
Strippers are about the money and ONLY the money (including your DS)

This is the final part of the DS trilogy.

Here are the first two parts


To summarize it I had a DS and I tried to hang out OTC with her. I had tried a couple other times, and we could not get the schedules to work out. This time I invited her to a sporting event, and she was out of town at the time, and she said she would be back in time for the event, and she would love to go. I texted her a couple days before the event, no response, and she hasn't responded to any of my texts since about anything.

Fast forward to last night, I saw my DS's stripper friend, and I asked her to tell me what's going on. She spilled all the beans. Apparently the DS blocked and deleted my number because I wasn't spending enough money on her ITC to her liking, and that I kept asking her about OTC, and she just wasn't interested. I wasn't super shocked, but a little surprised. I mean I definitely ain't a cheapskate, but I definitely tried not to spend too much on her. I didn't want to be her whale (I've done that with another girl, won't do it again), I didn't want her to look at me as a limitless ATM. I wanted to be friends/fuckbuddy with her OTC, maybe even her boyfriend lol, so I purposely didn't spend a shitload of money on her ITC. I mean I'd regularly get $100 in dances from her, always buy her drinks, and always tip her generously on stage, but I guess strippers always want more lol.

I thanked her friend for telling me the info, she's not really my type physically, but I got some dances with her because she was so real. The DS wasn't at the club on this night, but apparently she was gonna be there tomorrow. I walked out of that club that night knowing I would never be back.

The two main rules of strip clubbing


  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @Fishstix, Instead of pissing away your money in strip clubs, open a Roth IRA and learn about investing. Get a civie GF who actually gives a shit if you wake up in the morning. When you turn 50, you can return to strip clubs to live out your midlife crisis.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Lol we already know this
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Well I guess it's a good PSA for newbies.

    Everybody here knows that already.

    I guess the third OBVIOUS rule of strip clubbing is

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    larry: "I mean I definitely ain't a cheapskate"

    I'd have to agree. Guy who makes it ran $30,000 is definitely not a cheapskate. Complete idiot, perhaps, but cheapskate = No!
  • houjack
    8 years ago
    Go to another club. Or even the same one, whatever.

    Follow this life system:
    1. Find another girl you deem attractive to you.
    2. Apply lessons learned on new girl.
    3. Repeat steps 1-2 until success.

    There will be another girl, don't forget. Turnover is a wonderful thing.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Dougster- I didn't make it rain 30K, it was a joke, some of the trolls thought I was serious. How the hell do I do that? Just bring 30,000 ones to the strip club? Lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If one thinks they can get a hot-chick to date them legit, and that is what one wants, then thee are plenty of places outside strip clubs where one can find something more real.

    Trying to make a GF out of a stripper is often an excercise in futility and frustration.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    Yeah. Most of us already know this. Don't try to be Captain Save-a-hoe.

    But I suppose it's good advice for any newbies.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    larry: "Strippers are about the money and ONLY the money (including your DS)"

    Almost always true. Only exception is if you are a genuine RICH STUD like me then they want you. For real.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Bavarian- rule 2 and 3 coincide.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I don't see the point in not going back to tjlhe club - man up and don't take your ball and go home - I've found that indifference often works best especially w/ hot chicks used to getting attention, just ignore her as you didn't know her and spend on other chicks - she may even come around to try to get w/ you/your-$$$, just play it cool and don't spend another cent on her
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Papi- I'm planning to take a long break from strip clubbing, that's the only reason I said I won't be coming back. If I went back to that club, then yes I would play it cool and not spend another dime on her.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Take a long break from TUSCL too please.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You're a fucking loser, you can't even get a stripper to fuck you even when you offer Clippers tickets and money.

    I fuck strippers because I am married and have almost zero repercussions when it comes to getting pussy on the side going the stripper route.

    You're young(er) and single you don't need to be in a strip club.

    RandomMember is spot on, but since you're a little bitch you can't read most people's sound advice since you have half of TUSCL on ignore.
  • K
    8 years ago
    Do you want to do your job for free? Even on the side? Would you give better service to the customer that spends more or spends less?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    That's a good point K.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Larry: the TL;DR here is: you were cheap in the club and got what you deserved

    Also, honestly: anyone who uses the term "dream stripper" and doesn't get douche chills from it, probably is already a bit vulnerable
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Gee Larry boy, when the people you call Trolls called bullshit on your Trolling, then you turned around and said it was a joke you have been treated fairly here on this site but you are the one who acts like a little child, stop whining, and suck it up, than maybe you might win a few friends. Until you grow up, most of the members here will continue to ride your schoolboy ass.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Not all strippers say they are about the money. They are either lying or about to leave the business if they keep that attitude or are thinking of you as a possible baby daddy.
    I think most of the time I heard that, they were on the verge of leaving stripping within a few years or less or I was a lot younger and did want to date. I only know of one stripper still working who is older than me and I'm surprised she is still doing it. I think she could date shadowcat with maybe less than a 20 year age difference. Of course with dating, girls think eventually they will move in and live with you with you paying the bills. It could be a strippers retirement plan.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Subra- I wasn't cheap, I just didn't get all out on her. I always bought her drinks, always tipped her generously on stage, most of the time did dances with her. Hell at that club I probably spent more than 90% of the customers.

    @twentyfive- you lost all credibility when you said Juice is one of the smartest people on here LMAO. Are you the one that's always getting your ass handed to by Skibum, Gammanu and Nina? Gee for most of the members here hating me, I seem to be getting a fair amount of comments on my threads. How that could be? Could it be you're full of shit? Name me 10 people on here (not including aliases) that hate me. Put up or STFU!! Pussy.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Larry, coming at this from another angle -- although I will re-state, anyone who uses the term "dream stripper" without getting douche chills is practically lost:

    -->"The two main rules of strip clubbing

    Agree strongly with your rule #1

    On rule #2: I have a buddy who is a doctor. He loves medicine, he loves helping people, he's passionate about it. But if you choose to stop paying him, he won't be your doctor anymore. No sane person would think that that makes him "all about the money" -- it means he has a job, and despite the fact that he enjoys his job and truly cares about his patients, he also has to make money to live. He does do some charity work for those who truly can't afford medical care -- again, speaking to his love of medicine and passion for healing -- but in his job, you have to pay him.

    I don't know what makes some of you think that every other person in the world can both demand fair compensation, and at the same time be motivated by more than the pay -- except for strippers, who you seem to think are perfect economic actors who either must be in love with you, or only about the money, and nothing in between. It's a somewhat juvenile and simplistic worldview, no?
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I have occasionally met dancers and civvie girls who didn't mention money but just wanted to get me alone away from the strip club and fuck. In the case with dancers, I suspect at least half would have asked for money after we were alone. The civvie girl was a once in a really blue moon event or a set up to be robbed. I suspect the civvie girl would have been trouble going to a strip club thinking every guy in there was desperate for sex and she could just go there and pick out a guy to fuck.Over half the dancers who wanted to talk and claimed they weren't all about the money, were lying to talk some first trying to turn a no thanks into maybe some dances.
  • WTFlock
    8 years ago
    Larry, you seem like a total douchebag. So, I guess I'm 1 of the 10. I'm sure there are far more than 10 posters that can't stand you, but you probably have half of them on ignore.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    ^good points subra, didn't see your post.

    I myself and most people in my opinion don't enjoy doing work for free unless we get something out of it. I'm not going to a job and work for free. However if something is my passion and I really enjoy it, I might do some charity work.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I'm amazed that you actually can read, but it looks like you still can't comprehend what is actually written, I'm getting my ass handed to me by who, you're a riot. Nowhere did I ever say anybody hated you, what i said was you are a whiny little boy, who dishes a lot of shit, but you still can't sit at the table with the grown-ups.I bet you couldn't find your ass with both hands, a map, and a flashlight. You are the second most laughed at member here. You're one of the least credible,most gullible posters here, if you really believe juice's comments are not a put on. As far as skidum and gammanut are concerned they hate you more than me, I take their hatred as a badge of pride, as for Nina we have had our back and forth but ask her anytime you like, we understand each other just fine.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    "Name me 10 people on here (not including aliases) that hate me. Put up or STFU!! Pussy."

    Don't forget to put me on the list.

    Better yet, add all of us that he has on ignore.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    10 people that hate fishsticks:

    1. me
    2. juice
    3. crazyjoe
    4. ime
    5. RandomMember
    6. twentyfive
    7. jimgassagain
    8. sinclair
    9. clearheelshotasscantlose
    10. all the rick animals
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Well, the don't fall in love with a stripper one is good advice. Even if she reciprocates, it's not going to end well.
  • WTFlock
    8 years ago
    Flagooner, so based on that, it's probably safe to say:

    1. Me
    2. Flagooner
    3. Meat
    4. Shailynn
    5. Crazy Joe
    6. Juice
    7. twentyfive (even if he doesn't say he hates him, 25 thinks he's an asshole, and that's close enough

    I'm sure there are countless others that can't stand Larry, but don't post all the time. 10 should be easy.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Subra- I'm talking about when strippers act like it's like it's not about the money to the patrons, but it's ALWAYS about the money, regardless if they're attracted to you, if you treat them well etc.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    larry: "ou lost all credibility when you said Juice is one of the smartest people on here LMAO. "

    I'm going to have to agree with 25 on that one. Juice is definitely one of the smartest. Although he'll often play dumber than he is when needed tactically or to help out with his grand strategy. Being smart but playing dumb when it's best = very smart.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Probably one of the things the JuiceMane learned at the poker tables, come to think of it.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    This faggot asks to name 10 people that hate him - we've named about 20 and he just blows right over those comments.

    What a fucking moronic douche.

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    He hasn't seen the posts. We're all on ignore.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    If he doesn't see the posts how come he saw mine?
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Lol! Fishsticks.....
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Seriously, how can you NOT KNOW?

    Even when a dancer flirts with you, even through her words and some of her actions say 'YES' .. subtle cues from her body language ( and her eyes and her energy to a lesser extent) say 'NO' which, unless you are oblivious or have very little experience with women --> create a cognitive dissonance. Given the cognitive dissonance, the conclusion should be she's not really into you.

    How can you NOT see it? how can you NOT pick up on it? Serious question.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    It's like SJG and his posts. Larry Fishsticks dodges the questions when you corner him into the topic. Such a gay fish!
  • meow666
    8 years ago
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