
What is the fascination with fancy Coffee places anhd "energy drinks"

Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:43 PM
I don't understand the fascination with coffee bars. I drink coffee but refuse to $$ spend to get a Vetted or Venti or grounded or grande burnt coffee for $5 or $10 a cup.
WTF I can make an entire pot of good quality coffee for pennies, pour it into my big ass mug with its huge handle that fits my ham hands and not have to stand in line to pay some rude emo douche-bag to write my name on a eco-friendly cup that burns my fingers for a really shitty cup of coffee.
I guess it is the same can be asked of tooth rotting Mountain Dew for breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner of a few years ago. Now its grande, mocha, frappe, nonfat, crappy chino! or one of those caffeine or ephedrine laced sugar laden "energy drinks" that advertisements make fat slugs think that if they drink it they are able to leap buildings at a single bound whereas in reality it just gives them heart palpitations/attacks and makes them fatter.
I think if I was a strip club owner I would put in a 'starbutts' coffee bar and staff it with bottomless baristas. Serve Irish Coffee with a side of Fish Flavored Taco. LOL


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Just a shame long as you don't talk shit on Four Loko
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I thought four loko was out of production?
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I dunno! The Kroger that I shop at put in a Starbucks coffee bar. I rarely see anybody using it. What a waste of space.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    ask my man papi chulo.......he's always chilling at starbucks!
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    When I moved in to my latest place, I didn't have Internet, so I went to the local Starbucks to get online. I'd just smile as I saw all the people buying this overpriced coffee. It will be a frozen day in Hell that I pay that much just for coffee.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    You realize the exact same argument could be applied to strip clubs and prostitutes right? I mean really it can be applied to almost anything.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    First world problems.

    Why go to a steakhouse when you cwn cook a steak at home.

    I'm not a big coffee drinker and don't necessarily like the taste of coffee - I like the different flavors Starbucks makes, I can get my caffeine with something that tastes good (to me) - I do agree it's too-expensive but IMO on gets a consistent product (coffee, staff, facilities).

    Have never tried energy drinks - w/ my high bp I'm concerned about them, and what's in them.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Sometimes people just like having a place to go. And some argue that online forums like this also serve in that capacity.

    Highly regarded book:

    But yes, prices are high, and for myself, it either has hotties or I stay away. Never patronized Starbucks.



    [Talk Gnosis] Martinism & Gnosticism
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->" I don't understand the fascination with coffee bars. I drink coffee but refuse to $$ spend to get a Vetted or Venti or grounded or grande burnt coffee for $5 or $10 a cup. "

    The fact that you're talking about "burnt coffee" makes me think you're talking about Starbucks, which is NOT "fancy", it's the TGIFriday's of coffee chains -- poor to mediocre quality coffee, that's targeted at people who don't know it, and think they're being fancy. If you hang out with people who are as crazy and knowledgeable about coffee as tusclers are about strip clubs, you'll have complete consensus that Starbucks is the no-alcohol low-mileage high-$ fat-strippers strip club of coffee shops.

    There are plenty of actual craft coffee places with skilled baristas who make amazing coffee -- especially if what you're after is next-level amazing coffee, particularly espressos, pour-overs, etc (or, in other words, the Follies of coffee places). Worth every dime if you love amazing coffee. If you're basically drinking a steamed milk, caramel, whipped cream, ultra-sweetened liquid donut, I guess Starbucks is fine, you fat fuck, enjoy your diabeetus.

    Not that I have an opinion on this, or anything
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Hotties parading around, or I stay away.


    Never would pay money for coffee shops without you such. Never patronized Starbucks or TGIFriday's, or anything else like that.


    [Talk Gnosis] Christian Magic Teenage Years

    Melanin, Gnosis, & Occult Alchemy
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "I thought four loko was out of production?"

    WTF - Juice and I drink it every day walking home after work bagging groceries at Piggly Wiggly.

    They still make Four Loko, they just took out the elements that made it an "energy drink." While a great idea, the energy drink element was a stimulant and the alcohol element was a depressant which made a great high, but had disastrous results. You were lucky if you just blacked out, a few college students actually died.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    After my long day of bagging groceries at Piggly Wiggly:


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Life can be short and sweet, life can be a long haul. I want the new coffee with 7 times the caffeine. Talk about the shakes you'll get.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I'm absolutely addicted to caffeine. Used to make my own coffee, but it's too time consuming and messy to grind your own coffee and clean up afterwards. Unless you clean the coffee pot thoroughly, the coffee eventually tastes like shit. So I spend about $100/month at Starbucks. Starbucks near my place has a drive-through with stripper-quality baristas and they know me since I'm there so often. Often get free coffee for being a good customer. Should probably try some of the independent places and see if the coffee is better.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The standard caffeine content has been very harmful to me. So more caffeine, no way. Caffeine is a serious addiction and health hazard, as is sugar.

    Want to protect my health and my functionality.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    txtittyfag needs some of this:



    It's a Beautiful Day - White Bird - 7/7/1970

    should be Linda LaFlamme
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I spend entirely too much on drive thru coffee shop coffee. Almost like my strip club spending. Only go to Starbucks if I am at my local Target. I tend to go to the one local business, as it's down the street and few blocks from home and they make good sandwiches. If I have to go across town, I will go to Caribou Coffee. I will take Caribou over Starbucks any day of the week.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Also... GET OFF MY LAWN!
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    "Also... GET OFF MY LAWN!"

  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Seriously though, I have a couple of local coffee shops that are quite good. I'm mostly a tea drinker but I can pay $10 for a chai latte, a nice pastry, and watch the sexy baristas. What's wrong with that?

    I like to support local businesses. The place I mostly go to gets their pastries from a literal mom and pop operation. Good food and I'm helping to keep locals in business. And there was a barista with a really nice rack for a while. A brilliant rack! ;)

    Starbucks is fine for airports. You know what you're getting. It won't be great but in my experience it won't be horrible (my sole exception that edged into undrinkable: a Starbucks in PEK - I definitely should have ordered tea and not coffee).

    Pete's isn't bad. But all chains regress to the mean. Typically OK, but never great. Local can be great or it can be horrible or anything in between! :)
  • woodstock
    7 years ago
    What Subraman said. I've never given Starbucks any business, and I certainly don't ever intend to. Yet, I drink a lot of espresso and coffee.

    If Starbucks were a stripper, she'd be a ROB, fer sher.

  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Here is the funniest thing I read yesterday, from Subraman:

    "If you're basically drinking a steamed milk, caramel, whipped cream, ultra-sweetened liquid donut, I guess Starbucks is fine, you fat fuck, enjoy your diabeetus.

    Not that I have an opinion on this, or anything"

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"What Subraman said. I've never given Starbucks any business, and I certainly don't ever intend to. Yet, I drink a lot of espresso and coffee."

    Starbucks: because you don't care what your coffee tastes like, but you want to pay a lot for it
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Starbucks branded itself as an affordable luxury item. It appeals to people who care about status. The same people who lease BMWs and wear fake Rolex watches.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    What an odd thread for the Number one prostitues to rise from the dead.
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    Anyone ever order coffee at a strip club? I know kahoots in columbus offered it lol
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    Starbucks has some really hot baristas. I go for eye candy. Sure I overpay but it's not as bad as spending $5 on a small glass of coca cola at a strip club.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "Starbucks has some really hot baristas."
    ^^ +1

    I make my own coffee these days, grinding whole beans by hand and using a french press. As good as any high-end coffee shop. Starbucks whole bean roasts are actually pretty good.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I think you'd approach coffee different if you lived near a place where the baristas dressed like this

  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @samsung1 I went on a coffee and Bailey's binge last winter.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    tt said "I think if I was a strip club owner I would put in a 'starbutts' coffee bar and staff it with bottomless baristas. Serve Irish Coffee with a side of Fish Flavored Taco. LOL"
    most excellent idea.
    as it is... some stripclubs do have coffee and tea from a 'per cup' machine and some clubs have starbucks frapechino bottles.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i go to starbucks occasionally and for less than half price iget a serving of coffee when i'm on the road... i have a large travel mug and dress the bitter coffee up with cinnamon and cream. but it does require a lot of sugar to make it sweet. so i put in a lot less sugar and slowly sip it. only once in a great while do i get their fancy expensive drink.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The ONLY Coffee Shops I go to have an important additional appeal:


    I would never waste my time or money in any kind of a coffee shop which lacked this additional appeal.

    Friends don't let friends patronize Starbucks.

    Also, you might find this interesting:

    Book has been highly acclaimed and it gets into the issues of hang out places, like for example sexism.


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  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    sjguy. i need to patronize that coffee shop. where is it?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The one in the picture is in Orange County. But we have ones just as good in San Jose. Also some in Houston, and a few in Atlanta. Could be some other places too. Cost not that high. Usually I bring a book to read, though, often I can't read much
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I'm not a fan of Starbucks for any number of reasons (mostly, the taste of their coffee), and I am also not a fan of coffee that is really basically a liquid coffee-flavored donut, so full of fats and sweeteners and flavorings that you can barely taste the coffee or espresso.

    That said, I definitely appreciate an amazing espresso or pourover, especially made by well-trained baristas and with beans freshly roasted within the past week. This is a great time for coffee aficionados.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    lol ... I replied to this thread before I read the earlier replies, and I see I replied already, months ago!
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