Wow oh wow!

avatar for larryfisherman
In another thread twentyfive said most of the members here are riding my "schoolboy ass". I haven't seen any of that, but I thought maybe I was missing something, so I decided to empty my ignore list and see if I was missing anything.

Of course twentyfive was wrong, who would have thought?? It's not most of the members, it's just the same old trolls. Shailynn and all his aliases, Fagooner and a few others. If they dislike me I must be doing something right. That's like saying woman beaters hate you, Good! I wouldn't want them to like me.

I've been laughing my ass of. They start petitions to get Larryfisherman out of here! They whine and complain that I have them on ignore! They can't keep my dick out of their mouths LMAO. I'm hoping I piss them off so much that they just leave and never come back. I'm almost tempted to keep no one on my ignore list, because this shit is just hilarious.

Newsflash, I ain't going anywhere. You can start petitions, you can cry, you can moan, you can do whatever. If I annoy you so much, then put me on IGNORE, or GTFO.

BTW could sonebody go to Shailynn's profile and see of his last 50 comments, how many are about me? This guy gets a hard on when I comment, and I haven't even interacted with him in months. LMAO.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
You haven't seen that because your faggot ass has half this board on ignore you stupid fuck.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I guess little Larry likes traveling on the Egyptian river.
In case that was too sophisticated for you to understand river is the Denial
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Larry don't worry about these guys. They are just jealous because the girls like you and you like them. You treat them no different from any other girls, so they can then really open up to you.

Lots of guys here are just jealous, mean, and bitter. That's all it is. And your threads are often the best ones here.


delivering the message:…
How do we bring it to this point?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Yeah totally SJG, I have strippers block my number all the time just like Larry, yeah the strippers love him.

You two are peas in a pod - delusional as fuck.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Little or no experience? He says that he is new to it. But he is in some SoCal clubs all the time now.

Larry is a nice guy, and so girls like him.

Its not is fault of most of the people here are jerks who girls just suck money out of.

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
^^ There's a fair amount of truth to what Che said, however I honestly think Larry Fisherman is evolving. He's made the transition of knowing his DS is out for the ca$h, that's a turn in the right direction, and that a guy his age needs to be saving cash and looking for regular girls. I wish him luck, hope he gets the inspiration to move on and become successful in all areas of his life, and to realize there is life away from this hobby. Maybe he isn't the only one who needs to work on a life outside of TUSCL . Honestly, why pan Larry when you have certain out-and-out "Captain Save-a-hoes" talking about bringing girls home and enabling them?? Larry, believe me getting burnt NOW and learning when you are playing with fire can save you a world of hurt--- like morphing into Gawker.

Don't want to deal with Larry's schtick, just IGNORE him.

And I'll close with something that might be Juice approved: a line from Kenny Roger's "The Gambler": "You gotta know when to hold them/ know when to fold them/ know when to walk away and know when to run..." Applies to strippers as much as it applies to Poker.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^Hugh you don't realize that little Larry brought that onslaught on himself. He should watch his mouth or in this case typing fingers because his reply to me as rude and ill considered as it was got over 20 negative replies, I only responded after being called out and I didn't even need to add the names that responded to him. If you look most of my replies to his threads have been along the lines of Random and Che. Here he has a thread that basically is stupid and again totally without any introspection, begging for the same response he has been getting yet, he will only believe the replies that he agrees with and dismiss anything that doesn't fit his narrow narrative.
Most idiots think that they are really smart, and and he does nothing to make that stereotype go away.
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
^^You may be right, Twentyfive. I might be reading too much into the recent Larry thread about "Yeah, she only wants the $$$". I'm optimistic he *might* come around, but I guess its where he goes from here. I'm just inclined to either give him a break if he's ready to man up and grow a pair---- or to give him enough rope to really hang himself. I respect what you are trying to say, though.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
This thread screams the word faggit for all who engage in the minutia of Fishticks.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Larry, I've avoided pissing in your corn flakes because I don't see what the big deal is about your posts. Some of what you post is interesting, and much of it is relevant. But why the fuck are you picking a fight with those who hate you? Stick to strip clubs and avoid the personal bullshit.
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
JohnSmith: Larry has been picking fights with people from the very beginning.


He calls 25 & Papi Chulo dumb and dumber.

Larry is incredibly thin skinned. If anybody disagrees with him, criticizes him, or calls him out on his BS, he either puts them on ignore or attacks them. He seems incredibly immature. I know he's young, but his maturity level is on par with someone in high school.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Oy vey.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
@tittyfag- LMAO. Papi is cool, but dumber still applies to twentyfive.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
"his maturity level is on par with someone in high school."

You're RONG!!!! He's in middle school

Give him a rope and he'll hang himself. Effectively said, and effectively done.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I'm confused. Again.

First Larry calls Papi dumb. Then he calls him a racist. Now he says he is cool.

Is there any wonder I can't believe a word he writes?
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
^^^ Are you saying Larry is like Trump, thin skinned and always changing his opinions! Lmfao!!!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
So @ little Larry
What are you thinking, 25% for me the rest against me ?

" In another thread twentyfive said most of the members here are riding my "schoolboy ass". I haven't seen any of that, but I thought maybe I was missing something, so I decided to empty my ignore list and see if I was missing anything."

Haven't seen any of that have you schoolboy ?
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
@fagooner-are you the guy that was a rookie asking about strip club tipping protocol, then said you had 25 years of strip club experience, then within a year that changed to 30 years? You can be whoever you want to be on here buddy, but please stick to one story.

Is Shailynn the one that said he met Juice? He wonders why everyone thinks he's Juice.

You see what I mean? The ones who say I'm trolling are in fact the actual trolls. That's what I don't care, and that's why it's hilarious. The members on here who actually make contributions to this site don't give a fuck about any of this shit.

I think I've made my point, I don't need to add anything else to this thread.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^Wow Oh Wow
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
wheres our moderator desertscrub?
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
Classic blameshifter. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
larryfisherman, no disrespect, but my advice is to avoid overanalyzing things posted on here.

A fair amount of TUSCL is funny. Some is even helpful for strip clubbing (imagine that!) and there many posts by supposedly mature adults that are amazingly juvenile. I only mind the non-funny juvenile posts.

Just take JohnSmith69's brilliant advice and don't worry if somebody starts a petition to eject you or whatever else they write about you!
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago

@4got2wipe - Don't tell him that. It spoils all the fun.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
LarryFisherman is a little slow at times to pick up on the advice or seeming slow to internalize some of it. That's my main/chief criticism with him.

Otherwise I agree with the others: (1) that he creates posts on topic and (2) he asks things or shares things that are often very relevant for newbies.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
(3) completely fabricates every story, (4) acts like a 14 year old and (5) is a complete douche.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
16 Hours Ago • So @ little Larry
What are you thinking, 25% for me the rest against me ?

" In another thread twentyfive said most of the members here are riding my "schoolboy ass". I haven't seen any of that, but I thought maybe I was missing something, so I decided to empty my ignore list and see if I was missing anything."

Haven't seen any of that have you schoolboy ?

Just as we thought little Larry only wants a monologue, dialogue just ain't his thing.
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