More Looney Tunes from the land of fruits and nuts.

Atlanta suburb…


  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Texas is virtually the only state that could survive on its own.
    While CA has a huge economy its expenditures are out of control and imports most of its power and water.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Wasn't there some war over secession?

  • crsm27
    8 years ago

    Now that is funny... Like tired mentioned... they have a huge economy but they also get lots in federal assistance!! I am not talking its people. I am talking about its business. Lots of businesses get loans from the federal government. CA has a big AG or Farming business..... Lets look at their farming practices.... Water comes from irrigation and lots of it comes from the Colorado River or other rivers.... Hmmmm.... they don't start in CA... so damn it up and only release an amount to keep the aquatic life alive. How about the federal aid and crop insurance industry.... HMMMMM... to sound like Trump... GONE!! So the subsidies that farmers get from the federal government no more. The federal AID that comes in the Milk/dairy community.... GONE!

    Now people will say they can bring in income from this industry... correct... but do you think that the rest of the country could make up for it? Yep....;-)
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    If the South wants to secede again, I say let them this time. But negotiate trade deals, defense deals, immigration deals etc. would be expensive, cumbersome and anti-productive. Hey, it's been over a week and Trump hasn't nuked anyone yet, so there's hope.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Just to prove how stupid elected officials are in general and Left wingers in California in particular %52.1 of all the land in California is owned by the Federal Government.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah; let them leave then watch Mexico invade them wanting to take their land back - LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As the article says there's also been proposals to break CA up into 6 different states - seems northern CA doesn't want to be on the hook for the problems of southern CA (or something like that).

    I also recently heard CA is on the hook for $450 billion in pension liabilities (a freaking almost 1/2 trillion w/ a 't' dollars) - there are retired Californians w/ pensions of up to $300k and a whole bunch w/ pensions of $100k (FOR LIFE) - and w/ Californians into healthy living means may of these well-paid pensioners are gonna be collecting huge pension for maybe 20 or 25 years.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, Mexico re-conquering the South West, including all of California. Fine by me.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, Mexico re-conquering the South West, including all of California. Fine by me.

  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Skibumm.... I totally forgot that park of my lil rant.

    Also what will they do with no armed forces. All the bases would move out of the state....Along with the people and the TAX INCOME... Then like Papi mentioned.... pensions that are held with the FED.... oh you are leaving the Union... Ok good luck getting that money owed to you.... LOL

    Yep lots of idiot elected officials (all over the USA).
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    all this cali crap is old recycled crap. this topic has been around for decades. cali cannot make it on its own. BTW I was born and raised in cali.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I really don't think California should succeed, but I do think the Bear republic needs to rethink its water use, especially since Southern California has sucked up so much water from the central valley that the water tables are becoming depleted and what used to be the fruit basket for America is on the verge of being a dustbowl.

    Its not that California doesn't have water. Ultimately I think regional planning is going to have to turn to desalinization of Sea water. NOT a cheap idea, but it has been done successfully in places like Israel.

    Again, I think whomever comes up with a way to do this substantially cheaper then current means could practically print their own money. Just a wild idea here.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I know people who are working on sea water desalinization. But the methods use to much energy.

    There have also long been talks about the state splitting in two.

    Mostly I think we just need less people.

    But as far as right now and what is realistic about dealing with Trump,



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  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    California is the only reason Clinton received more votes during the election, take them out of the equation and Clinton lost by over 1.5 million votes. I say let them go their own way. They would be happy and so would most of the rest of the country.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The votes from those in California should carry the same weight as those in Wyoming. Should have gotten 2/3 in each house, plus Obama, and amended the Constitution before 1/20.

    Since we didn't, we will now have to get 2/3 in each house and impeach Trump.


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  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    Cali wants to peel off?

  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Haha...just like Japan, California would manage on its own, and the rest of the world would keep buying our shit.

    We secede and the nation's IQ drops about 50 points Trump would be office for life :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ GACA +50


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  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I'd ban all travel to CA if they secede from the union. It would become a 2nd works country like Mexico.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    People who live in CA... just rethink this....

    All the military bases and military facilities would either go away (along with the state/federal income they produce). I am not saying the military presence but that income. So no state taxes on that income, federal taxes on that income.... and every thing else that goes along with it. Do you think that if Cali left the union that the US government would keep all those forces there??? Then look at the money that bases spend.... eating, entertainment, etc.

    Like I stated.... CA wouldn't survive without federal help. About the only states that could are the ones that produce large amounts of Fossil fuels... even then it would be hard to survive.

    I know CA is pissed about the election and what not.... but a rational look will show that they wouldn't make it on their own.

    I like how someone mentioned Japan.... you are only thinking in the "tech" world.... look at AG. Right now the US can get it stuff cheaper in Mexico than CA... look at the AG developments in South America, Central America... you think the US would import from there if it is cheaper than CA.... then look at the subsidies given to farmers (like mentioned above).... u think those farmers would make it with out that help??? Then add in the facts about taxes.... just income and what not..... CA would have to raise its taxes on their working class to help make up for the loss in federal AID.... then see if your "tech" companies will stay in CA or move to another place..... Look at automakers... many have been in Mexico already.

    Again if people take emotion out of it and look hard at the data.... no state would survive with out the whole union.
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