I mostly took a break from news this weekend, but back at it this morning, and looks like there was plenty going on. Here's a humorous analysis of the travel ban:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?…Should be another exciting week with Trump at the Helm.
Other gems this morning: no tax cut until spring 2018? Overhaul of H1B coming. Looks like a big battle between Silicon Valley and Trump is inevitable.
last commentI suspect with this slowly maturing of the liberal youth through natural aging, much like we saw with the baby boomer generation, efficiency gains will be made and our politics will become much more centrified accepting the ideas that favor the ones who hustle and improve their situation regardless of their backgrounds. The laws are already in place to allow for great success if you're willing to put forth the effort, which is why with iOS and downs we will continue to have this country provide the greatest economic benefits in the history of our existence. Amen!
Yes, the apologists for bombing these countries feel guilty and so now insist that we must make amends by allowing the refugees. Even though the majority of the refugees aren't because of the bombing we did, but because of their own governments.
"Bombings okay, travel ban is bad" - I laughed my ass off at that, I never thought of it that way.
Hey, hey, hey.... easy on the Finance majors.
Basket weaving, art history and family lawyers all all fair game, I say.
This is a great idea. In fact, corporations should do more on-the-job training, which would allow them to get the skills they really need.
Also, companies seem to have stopped investing in training programs. Like with my company, I understand the rationale: most other companies have stopped their programs, and all out program does it training employees to work for our competitors on our dime. But the problem with that was the companies themselves, through layoffs a generation ago, woke the workers up that companies are no longer loyal to employees. The companies are just reaping what they sow. If companies are complaining about labor shortages, it's because of training, not due to a shortage of bodies, so they should have some soul searching. Or if labor is responsible for its own training, then pay competitive wages (which, IMO, they are not paying).
It's a training problem. The companies and the universities (and the formerly relationships the two used to have) are partly to blame.
Another part is the mobility problem. There are a number of people underwater on mortgages and that limits mobility of the workforce *a lot*.
I like President Trump's message of buy American and hire American. :)
I'm not aware that there's an H1B problem of any kind, this hasn't even been on my radar. In tech, at least, even with a massive H1B program, we can't find enough talented workers. It's good for this country to maintain an edge in tech, I don't see much to gain by restricting H1B, and a whole lot to lose
I think the Germans are pretty-big on partnerships b/w gov and the private sector when it comes to making training opportunities available for displaced workers.
Part of the problem in the U.S. is often expensive education costs and it being difficult for adults to go to school and also work w/e fulltime job they can get and also often having kids to raise - they need more help maybe along the German model.
About the Warrens, they get money from books and lots of stuff, but even Harvard does not have money to grossly overpay them. And most private colleges are quite conservative, and they expect faculty to show subservience to movers and shakers.
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But like always the question will be, do they allow unstructured front room fraternizing and GFE auditions, before committing to the session? And is there away of seeing willing girls outside and without any money going to the house?