Fuck a porn star or hit the strip club?
So Mia Khalifa is in New York and though in the back of my mind her before pictures keep showing up showing me she is nothing but an awkward looking girl with an overinflated ego, she's a porn star and I think that before image MAY go away once I see her in person. Of course this also means paying for sex. Or should I just stick to erotic fun at the stripper clubs? Or even just hit up a night club. What would you old guys do in my young guy position
There are porn stars Id like to fuck but not her.
Theres also something disturbing about fucking someone who has had 1,000 different dicks in them where my local steipper has only had 400.
When you fall, you fall hard. Web cammed her using my friend's credit card and it's definitely her. She wants $140 for half hour. Shailynn is right. She just needs a buzz and money and apparently she hit the beaten track of every porn star.
@rockstar unfortunately, I have no g/f right now and nature has been ripping at the back of my mind for a while now. Of course no ugly old thot would do.
You guys and your differing opinions. If it's any consolation shadowcat and co., I thought she was particularly sexy with that outfit on she wore in that controversial video. But if I club I'm not doing her, and reverse.
I have been with 2 pornstars so far
That's surprising
I'd stick to the strip club, but that's just me.
Also, fair warning, I've heard from numerious people that she's a total cunt. She thinks she's bigger than she is. She came to my city once for a baseball game and everyone wanted a picture with her and kept giving a attitude. Then a over weight guy asked for a pic and she said "ew with you? Hell no" fuck this lousy bitch. If you do fuck her make sure to fuck her to the point that she realizes that she's nothing more than a high priced skank.
Well I know DA != district attorney
I also gather from context that DA = non-brilliant
But what does DA mean?
But who knows? Law enforcement might be clueless.
Regardless, a non-ace experience is likely. Go to the club!
I don't consider myself homophobic, but two guys putting their penises in the same orifice does not turn me on.
I'm a firm believer that live and let live and anything goes between two consenting adults = brilliant! But I certainly wouldn't want to do DA.
The price is suspiciously low.
There are strippers hotter than her. But I'll still do the webcam just to test the waters.