
Advanced ideas for strippers to consider in turning some of us off

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

As with most fetishes I'm sure this is hit and miss but

Role play channels that have attractive ladies with sexy voices...soft spoken....really turn me on....I need a stripper to talk to my dick like this bitch


Actually jerked off to this LMFAO


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And yes I ask have a red head, spinner light skin fetish as well

This butch had me on vibrate

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I also enjoy head over pussy so I value face qualities over body image as well

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When I was ready to finish this video of her wet mouth sounds caused me to do a screen shot LMFAO

You can't make this shit up...I'm just to honest

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I need to find a stripper or hoe or provider that will take her time in sucking my dick...make playful soft kisses...nibels...licks.....talking to it...looking her eyes at me....edging me....damn....I really need this

Avatar for JuiceBox69

If you like this stuff look at her other video's...I need to take some of these ideas and get some to treat my dick like she does a microphone

Avatar for shailynn

Fuck me for less money - that'll turn my wallet on!

Avatar for JuiceBox69

And me on LMFAO...I jerk off to my 401K plan some times

Avatar for shailynn

You'll jerk off to anything!!!

Avatar for warhawks

You jerk off to chicken wings. So that ain't shit.

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True story shaylnne LMFAO

The hot sauce is a nice lubricant but it burns a Lil

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Let this be a warning to you guys...once you've exhosted pornography sites you will achieve or unlock this level of masturbation...this bitch is what it takes for me to enjoy sex again...I need to see how much a hoe will charge me for this

Avatar for vincemichaels

I don't know, Juice, but I'm sure that waitress that you and shailynn had can tell us some wondrous stories. :)

Avatar for ime

Juice got banned from the Piggly Wiggly for jerking off to the Little Debbie display.

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Got banned from apple bees because I went back and jerked off o the waitress

Avatar for Hugh_G_Rection

Ronald McDonald got a rap sheet as a sexual predator. He got caught sticking his Big Mac in Wendy's Hot and Juicy.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Ooooo hell yes...I got the ASMR condition

Certain sounds especially voices can make my hole body get goose bumps and tingle

It also causes full body arousal and full body orgasms when adding to edging and teasing with the tantric

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I seriously jerked off to this today

Avatar for crazyjoe

What the hell is wrong with you juice?

Avatar for bang69

What the hell. Juice what got into you

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