
Strippershit paradox double-blind mind fuck

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Stopped by Babes on the way home last night. Average night, nothing special to review, but I did have an interesting convo with a dancer I'd done lappers with on other visits. She said she wished she could make guys understand that just because we pay them to care about us, doesn't mean they don't care about us just because we pay them. And she agreed that she doesnt care about the guys that dont tip her of get dances. She could not for the life of her see the fallacy in her own logic. I tried to explain it every which way I could; but I think she had settled on that as a way to rationalize some morality into being a stripper. Maybe some "hooker with a heart of gold" superego fantasy. She started becoming rather upset when I refused to acknowledge or accept her arguments. I left before things escalated, but what a weird visit.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Delving into how (most) strippers validate themselves and their work is a minefield, with substantially more mines than field.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    And you had this conversation with her why ? Seems pretty stupid to me !
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    If you keep arguing with an idiot, there will be 2 idiots
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    That's why I left.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Everybody wants to be able to pay their bills, even pretty girls.

    I think they see it as the compensation for not being married.

    All in all, not a bad set up.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Many strippers are rebels, and rebels don't like being told what to do nor contradicted.

    Add to that many strippers are young, not highly educated, and not a lot of life-experience.

    Most of us have found out it's easiest to pretend we care what they think just like they pretend to care what we think.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    My experience though is that most of them really are quite available. They want to care and be cared about.

    Might not be mature enough for it to work well. I have seen this.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That's what you get for not using SJG's front-room system.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    If you treat them as prostitutes, then it will be very hard for you to find out what the girl is really like, cause she is just playing along with you, being what you want her to be.

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I've heard stuff like this before, including "I know you pay me to do this stuff, but I still think of you as a friend." She seemed to mean it. This was the girl who I wrote about a few months ago who was crying in my hotel room after we had finished the deed, telling me that she didn't want me to think of her as a whore.

    Don't try to figure these girls out dude. Just be kind and friendly and you'll be able to weather whatever emotional moments you need to. Over the years I've had to say and do any number of things to comfort girls who were struggling with a variety of emotional issues. The only way you can get "mind-fucked" by it is if you let yourself get emotionally invested, which is a bad idea for any number of reasons.
  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    Crazy Joe. On the money. Almost all these girls need validation of some sort. Just agree, get your freak on and ask her to clean you up before she leaves the room.
  • Dlee305
    8 years ago
    The "mind games" is what pisses me off, ironically, I'm a nice person. If I am spending money, I can't be phony. I look at them as terminators.

    "Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop.Ever. Until you are broke."

    The fact that I've become a reg at a club and is not loose with one's money but have it so any chosen chick will feel special.

    I had to snap on one yesterday. Called me her friend, told her she's not my friend, called me a hostile drunk because of it. She gave me a horrible unforgivable OTC experience plus i saw her without make-up. Disappointing.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I know exactly what the dancer means and feel it would be obvious to any self-employed person, at least in my field. All my clients pay me. They all pay the same hourly rate. Some I like, some I don't. They all get the same service. Some I like, some I don't. Some, when they lose, I sleep perfectly well. Some when they lose I torture myself over their loss and cannot sleep. Some I care about. Some I don't. In the end its all about the money, but some I care about and some I don't. She made perfect sense.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I believe you skibum, because what you can have real consequences... Some how a topless lap dance just doesn't seem as impactful
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    She said it awkwardly, but I understand what she meant. She cares about some P/L's even though they pay her but if you don't pay her in the first place she won't get to know you and see if she cares about you. I think.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Aside from any overall stripper sloppy thinking, there's something that could be going on here that also affects PLs. There's some primal emotions going on in the strip club, and it's easy for a PL to mistake the euphoria and lust they feel for love. In fact, I'd bet it's happened to everyone on here, at least once ... we many be older and smarter than the girls, but we've all been confused about our own emotions at least once.

    The stripper version of this: I became really tight with a popular stripper here (very weird relationship -- I never spent a dime on her or did even a lap dance with her, but did often send my buddies to her). When she retired, she told me "I'm going to cut myself off from this business, stop contact with all my stripper friends and most of my customers, and just stay close to 3-4 of my favorite customers who I really like". A couple of months later she and I go out for drinks and I ask her how it's going -- and she's stopped all contact with everyone, even her 3-4 fave customers who she'd planned to stay in touch with. Why? "You know, I really thought I liked those guys. But I see now I mistook my gratitude for their generosity, for real affection. Now that they're not paying me, I finally realized we don't have anything in common and I don't like them that much." Here, I'll put that statement by itself for dramatic effect:

    "You know, I really thought I liked those guys. But I see now I mistook my gratitude for their generosity, for real affection. Now that they're not paying me, I finally realized we don't have anything in common and I don't like them that much."

    So there you go --- to me, that is exactly the stripper version of the confusion PLs feel when they confuse lust for love. It happens to even smart PLs, who should know better and who should be able to see the ridiculousness of it. Of course it happens to strippers too... that's why that stripper can't see why her view isn't internally consistent; she REALLY BELIEVES she likes her customers, in that sense it's not a lie. She's just mistaking "favorite customer" feelings for "really like him" feelings.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    lol ... sorry for the Papi-length response above, but I've had that story in me for years and needed to tell it :) I have all kinds of stories and insights from my probably-never-to-be-repeated relationship with a stripper who I never spent a dime on.

    Anyway, to finish the story off: as a serial ATFer, I end up in the "favorite customer" lists of many of my ATFs, and often they tell me, un-asked, that they want to stay in touch after their retirement. I'm still in touch with a good number of them even years after retirement, but another good number of them eventually fade away, even if they stay in touch for a few weeks/months. I don't necessarily think this is always a case of "stripper telling PL she wants to stay in touch, purely as hustle, to convince him to keep spending". I think it's just as likely the stripper believes what she's saying at the time, but once the money flow dries up, she realizes she doesn't like me as much as she thought -- just like the story above -- and moves on. I feel this kind of confusion about fave-customer/really-like-him may be just as common in strippers as PL lust/love confusion.

  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @GammaNut wrote: "I believe you skibum, because what you can have real consequences... Some how a topless lap dance just doesn't seem as impactful"
    ROFL. Does anyone know what this sentence means? I'm sure the meaning is very "impactful."

    Such a deep an meaningful thread. Hate to break it to you, but most dancers prey on lonely guys to make money.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Gammanu, can I date the girl in your avatar? Please tell me where she can be found and I will see if she cares about me after paying her.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" The only way you can get "mind-fucked" by it is if you let yourself get emotionally invested, which is a bad idea for any number of reasons. "

    Absolutely true, although perhaps easier said than done, especially if you're not a grizzled veteran. Look at Dlee's response just below yours -- there's no way that exchange, if it really happened, isn't reflective of too much emotional investment. This same sub-theme runs through the "it's just a fantasy" thread, too -- transactions in a strip club are only fantasy-based to those who are too emotionally invested; all the physical and financial stuff is actually happening, no fantasy involved.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I have kept in contact with many strippers after "retirement" as well. The vast majority of those contacts dried up after one or the other of us got tired of the other. Exactly one has lasted more than a couple of years, and that one is, I suspect, a fluke.

    I'm not sure about the MILF. Oh sure, she likes me well enough (well enough to fuck me without asking me to pay her, at any rate), but I suspect she really only likes me for my tongue and the fact that I'm not demanding or demeaning. I honestly don't know what will happen after she's done stripping.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I think skibum described it exactly right. Everything I do for clients I do because they pay me. If they stop paying I will stop working for them. But I genuinely like and enjoy the company of some of my clients. And others I dislike to various degrees. No reason strippers should feel any differently about their clients.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Wow skibum actually made an intelligent observation, and didn't mention politics for once, maybe pigs can fly!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I'm pretty blunt with dancers as to what I want from our relationship, which is pretty straightforward and (relatively) free of drama. I have a lot of fun with them, and they have fun with me (well, I hope). But, I have ended things with strippers who didn't understand my limits.

    Based on previous PL experience, I'm smart enough now to not allow a lot of "mission creep". It's a bit of a balancing act. I don't want the relationship to be purely transactional, but I also don't want any of my dancers disillusioned that I'm a true-blue friend, savior, or doormat.

    But, I don't believe that wanting / having a more professional relationship (with strippers or anyone) excludes the ability to care about a person. I guess it's a human thing.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I agree with that also, JS. There do seem to be folks on tuscl whose view of strippers is ironically identical to the SW fantasy view of themselves: that they are emotionless, perfect economic actors who are incapable of anything other than hustle, and who treat each customer exactly the same as every other based on $. I've always assumed this position was mostly -- just like on SW -- posing to look cool, but maybe also a result of never being in a position of favorite customer and so never experiencing it. Beyond that, of course everyone (no matter what business) likes or dislikes their customers to various degrees, and may vary their service based on that, and that is completely consistent with the relationship still being "customers".
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Just like every custy may not get the same treatment from every dancer, every dancer will nit get the same treatment from every custy - we are all human and it's natural to develop some kind of relationship, for lack of a better word, with those we come in contact with on a regular basis (coworkers, neighbor, a regular waitress at a restaurant, etc)..

    But I assume that like most business relationships, the relationship ends once the business ends - 99% of the time once we we're not spending on a dancer for w/e reason, she will no longer treat you the same way nor "have the same feelings" for you and will likely just toss you aside to make room for the other $pecial custies - and likewise PLs will usually not feel a dancer is "as special" if she for w/e reason stops putting-out or puts on 50-pounds - it's a "what have you done for me lately" "relationship" - it *is* transactional with a little emotion thrown on topbut 99% transactional IMO, it's all good while both parties are getting what they want - sorta like druggies which are super-cool with each other when there's plenty of drugs around but turn on each other when there are no drugs or very little to go around.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    @jimgassagain: Have at her. Elin (yes, like Tiger's wife), Christie's Cabaret, Tempe AZ. But it's a couple years old, so good luck
  • Dlee305
    8 years ago

    My discontent is the piss poor experience at a hotel room.

    To come at me like it didn't happen is a try on my intelligence.
  • Dlee305
    8 years ago
    To commentators: I agree and take the relationships for what they're worth. I don't need the extra "Hey, baby. How are you doing?"

    I find it insulting like I'm an easy mark or lame to the game. If I am giving legal tender then I want what I want. We all they right to refusal. I have a beautiful lady but we don't live together and I have plenty of down time after work.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    A few other random thoughts:

    I don't see why it should be so hard for guys to keep their perspective. Plenty do. Yet this site seems to draw it's fair share of closet romantics and they almost always pay a steep price for that weakness.

    Conversely, strippers are generally far younger than their customers and many have emotional issues stemming from tough childhoods. Expecting an unbalanced 22 year old girl to be able to control herself the same way that a 50 year old man should be able to do is unrealistic.

    Net-net, it is a far greater sin for an older dude to lose his mind than it is a young stripper. Customers usually have age, income and other advantages that make that kind of behavior much less excusable and, at least for me, less understandable.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ Dugan:

    We are all pathetic - just in different ways and perhaps to different degrees; but mostly just in different ways - we each have our weaknesses - let the TUSCLer w/o PLness/patheticness cast the first PL stone.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Idk Papi. That was a great Kumbaya comment and all, but I'm inclined to think that there are varying degrees of patheticism. Middle age guys losing their minds over silly shit that young strippers say ranks right up there with those girly shits that complain to club managers when some young girl says mean things to them. That kind of raging pussy behavior makes me hope that they get their balls caved in by some dancer's stiletto heels just in case they might actually breed some day, as unlikely as that is.

    Anyway, end rant.
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