
Why doesn't she strip?

Monday, December 26, 2016 6:51 AM
Sometimes I see those really hot bartenders and waitresses in the strip club, and I wonder why aren't they stripping? They would make so much more money stripping as compared to just waitressing or bartending. Lots of customers tell them they should strip. Why doesn't she strip?


  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    It's usually the same answer : she doesn't think the income is worth it. She hears stories about what the guys do and say from the dancers, and doesn't want that as much as the relative calm of serving drinks from behind the bar.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    It varies but i recall a conversation with a bartender at a club a few months ago. She was the hottest girl in the club and had started there as a dancer and switched to bartender when another bartender quit or was fired. I asked her how bartending was working for her and mentioned that she probably wasn't making as much money than she did dancing. Her answer was that she made more money bartending. Others i've spoke with in other clubs had answers such as they refused to strip or they didn't want to get pawed by guys and then there's always the "i'm not that kind of girl" answer.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Poor larry
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I don't know for sure about waitresses, but some of the bartenders that I know about, earn shit loads of money doing at least as well as many of the strippers in the club they bar-tend at if not better than many of them.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Maybe she has some morals. And as a bartender, she is a paid employee who earns Social Security benefits and has employee protections like unemployment insurance. Plus a good looking bartender who know how to flirt can make a lot in tips.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Wetwilly- it's interesting they say the income is not worth it. I know quite a few strippers that want to stop, but can't because the money they're making from stripping is too much. @TheeOSU- makes more as a bartender than a stripper? Wow, maybe she didn't hustle enough as a stripper, or maybe she's just really good as a bartender. I kind of thought the main reason they don't strip is they don't feel comfortable enough to show their tits and pussy to random guys.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Good points Jackslash.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Stripping is not for everyone, many girls don't have the temperament/emotional-makeup for it. Others don't do it b/c they have a BF.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    In the most carefully crafted and esoteric terms -- many girls don't want to grind on random dicks all night.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "In the most carefully crafted and esoteric terms -- many girls don't want to grind on random dicks all night." I find that hard to believe.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Wow lilfishstick asked a relevant question. Aside from all the other theories I'll throw one out that gets overlooked. You want what you can't have. All these strippers running around in g-strings and PLs want the clothed bartender or one of the few female civies in the club. I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me. We perceive that girl to be hotter because she is in a different situation than the other girls around you. Take that hot bartender and throw her on stage or in a stripper outfit and I bet most of the time she'd blend in with the rest of the strippers.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    When it comes to waitresses, I have any number of times heard girls say that they started out as waitresses, and then became strippers as they learned how the place worked and became brave enough. Waitressing is the perfect position for a hot chick to figure out if the strip club is for her. Over the years I've also run into the reverse a couple of times -- a stripper who became a waitress because her boyfriend didn't want her stripping, or she didn't want to strip for some other reason.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    RM-->"In the most carefully crafted and esoteric terms -- many girls don't want to grind on random dicks all night." Shocking but true -- many smoking hot 20 year olds don't want to grind on a paunchy old guy's dick. Weird. But that answers the question, "why is she working as a waitress and not as a stripper". It does NOT answer the question "why is she working as a STRIP CLUB waitress?". Because all of the high-end mixology bars hire smoking hot girls, and all of the mid-range-and-up clubs hire smoking hot girls for bottle service, and both types of organizations usually know they'll have to train their girls -- waitress skills can be trained, it's hard to train hot. And I can't imagine waitresses at those places don't make far more money than a waitress in a strip club, while also having a job that can give them pride and even status rather than being looked down upon, and any other number of benefits. In fact, the hottest girls I've seen in one place in this area, are almost always the waitresses at high-end bars around here, they're at least as good as the hottest strip club shift.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    There's 2 reasons I can think of that haven't been mentioned yet: 1. Newbie who's working their way towards stripping, but not there yet. 2. Perhaps they aren't nearly as sexy naked (or at least they think so) as they are with clothes on.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I've known of a few dancers who worked as waitresses in strip clubs before totally getting away from strip clubs as a source of income. Some girls do treat stripping as a temporary job. Maybe they didn't want to list exotic dancer on their resume and waitress looks more respectable to other businesses. I'd have to ask a former dancer and I'm not talking to any right now. I'm missing the strip clubs and it's only been a little over a week. My favorite waitress looks pretty good. The standard for getting a job as a dancer is low in South Carolina in many clubs.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Some don't have the temperament. I remember one smoking hot waitress at my ATF club, that finally danced there, Fukking A !!! DAMN, SHE WAS FINE !!! She didn't dance long and went back to waitressing there,
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    A few times I've seen a newbie dancer walk out an hour after her first ever shift.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    A related StripperWeb thread - kinda sad: "Shy and want to stop turning to drugs" "... Hello all, this is my first post and I'm hoping that I can get some advice! I've been in the industry for over a year so since July 2015, when I first started I use to make so much money, then after I couldn't take the rejection well and started doing lines to get over my shyness, it's become a bad habit as everytime I go to work I have to do lines to not be shy, n it is overwhelming, I feel horrible after and have lost so much weight. I also drink too and spend more money than I make on drugs a usually 150-200 a night, I tried to quit but everytime the crowd picks up it is really hard, it helps me open up and talk to customers ... I've seen girls that get rejected by 10 guys and keep doing their rounds. I'm 26 and obviously want to get out the game in the next 2-3 years but I am soooo shy sometimes I go home with nothin! How do I get over my shyness it's been over a year ..." [view link]!!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    A short time ago I witnessed my favorite bar tender get up on the bar and do a fully clothed dance except for a few down the blouse shots. She made a ton of money but felt so bad for the dancer that was on stage that she gave her $20 for stealing her customers. This bar tender once danced at the Atlanta Cheetah but is way past her prime now.
  • HannibalSmith
    8 years ago
    There is one club I know of that lets the waitresses/bartenders/shot girls provide services in the VIP. For the other places, there are several waitresses/shot girls/bartenders who are at least as hot if not hotter than the dancers. I've actually asked a couple of them this very question, and I have heard three varieties of answers: 1) "I danced when I was younger, but I made my money, got squared away, and no longer want dirty old men grabbing my ass." Two smoking hot waitresses I know who are in their late 30s/early 40s (but look like they are in their mid 20s) told me this. They are pretty well set financially and can make all they need from delivering drinks and getting tips. I think one told me they also get part of the tip out. 2) "I'm better than a stripper, but I need the extra income because my day job doesn't pay as well, I'm a student, etc etc." Apparently waitressing in a strip club pays more than waitressing at Denny's. 3) "I've got a boyfriend, and I'm not comfortable wearing less than this corset in this place." A direct quote from my favorite bartender.
  • James1557
    8 years ago
    One bar tender I met in a club explained that she used to be a stripper but now had a civilian job working with children and believed that she would lose the civilian job if they found out she was a stripper.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    OP: "Why doesn't she strip?" Because for some girls they: have self respect; decent parenting; no drug addictions.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Think you guys spend entirely too much time dealing with strippers only if you can't figure that one out.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"2) "I'm better than a stripper, but I need the extra income because my day job doesn't pay as well, I'm a student, etc etc." Apparently waitressing in a strip club pays more than waitressing at Denny's." This, of course, is where I get tripped up a bit. If she thinks she's better than a stripper and wants to be a waitress, I get that. If it's an okay-looking girl, particular brand new to waitressing and absolutely no waitress skill or experience, I suppose waitressing at the strip club is an option. But this thread was about "really hot" waitresses -- and REALLY HOT girls can get waitressing jobs and high end bars and clubs, and the real golden ticket, bottle service. No way those waitresses aren't making more than strip club waitresses, with none of the downsides of being a strip club worker.
  • K
    8 years ago
    If you were a woman, would you want to grind against any of us?
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Dougster- why doesn't she just bartend or waitress at a bar or nightclub instead of a strip club?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I don't know, man. Ask her yourself.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Not every person is cut out for every job within the confines of a business.
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    @TheeOSU - I got related response. The money bar tending is more predictable and steady. Dancers have incredible nights and shitty nights. Sort of like hedge funds on wall street do, or the buckeyes on a yearly basis to give you more relevant comparison. Here in Atlanta, at Oasis ALL the waitresses are x-strippers. One that I know said she got tired of the BS with stripping so started waitressing and makes good money. She is late 30s now and many a night looks much better than the dancers they have there.
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
    In one of my local clubs, the bartenders are hotter than the waitresses, who are hotter than the dancers. It's bizarre. All of them dress as strippers, though, and the bartenders, at least, are available for VIP sessions--at $300 for one, $400 for both. Too rich for my blood and a perplexing business model if you ask me.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    @papi: the sw thread you reference is very depressing
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Why don't bartenders strip? So they don't have to follow why you want them to strip. Not every girl wants to be eyed down and grabbed all over. More than likely, they can't handle the pressure the job and are probably better off being bartenders.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I also like shailynn answer
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Great insight y'all.
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