
Work Cation- cautions??

Like many of you on this board I travel frequently for work.

Recently, I've had a couple of dancers I connect with ( different cities) hint that it would be cool if they could travel with me to ( pick a city) and "work the day shift" at a destination club while I'm doing my thing in the office.

Meet back at the hotel after 6pm for drinks, dinner and typical over night OTC fun. I'm actually considering it because I've traveled leisurely ( separately) with both girls a few times each and am comfortable with their company.

They would get to travel free, and would not need to miss work shifts ... I'd have a beautiful twenty something on my arm for companionship and night time sexual fun.

Of course , I've been thinking about the downside and realize there are a number if things that could happen to turn my little fantasy into a major disaster, but would like to draw from some of your experiences in this area. Both girls are "educated" well composed and are non druggies, but each loves their adult beverages.

Thoughts Good or bad are appreciated. Thanks!

Also - does anyone know if the out of town dancers will need a license for dancing day shift at the Orange County - LA clubs?? Neither needs one at their home clubs.

I'll be heading to LA in about 10 days and may try it out ...


  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I would do it. The only downside I can see is that your companion may be sucking and fucking other guys while you're working.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't do it. There's bound to be drama. Never mix business and pleasure.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    They asked to travel with you. Why can't they pay their own way?
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Two Words: Mann Act
    The Mann Act made it a crime to transport women across state lines "for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose."
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    What could possibly go wrong? Your life, your job? Go for it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    jared: my top-level heartburn would be that hotel room, which presumably would be rented in your name. What goes on in there? She trashes the place and you're on the hook for damages, leaves her drugs out and the maid turns her in, she schedules an OTC there but it's an undercover and with your name on the room you're now a pimp suspect? Who else comes on that plane with her, surreptitiously, and uses that room while you're not there? That room really is your biggest risk, I think. If you can get her to rent the room herself, in her own name, and you give her cash for the total, that probably addresses that -- then your only risk is she takes the cash and runs home early, but the risk of being out a few hundred $ is low compared to the risk of being on the hook for that room.

    Given that you've done a little travel with both girls already, presumably you already know you're compatible, which addresses the other risk, that after 12 hours you can't fucking stand her anymore and she has a room here for 3 more days.

    Lastly, what if she can't get a job at the local SCs? Not all cities are traveling-stripper friendly.

    As far as other risks: you're not taking her to your work. You're not taking her to your home. As long as you're disassociated from that hotel room, I don't know that there's much personal risk to you. There is monetary risk to you (she takes the money you venmo'd her for the ticket but doesn't come out, she takes the money you gave her for the room and absconds 3 days early with the cash, etc), but if you already know the girls, the risk/reward ratio might be well in your favor.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I've taken strippers on trips all over the world, especially the DS. Here are a few suggestions.

    1. Neither you nor the girl should work. Hopefully you know enough about strippers to understand why you do not want her working. As an example, imagine you coming to the hotel room after work for the day and finding her in bed with some other guy. What I always did was add time at the start or end of a business trip and play with the stripper during that time. Even better was to just schedule a trip to have fun with her but that is hard if you're married.

    2. You must know the stripper very well to take her on a trip, you must trust her as much as you can trust a sex worker, and the two of you must get along and be compatible. In my case, I had a dozen or more otc dates, including a couple of sleep overs, before I considered taking a stripper in a trip.

    3. Have a clear understanding of the rules beforehand. For example, is drug use allowed and if so what and how much. how much will she be paid. What do you pay for and what are your limits. Also have a clear understanding hat she does not do anything with any other guy.

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Seems like good advice. All my worry about the hotel room disappears if you consider this a "sex staycation" and stay with the stripper the entire time. That said, that may change the economics for her: in the original scenario, he paid for her trip and she was going to work so she was getting paid on top of all that, whereas in JS69's scenario, she's not working so she *may* ask to be paid for her time
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @JS69 Even then your DS managed to slip in a a bit of SS, I seem to remember you being upset about her flirting, or maybe more with some other guy in a restaurant.
    @jaredlucas What could go wrong, I wouldn't bother you seem to have plenty of disposable, you shouldn't have a hard time finding a female to have fun with at what ever your destination I just think it's a bad idea, why bring more potential problems when you are out to have a good time. If you are bored and/or lonely get a real girlfriend don't leave yourself open for a what if scenario.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    25, true, even a DS is not perfect. But she's damn close.
  • rickthelion
    7 years ago
    Before Smith "broke up" with his DS the first time she would run off and join me all of the time.

    The slutty female hairless apes just need the BSLC. I'm sure the females think Smith is fine. For an ape.

    But he's still a damn dirty ape and no female hairless ape will pass up BSLC for spineless little ape pee-pee.

  • rickthelion
    7 years ago
    Before I answer this Jared fellow I need more information.

    Jared, are you an ape? If yes, play it safe.

    If you are a member of a badass species, like a lion, tiger, or bear, just threaten to eat her if she misbehaves.

    It's called fucking your prey and eating it too.

  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago

    All excellent advice. Definitely gives me some cause for pause.

    Sub: I do like the idea of having her book the room in her name and paying cash directly to her.

    jS : yes quite comfortable with both of them. . Both are as close to being a GF as you can get if they weren't dancers. Many OTC dates as well as mini trips.

    Having been on 3 day trips with each of them I do have a good sense of trust with Each , but wouldn't ever travel with both of them together. Both are sexual dynamos and One is more than enough.

    Neither uses drugs so I'm not concerned about that. They could easily get drunk though while working and who knows what happens from there.

    My expectations that I've communicated so far is that there would not be anybody / nobody else in the room besides myself. I take care of our entertainment and meal expenses associated with the trip. She gets a $$ bonus if she arranges FFM three some - they both know what I like so I'd trust their judgement

    She gets herself to and from the "club". Must Be back Home by 6.

    Tired traveler. I should have been arrested many times by the Mann act. I was married for 20 years and took my wife all over the country to engage in carnal delights. Haha

    I'm not interested in a the expense associated with a sexcation as it ranges $300-500 daily. I've done that. I'd rather bring them on the trip, let them earn whatever they can and them have fun after their shift at the destination club
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think there's risks, but as long as you're not associated with the hotel, I also think they're all manageable. Many of the guys on here find this idea of spending 3 days with your stripper unpleasant in the first place, so for them, almost no risks are worth it (and rightfully so -- horses for courses). But I find this kind of thing an amazing blast, especially if can't afford this in sexcation mode, then workcation might be worth the fairly moderate and manageable risks for sure. And as you've gone on trips with them before, you know they deliver.

    Perhaps the remaining caution is: with these girls, past history is no guarantee of future performance. I understand that, for example, they know "no one else in the room"; I would just be aware that there might end up someone else in the room :)
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Brilliant comeback, @jaredlucas. Also had your wife consented to the travel or carnal acts, she could have been charged as an accessory to the offense!

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As lg mentioned, I rather not mix biz w/ pleasure, but if her being there in no way interferes w/ what you need to get done then it may be worth but as JS69 mentioned I think it's preferable that you had the whole day free - It's not a given that she'll be able to find a club to work at or a club she likes, or that she may even feel like dancing vs just kicking back (despite what she says beforehand) - SoCal seems spread out so she may need a rental to get around since Uber might be expensive due to distances - so she may need a rental to get to the club or to be out and about during your working hours (and you don't want her driving your rental b/c if anything happens you may not be covered).

    Her having to fill most of the day while you are at work doesn't seem like a good fit, but as w/ most things related to mongering you never know till you try - it may work out great or it may not and you learn from it like most things related to mongering.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    jaredlucas. nice opportunity!
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