San Francisco Strip Club Patrons Allege Rip-Off

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avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
Steve, who didn't expect "skullduggery" from Little Darlings wa non-brilliant in his money management! ;)

But using the word "skullduggery" is ace!
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
"Skullduggery" is the TUSCL word of the day. Helping PLs improve their vocabulary since 1995.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
THIS is why only an idiot uses plastic in a club. Cash only!!!!
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
If we are to become a cashless society some definite improvements are going to have to be made.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I'll pay in bitcoin (or some other crypto-currency). I don't have a credit card or a charge card, like others with poor credit score, so that would limit who could go to clubs. :(
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Steve is an idiot. But he's right. Strip clubs are a dangerous place for idiots.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Rockstar is correct, only an IDIOT uses plastic in strip clubs.

But, beautiful girls can turn most guys into IDIOTs real fast.


1. These are all non-branded Deja Vu clubs, they don't publicly use the Deja Vu name in association with them. This should mean that they can run looser, not having to be clip joints.

2. I don't know if Deja Vu owns anything, except its name. I really don't know. Their business could have been expanded faster without tying up money in strip club ownership. All they need is a management contract.

3. These four clubs are the ones which look the most interesting to me, in San Francisco, because they are unbranded, and because they are no alcohol. This likely means that they can run looser and that front room GFE might not be prohibited. And that means that the back room can be awesome.

And then, you get your girl lined up for outside contacts. Shouldn't need to depend upon regular strip club visits, or that FS is necessarily practical in the strip club.

avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
8 years ago
I don't even carry my wallet (or cel phone) into a club (I use a money clip). If I am asked for ID, I say why. They always say that it is to check my age. Well I definitely look older. So if they will not accept that, I leave.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I never bring a bank card or a credit card. Cash only and if they try to scan my license I just leave.
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