
Ghosting A Stripper...

They never tell you what you need to know.
When you think of what type of strippers JS69 likes, everyone knows they're the barely legal type. Well, the type of strippers I like could be those girls mom. It must have something to do with living in a neighborhood full of hot MILFs that drive their Cadillac Escalades slurping Starbucks, too lazy to work, enjoying the spoils of their husbands working their 60 hour work weeks while they drink wine, pop xanax and socialize at the gym. I sear every time I leave the gym I contemplate masturbating in my car because of the sensory overload of watching MILF central in spandex, dancing during Zumba Class (thank god the elliptical machines are right in front of that class).

Anyway to my stripper... I met a hot stripper around June last year that fits the MILF description. Typical MILF stripper, but put together well, abet a little on the trashy side but could still pull of the soccermom MILF fantasy with a little coaching. We had a great time in VIP, and she gave me her number, telling me she could meet anytime outside the club and to look her up next time I'm in town.

Here we are, almost a year later and I finally line up to meet with her. I've probably contacted her at least half a dozen times and every time she wasn't working the day I was in town. This Saturday was a different story. I stayed overnight and was heading home Saturday, she mentioned she was working the afternoon shift, so I thought I could at least stop by before I headed home, after all a nice BJ or full service session would make the long drive home much more manageable. Like usual I never am specific with a stripper but I told her I would try to stop by on Saturday, and this conversation happened early in the week. Which as we know with most strippers might as well have been a decade ago.

I go into the club around 1PM, and this isn't a good spot for afternoon business... it's dead. No girls on stage, I walk to the back bar and there's 2 strippers, 1 is talking to a customer another one is feverishly hot boxing cigarettes. I sat at the bar and got a drink and this stripper must have had 3 cigarettes in 5 minutes. The bar is a horseshoe, she is sitting at the bottom facing outward and I am on one of the sides. Is it her? Could it be? I think it is the girl I saw last year, but man that doesn't look like her. A brunette (used to be a blonde), at least 20 or 30 lbs heavier, and so much foundation on her face that her neck and face are different colors. Oh shit, it is her!!!! She looks horrible! She turns and looks directly at me (we are about 15 feet apart in a dark room) and I get up and quickly leave the bar. I can see her wheels turning in her head, trying to remember if she recognizes me, by that time I'm already outside getting in my car. I honestly don't remember seeing any stripper a year later going from hot to horrible as much as she did.

Side note, at least 80% of women who go blonde and go back to brunette or black, are making a mistake. Very few Caucasian women look better as a brunette than a blonde.


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Very enjoyable read is my first point

    The crack on JS was hilarious

    The bee line for the door made me choke on my mountain dew lol

    I've seen some strippers in my area take bad turns a year later...crazy that it can happen in one year you would think at least five

    I needed this
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    And that is exactly why some of us prefer the 20 somethings.. The amount of change a MILF can go through in a year is astounding. Unfortunately it is too often change in the direction you described.. Glad you escaped with your life....:)
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    LMFAO..I bet Shaylyn ran to the seven eleven and shot guned a four loco LMFAO
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    How much did you have to drink when you first met her? I'm assuming that you were stone cold sober the second time if it was early afternoon.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Funny! Happened to me with a civvy old flame. At 40 she was really hot. Fast forward 10 years, not so much, particularly in comparison to 20-something strippers I had started playing with.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Shailynn, if you would stick to 18 year olds shit like this wouldn't happen to you. While an 18 year old could turn fat or otherwise unattractive in the course of a year, it's a lot less likely with a teenager than it is with a MILF. But you are right about getting rid of blond hair. Almost always a big mistake unless the girl is going with more of a red shade.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I'd add chopping their hair to the list of things a milf should never do in addition to sticking with blonde over black.

    Very few girls can pull off the short hair look and still remain attractive, imo.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Flagooner - I was sober both times I saw her, I was probably a lot more horny the first time though!

    Valid point JS69, but I do like to talk during sex and most MILFy strippers can hold good conversations. All 19 year old strippers talk about is Pokémon Go!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I don't think JS69 is playing with a full deck.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Actually I think brunette is hotter but natural brunette.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've been a member of a large gym-chain for about 25-years (same one that was originally named Scandinavian then changed names to Bally's Total Fitness then bought out by LA Fitness).

    Back in the day when I joined I used to go one of their locations that was near MIA airport and very centrically located w/ lots of commercial buildings and office buildings (very commercial area and very busy during the day thus lots of chicks working in that area during the day) - after work (5 pm+) the gym was a meat-market w/ the kind of hot-women one would see at night-clubs and they would dress to kill in their gym-attire (cleavage showing; g-strings, etc) - in the mornings it was the MILFs many of whom also dressed to kill and were always there and many looked like they fucked, or would fuck, on the side (never hooked up w/ any due to my PL lack of game but I probably could've if I'd had more confidence b/c some of the MILFs would approach me and strike up a convo every now and then).

    I now go to a different gym-location but rarely have a chance to go in the mornings, and in the late-afternoons I don't see many hot MILFs - but past 5 pm there are a good # of super-hot young Cubanas dressed to KILL and def look like Tootsies strippers or at least hot enough to work there - on many occasions I've been working out in the late-afternoon/early-eve and have had to hit Tootsies after working out and going home to shower and eat.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think most of us are attracted to a particular type of woman by default (older vs younger; skinny vs thick; etc) - I have always been attracted to women that look like women vs girls thus more attracted to MILF types b/c they look (and often act) more womanly vs girly (and I like the former).
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Yeah me too Papi, that's why I'm into the MILF - a women that looks like a women not a girl - like that comment!

    I have nieces in high school, so looking at young girls creep me out, and my small town has a large college campus, I see 18 year olds all day everyday but I don't see hot MILFs everyday - maybe it's just me chasing unicorns!
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