…Population drop? What better way to make a new generation of Swedes. And THAT friend is what happened last night in Sweden
If this is the new face of Socialism, I'm bitch slapping Skibum and TheeOSU and saying that Sweden (not Trump) got things right. Happy workers are productive workers.
last commentSJG
I def agree w/ this as long as it was ok to visit a quality local brothel or escort - I'd def think it would help w/ stress and put a pep in most PLs' step.
I tried to focus and get it done but couldn't - my school was an hour away from where I lived. I was dating a half-black half-Cuban chick at the time that already had a young-daughter - did the hour drive and went by her place and spent 2 hours w/ her getting some "TLC" and my batteries were def recharged and I was able to hit the books later that day.
This town should offer mobile service - just like the Taco truck that comes over during lunch hour in USA.