Sometimes you hairless apes disgust me! I just read about a stupid bitch that at

avatar for rickthevulture
What the fuck is wrong with the hairless apes? My lion bud asks me to keep track of the more egregious misbehavior of hairless apes by reading the net, but this is seriously fucked up.…

Really? Pangolins should be off limits. Squawk!

My lion bud is off to give her the wildebeest treatment. I told him to tease the bitch a little bit. I've never met a pangolin that wasn't a nice guy. Those little guys are even too mild-mannered to have a rick among them. I even offered one a suit and he said that no pangolin is badass enough to wear a rick suit. Squawk!

Save the pangolins! Squawk!


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
All you need to do now is to call for my Chirstian Eating Lions.

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
Just for reference, Spotted Owl tastes just like Bald Eagle. Ask any Coon ass, they would know....
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
.... of course when Trump-loving Coon Asses are out of Bald Eagle and Spotted Owl, they might go for something less rare (Like Black Vulture)???
avatar for Daddillac
8 years ago
I have a pair of pangolin boots I bought in Thailand. ... crazy thing was, I wanted the crocodile skin but at the time they were on endangered species list.... so I had the pangolin made. 50 bucks and two days. I get to the airport customs and I see the pangolin on the list too.... I crossed my fingers and made it through safely.
avatar for Daddillac
8 years ago
Also reminds me of my first honeymoon.... I brought a box of Cuban cigars back, my wife said I can't believe how calm you were carrying those through customs.... I said I was not worried, I packed them in your bag..... I figured on a bag xray they would look like a box of tampons
avatar for ricktheturtle
8 years ago
I've asked the lion to track the two of you down and go wildebeest on your asses. He's promised me some apeskin boots. Hairless apeskin. Aah...yup
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