
Live To Fight Another Day

Strip Club Nation
A while back I was at a rock concert. During the show, the two guys standing by me started talking to me seeing as how I was a big fan and seemed to know the band. They were big fans of the band as well and had driven from another state just to come to this concert. After the show ended, we chatted some more and finished up our alcoholic beverages. The venue was kicking everyone out soon and somehow the idea popped into my head that we should go to a nearby strip club and continue drinking and see some pussy and tits. Of course, before leaving, I talked to the front man of the band and invited them to come over to the strip club after they loaded their equipment into the trailer. The singer said that it would be fun, but was noncommittal. Honestly, they were probably making about as much money as a factory worker after all of their road costs and couldn't afford to the blow money. If you are not Korn or Five Finger Death Punch, you are not exactly getting rich touring.

So me and my two comrades hit the club and party like rock stars. We had some of the hottest ladies in this upscale club all over laps and table. I actually think it was because the crowd of 100 or so patrons was really cheap this particular night, and we were the only ones constantly spitting out dollars on the stage, buying dancers drinks, and buying lap dances like they were going out of style. Both of the guys from the rock show were getting very buzzed and really start testing the limits, smacking asses on stage and sliding their fingers on the dancers pussies when they tip. None of the dancers or many bouncers seemed to care. They claimed where they come from, strip clubs are much wilder. Eventually these guys are running out of money, and are thinking about getting a cab and going home with their last $40. Only they want to end the night with a grand exit and get kicked out of the club.

The first guy starts ripping the paneling off the side of the stage. The stage is elevated and held up by a framework, but between all of the framework is wood paneling. So he starts ripping the wood panels off. First one, then a second one. The bouncers inside the club, and there are at least eight of them, don't notice or don't care. A few minutes later, the other guy tells me he only has change left and is going "to throw a quarter at that black bitch on stage". He hits her right on the ass when she is on the pole, and the quarter goes clanging on the stage. The dancer comes over to him and ask, "Did you just throw a quarter at me?" He denies it, and she doesn't seem to be upset. So far their plan to get kicked out is not working. Their next idea is for one of them to climb up on stage and start grinding on the dancer. I am pretty sure this will not go over well and get noticed since about 100 people and half of the bouncers are staring at the stage. I have seen guys jump up on stage before in other clubs, only to get dragged off in a choke hold. I try to talk them out of it, but they are adamant on getting ejected. Everyone in the club saw the three of us partying all night, so at the very least I will be guilty by association. As soon as one of them get up that stage, it's on like Donkey Kong.

I love fighting, but based on my observations throughout the night, this was not the club to start something. If the bouncers were suited-up frat boy types, I would have loved to have brawled, but this was just not the case. While the bouncers working the floor were not too intimidating (the kind of guys that thought they were hot shit because they got to see naked women everyday at work), the bouncers that really worried me were the ones working the door. All three of them were stout, had buzz cuts, and were not amused at a gun joke that I told them on the way in. They looked like off duty cops or Marines that had stacked hajis like cordwood in Iraq. The other problem was that the security staff outnumbered us about three to one. Too bad the band and their roadies did not come out to the strip club that night.

My Spidey-senses were telling me this was not going to end well. If a fight erupted, I would have felt obligated to jump in and make sure these guys got out safe since it was my idea to go to the strip club. I figured, I should just get out of there before any ruckus takes place, so I did not have to honor said obligation. I told my two new friends that my wife kept lighting up my phone, and I had to go call her. I walked calmly past the brutes manning the door. Now, this club keeps one security guy in the parking lot, and I could hear some chatter on his radio as I was almost to my car. As I peeled out of the parking lot, I saw him jogging inside. I am not sure what ever happened to the two guys I met at the concert that night. I hope they weren't beat like a bass drum.


  • sinclair
    8 years ago
    In August of 338 B.C., the Athenian orator and statesman Demosthenes was an infantryman at Chaeronea, where a great battle took place between the Athenians and the Macedonians. The Macedonians were victorious, and 3,000 Athenians died. Demosthenes fled from the battlefield and was subsequently censured because of his desertion. To anyone who later called him a coward, Demosthenes retorted, "The man who runs away may fight again." From that line is derived the modern day version "He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day."
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Guys like that is why many bouncers may be surly and not friendly to patrons b/c they have to deal w/ douches that start trouble for no reason.

    I would def jump in to help a friend or acquaintance but not if someone decides they wanna start trouble for the sake of starting trouble, in that case they're on their own.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I'm a lover, not a fighter.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Gawker's stories are the best.

    BUT, Sinclair are a close second. Thanks for sharing.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Awesome story sinclair! Sounds like you used good judgement. No sense going to jail for some dumbasses that just want to tear apart the club
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    No wonder dancers look at customers as losers. The idea that anyone other than a total douchebag would think that getting kicked out of a club is something special is beyond pathetic.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    This is a truly brilliant story.

    However, I certainly wouldn't get into a fight because of those guys. Even if I had been friends for a long time I'd try to convince them to leave the club peacefully and, if they wouldn't, I'd consider them on their own.

    I'll defend a friend from being unfairly attacked. I won't defend my friends if they're just being d-bags. Being a d-bag = not brilliant! :(
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Since it was their idea to cause trouble and get thrown out, you would have had no obligation to jump in on their behalf. Especially since property damage, lewd behavior, public intoxication, breach of peace, and all of that could easily have resulted in arrests and criminal trials, or extended hospitalization with a fractured skull, etc.
    Let dumbasses be dumbasses.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I guess I'm a failure at partying like a rock star. I don't initiate fights or try to get kicked out. But I get money for nothing and my fair share of pussy for free (not with strippers at the moment though).
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