SS/ROB or not? You be the judge

avatar for larryfisherman
So from the time I started strip clubbing, there was a dancer I met at one of my fav clubs. Very attractive girl. This was at an non extras club. For me she would allow finger banging, DATY, and taking the dick out for stick shifting, so she was one of the higher mileage girls at the club, but no BJ or fucking ITC. I've gotten dances from her off and on the whole time I've been clubbing. She's definitely always given me great value for the dances.

Finally recently I did my first OTC with her for $300. I was not smart on two regards. First when setting up the OTC through text, I asked if we could fuck, and she said we'll talk about in person, first warning sign. Secondly when I got there, she wanted the money upfront (at her club you prepay for dances), second warning sign and I stupidly gave her the money beforehand. It started out nice, DATY, tittyfuck, HJ. When I told her it was time for some dick sucking, she said she doesn't do that to random people, she is afraid of diseases. WTF!! I asked then for some fucking, and she said not today. At this point I'm pissed at her, and I'm pissed at myself for not verifying all the details before we started.

She then explains to me she has a lot of regulars, but I'm the only customer she has ever seen outside the club. In my head I'm screaming strippershit!!! She said other customers of course asked about seeing her outside the club, but she told them she just works ITC, and if they want to see her, they have to come to the club to see her. She said she lost some regulars due to that. She told me the reason she agreed to see me OTC is because I was around her age and she trusted me (I've known her for close to a year and half). I told her I didn't believe I was the only one, but she swore by it. She said she makes so much money ITC not doing extras, so she doesn't need to do extras or OTC.

At this point I'm pissed, confused etc. She then said because we have a connection and I trust you, we can fuck for $500, but no BJ. Then she said she might change her mind later. These strippers LMAO. I declined, and I told her maybe another time.

So to the TUSCL court I ask you two questions

1. Is she is a ROB?

2. Was that 100% SS?


last comment
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
Haha, you did daty, but she wouldn't give you head, and you ended up paying her?!?! Bahahahah.

C'mon Larry, that's amateur shit. She's not technically a ROB, it's just that you didn't do you due dillegence and gave her full control since no expectations were set. Lesson learned...hopefully.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
1. No.
2. Yes
3. Yes, you are a douche.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Yeah I made two killer rookie mistakes: not ironing out the details and paying beforehand. No matter how long you've known her, you always gotta be on the defensive.
avatar for s275ironman
8 years ago
Maybe find out what the going rate is around LA. Also, for comparison maybe find out on average what an escort will charge. Then make a decision based off that.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Biggest loser on TUSCL
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
tl;dr "stripper gonna stripper" 1. No. 2. Yes.

LFM --> "and taking the dick out for stick shifting"

Technically, I think that's a hand job (extra) rather than just stick shifting (arguably High Mileage, on the Dispater scale).…

I agree with the others. That is pretty amateur hour stuff, Larry. You're not thinking straight nor absorbing the wealth of information available to you.

Personally, I think she saw you coming a (country) mile away and knew you'd be a sucker. Instead of blaming the dancer maybe you should look at yourself. You basically created the situation that allowed this to happen in the first place.

Testosterone is a wonderful male hormone that creates drive in men and allows them to work to get what they want, both out of life, and in the situation at hand. Yet you continue time and time again to use what nature and evolution gave you in completely fucked up and ways and face-plant in the ground time and time again.

There are jocks and athletes with only 7 functioning neurons (that's the brainpower of a cockroach, to non-Biologists) and THEY STILL managed to get more action that you and with the hottest women, too.

Out of all the SC mongers, LFM "is the Charlie Brown-y-est." Lucy still keeps pulling the football away from you.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Stop shooting you load into a towel on the floor over your precious Instragram girls. You're wasting that hormone (testosterone). Generally guys at some point (15-18 y/o) figure this out that all of the easy action from 14-15 y/o was dumb luck from immature girls and in order to get laid they have got to do something about it, or else the other older guys who've all figured this out, with keep taking them time and time again and leave nothing left for you.

I guarantee, if you stop jerking off and stop with the hard core porn addiction you have. That eventually you will get horny enough and driven enough to FIGURE IT OUT.

Come on! Jocks with 7 functioning neurons can do this! (for the non-Biologists, the sum of a cockroach brain is 7 neurons).

This is why I say you are 15 yo, at least mentally.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Not a Rob. Sounds like 100% ss.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
1. ROB for sure!
2. Yes, Sucker Shit!

I can empathize having been ripped off OTC even worse due to the pay up front mistake. You're not alone. Happens because we try to be nice guys and gentlemen. The chick was a complete ROB. The fact she was willing to fuck for $200 more says she was playing you. She was ready to fuck but just wanted more cash.

Our wallets bring a lot of leverage to a sex negotiation. Unfortunately, some of us don't have the discipline and confidence to stick to tried and true rules of the game, allowing the little head to control the big head. When a chick is at some motel/hotel (one of the reasons to control the location) she's not going to walk away from a pay day by waiting until the deed is done. I've never read on here about a PL not getting to home base by not paying up front.

The root of the issue though is not accurately reading / assessing the situation. There will be times when upfront payment works out well. I think it's better to lay out all the expectations in advance, demand trust, and be willing to walk away.

And with that said, I'm pretty sure there will be a time when I pay in advance again. LOL!
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
There's definitely some stripper shit in there, but not all stripper shit is the same. She knew what you wanted and at some point knew she wasn't going to deliver. When did she make up her mind, who knows? Once you get past that and start talking tactics, that never really gets anywhere on the boards because it's all situational.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
We've all made the mistake of not getting details finalized before hand. But if she's not going to give you what you want move on.

You should do what the other customers have done to her. Move on if you are not getting what you want.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Larry loves getting abused
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
HAHAHA You post the stupidest shit but for some reason I actually believe this dumb story.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Yeah she's not getting another dime from me again. I will be better next time!
avatar for Duke69
8 years ago
^^^ my personal favorite
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Just approach such girls in a civilian manner. Don't offer them money or suggest that they could be moved by money. See what happens. If she says she wants money, okay, but let it come from her.

If she starts talking about money indirectly, tell her you want to "take care of her".

Anyway, until you know that she wants to be fucking you, don't ever try to persuade her with money.

avatar for vajmon
8 years ago
For 300, definitely a ROB! Especially after trying to re-negotiate for 500. But not SS in my book. SS to me is stuff like she shows up 3 hours late or never shows up at all after promising to meet up and then comes up with some lame excuse like "I had to drive my gurl somewhere"... or my car died, etc
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Fishstix sez: "Yeah she's not getting another dime from me again. I will be better next time!"

Yeah way to go, next week you'll find a new one to rip you off and come here whining about it.
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