SanjoseLloyd is crazier his profile is so long you can't even scroll through it. The similarities between the two is really the kicker though, both think they are the smartest guy and usually come up wrong, they have really flawed logic and can't ever admit when they were wrong. Neither one could accept that there are other opinions and they can differ. LLoyd Schoene is a much bigger piece of shit with his rape, stalker, and creepiness, his delusions of grandeur, and his attempt to virtue signal but he shows more racism, misogyny, bigotry, than Alucard by far.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
At least we knew Alucard got out of the house once in awhile and had what appeared to be a meaningful career.

Did any of the Detroit guys actually meet him face to face?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
ime summarizes it pretty well. The one thing I will give SJG some credit over Alucard for is knowing that he at least has to provide some reasoning and facts to back his arguments. Now SJG's reasoning has more holes than Swiss cheese and facts often have zero to do with the subject at hand, but, in Alucard's case he thought that his mere utterances were enough to establish something as fact. Because they were uttered by all mighty alucard.

If you mix 1/3 Alucard with 1/3 RickyBoy you have 2/3's of a SJG.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 years ago
Mitch is the name of the mayor of New Orleans right now. Does that count?
avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
8 years ago
More clues for your TINY CREATURE BRAINS:

14. Lithium
15. Sea monsters named Mitch
16. A.I.
17. Skates
18. Roswell
19. Wet pussy
20. Chorizo
21. Black suits
22. Architecture
23. Truth
24. Waterfowl
25. Black thongs
26. Beyond

LMFAO at you TINY CREATURE BRAINS trying to understand!!!
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