
Some Entry Level Results from Sugar baby sites and Normal free dating sites look

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
So I got 2 solid months logged into 2 main sugar sites ( Seeking Arrangement & What's Your Price) as well as 2 main free dating sites ( plenty of fish & OK cupid).

In a relaxed pace I've over this time messaged offers to what feels like a hundred girls or a Lil over this total. My results are as follows as of now

On the sugar sites I have been offered or have offers accepted by like 20 girls over the two sites. The girls seam to be very easy to message with and knows what's up...it's mainly about just finding a agreement on the price that she needs and you can afford.

On sugar sites I would say the girls are hotter than average than you typical strip club and 9-10 are easier to find. 6-7 seems to be the bottom of this list and are very affordable due to this economy structure.

On dating sites I've achieved 5 offers that were investigated by the girls with some not able to believe this was even possible lol, to down right making fun of me :(. One girl was very down but come to find out she has had previous experience in being a sugar baby from sugar sites and she is a 6-7.

On dating sites girls range all over the chart from 1-10 with an obvious range be a strong 5-7 range. Most girl can't mange to comprehend the offer to down right get offended. I did even get some counter offers lol. Two girls rejected my cash and just wanted to date. I also bumped into 3 cam girls trying to find new clients to seem the links to their page.

Big picture as others have already said and it's much like the wisdom with going to the correct clubs on what your shopping for. If you wanna sugar baby go to sugar sites. If you wanna have sex with a stripper then find clubs like follies and if you want a massage then head to a AMP and if you need a burger head over to Cook Out or In and Out depending your location.

I know for most of you it's simplebcommin since but I'm hard headed andvoften need to bust the bubble to my unrealistic ideas or dreams to first accept reality then move forward to success. The good news is one I get their I fuckin get their.

After Christmas I'm going to arrange some dates with the one success from the free sites and fuck her a few good times...once I'm done their I'm cancelling my accounts and headed over to the sugar sites wear I'm going to pay the membership fee for 2017 on both sites and collect data and stories of my experiences to come back at a latter date to post new threads on my success and hardships and my personal reflection on sugar sites in comparison of being a strip club hound and the pros and cons of each

God bless and happy mongering
Bishop juice

In the name of our lord juice and the power of the crazy holy Joe shits Amen


  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Oh shit now he's going to fall in love and get married again, :(
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Fuck that shit...my current child support and alimony reminds me of not making that mistake again LMFAO
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Some guys offer Sugar, Juice offers Sweet & Low.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @Juice wrote: "On sugar sites I would say the girls are hotter than average than you typical strip club and 9-10 are easier to find. "
    This is my opinion, too -- but stating so on TUSCL is heresy.

  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    LMFAO !!!!!!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    This is all very fascinating. Thanks juice and RandomMember.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Perhaps this all plays into SJG's observation of NPR culture with some women. It may be the kiss of death for a woman to be labeled a "whole" or a "heaux" by society, hence the tacit acception of sugaring over straight stripping or straight prostitution.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Very possible

    Breaking NeWs

    For all you idiots and holpess dreamers like myself a long shot just messaged me !!!

    On the normal dating sites I had messaged a young 21 year old that's way out of my league...she is a 8 solid to a 9 soft.....after much silence she is very open to my offer and I'm getting a free date from her to converse and get to know each other and learn how we can both benefiting each other....according to the site our percentage of matching out of all the questions we answered we match 90% and sex and religion is a huge part that makes up that 90%

    She is a free spirit like myself and loves tantrik and meditation very much....I believe this is how I got my foot in the door with her...

    Any ways....never stop thinking outside the juicebox and keep dreams alive even in face of failures

    Shit maybe I will become a yogi for sex with young college girls....fuck me
  • Thanks for the info Juice. It took a little time, but I finally found a great sugar relationship with a college student, who I see regularly. She goes to school full time, works a part time job, and sees me about once a week. The GFE is great and the sex is amazing. I'm looking for a normal relationship on normal dating sites too, but this is great until I find one. As an aside, I tried a new dating app called Bumble. It's kind of like the more female friendly version of Tinder. Holy shit. I had read that they stack or front load all the hotties and it's totally true. It seems like the first 100 or more women on Bumble that I've swiped through were 8's and up. Now I just need to hope for some matches. I just signed up yesterday. Keep us posted on your sugar dating. Good luck and have fun.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Cleerheals thank you for your kind words and observations.

    I just starting learning about bumble and have consider added it to my arsenal. I use tender off and on but kinds feel like my town is still to small to get the best out if it. It sounds like in huge cities tender is the go to apple to hooking up

    I know some you will laugh at me but I speak the truth and belief in myself....one day I will be a pick up artist coach specialist in strippers and college girls....mark my words when you get buzz about a yogi named juice in the game make no mistakes it's me getting paid for all this knowledge I'm aquiarin after all these threads and years of research


    Yes I will in essence lived out what Rick only rights about
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Um sugaring is straight prostitution. Hysterical the machinations go through to pretend that any of this is anything other than hookers and johns. Ah social media lol.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    In juices name Amen
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    True story
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"On sugar sites I would say the girls are hotter than average than you typical strip club and 9-10 are easier to find."

    My experience is definitely different .... sorta. I certainly agree that the PICTURES of girls on the site are stripper hot (though less sleazy). But, exactly as with escorts, the reality has been a lot different. Have you met any of these girls in person, juice? None of the girls I"ve met in person are anywhere near as hot as their pics... which, to some extent, is to be expected, since everyone uses their best pics. But the fact is, the last time I was at the strip club was a super slow, lazy thursday afternoon ... and there were two strippers there who were way hotter than any of the sugar babies I've met in person. Friday dayshift lineup would blow away all the SBs I've met in person, and don't even get me started on Saturday night. It's not even a contest.

    The other thing I've run into on SB sites -- and again, if you're not actually meeting people yet juice, you won't have run into this -- is that it's been pretty common that I am chatting with a super hot SB, and we get all the way to the point where we are setting up the initial meet-and-greet, and then ... she just disappears. A buddy of mine also signed up for SA around the same time, and he's experiencing exactly the same thing. I can't explain it, but a lot of these hot chicks simply disappear before you meet them (their profiles don't disappear, they just stop writing), so it's a mistake to think you're going to nail a SB just because she's writing you back at first.

    On the other side of the coin, the SBs I've met in person were socially and intellectually several notches above most strippers, just a different quality of person. My gut feel is that SBs are less broken, too, or maybe not even broken at all -- I'd need to actually get to know more of them better to know for sure. The last girl I met was going to Berkeley and was just plain smart as fuck (we spoke enough that I definitely believe her story).

    I'm still on SA, and in fact have an initial meeting with a SB tomorrow. Her pics are super hot. We shall see.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @Skibum wrote: " Um sugaring is straight prostitution. Hysterical the machinations go through to pretend that any of this is anything other than hookers and johns. Ah social media lol.:
    Nobody is pretending that this is anything but benign, middle-class, prostitution. As usual, you have your head up your ass, @Skitbum. Unlike like @Subra says, the high-end portion of the sugaring world is the "caviar" of the sex industry. No question about it.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Agree that "sugaring is prostitution" is not some shocking statement, everyone pretty much knows what it is. I haven't run into anyone who is in any denial over it, yet.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I don't even look like my picture 's LMFAO...I have no complaints
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Yes I agree people look worse in the lights and in person away from the smoke and mirrors so what my 10 turned into a 9 or at worst a 8 lol
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Yes agreed middle class prostitution

    Juices name Amen
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    most interesting topic. and very much beyond my experience level.
  • In reference to Subra's point, it does take some work to get a 9 or 10 to meet you in person. The hottest girls are getting a ton of messages from super rich dudes, standard sugar daddies, and even posers who are broke and just pretending to be sugar daddies to try to get in their pants.

    So, the hotties have a lot of options and can be very picky. It's still a bit of a numbers game, almost like in real world dating to a degree.

    Like Subra said, even if you are chatting with someone, they could flake out and disappear before you meet them in person. I think the girls line up a few dates and if they meet someone before you that they like and reach an arrangement, they just disappear. They are still young and ghosting is easier for them than explaining that they met someone else and no longer want to meet.

    If you stick with it though, you'll eventually land some 8's, 9's, and maybe even a close to a 10. I spent about 3 months on Seeking Arrangement and dealt with some girls flaking, but also landed an 8, a 9, and a 9 1/2. The 9 and 9 1/2 actually looked better in person than in their photos. I had some other options too, but deleted my account because I finally found what I was looking for.

    One of the pluses in my opinion is that these girls are generally smarter, more reliable, and much lower mileage than most strippers. It's definitely worth checking out, if your goal is OTC.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"One of the pluses in my opinion is that these girls are generally smarter, more reliable, and much lower mileage than most strippers. It's definitely worth checking out, if your goal is OTC."

    Certainly agree with that. It's been a fun ride for me, despite the fact that I haven't found what I've been looking for yet. We'll see how my next "date" goes...

    I've been sticking with girls who set their expectations as minimal, practical, or negotiable; there are PLENTY of gorgeous girls (or should I say, girls with gorgeous pics) in those levels, but higher levels I'm sure open up whole new opportunities
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i'm watching this thread with bated breath.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    I find it surprising that not one of them is a nurse in south africa. How come I find all of those.

    I am still holding out for the belief that dating sites have not jump the shark.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    With the internet becoming a safer and more trusted commodity it will take over the paid sex industry in the long run...look how it cleaned up street walkers. Between cities wanting it off the streets and the internet was a safer platform I believe the same will eventually happen to strip clubs. Cities will keep cleaning up their communities even the bad ones until their will no longer be a building and it will have no choice to to run to the internet...plus it's more discreet for more parties...this is why you can find all the supper one and ultra hot girls online already and their becoming the unicorn of the strip club industry...also keep in mind the younger generations are being born with technology in their hands and living online more than ever so it's even more natural for them to conduct their afters online as is

    I know this is heracy but it's also the god damn facts

    In the name of juice and his holy joy shits Amen
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Hell the more I learn and find...the more experience I'm becoming and profishant at this the less and less I need to go out to a strip club or drive long miles and hours when everything I need is in the palm of my hand

    It alwos me to work more thus creating more weath to spend on birches....it's happening to casinos as well...online is the future...need I remind that virtual reality once mastered will be the final blow
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Don't even get me started on the value for your money...in a few months out in a new thread I already know I will crush this topic on the value talk

    The girls in strip clubs for a high percentage don't give good value for all those long hours we put in and this is even talking about the sex as well..massage parlors and escorts are just as bad

    I mean for $100,$200,$300,$400,$500

    In the above and traditional establiments you either get laid or not for to 30 min to 90 min and that's it

    For those that love more privacy, time and intimacy the new methods are better

    For the same prices above and with the right sugar baby any if those prices would get you half to full days and sleep overs if non sexual and sexual dates with extremely hot and young or mature if you wish.

    Plus they will go on week long trips with you if your going to fun spots and all kinds of Shit

    No more of this just meet me at the club bull Shit scamming as cam girl shit

    This Shit is about dat life

    And I'm becoming a sold-out convert
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I target college students. Some recent experiences in the sugar-world:

    SB I met this summer grew up in my home state and she's an econ major at Duke. She's Asian, 21, 5' 4" about 110lbs, long silky hair, perfect smile and skin. She did some modeling in high-school and I would say she's 9+. Both parents are software engineers. She breezed through Duke and she's got a job lined up in AI consulting in NYC after she finishes in June. She's been away since late Aug, but out of the blue she texted and she's home during this winter break. She just left my house and I'm feeling that post-orgasmic euphoria. I'll see her maybe twice more and that will be it. As a total package, she's the most amazing piece of ass I've ever experienced.

    There's another 24-yr-old Asian triathlete that I've posted about before. Been seeing her since late Aug and we did an overnight during Thanksgiving week. Also from an affluent family, and very attractive.

    Went out for drinks with a 21-yr-old Latina spinner type, pre-law student, yesterday. No physical contact yet. She was born here, but her parents immigrated from central America. She's an undergrad at a nearby private school that also has a law school. The dean at the law-school picked her and one other for a near-total scholarship for her undergrad. @Skibum will tell you that these immigrants are ruining the country. She's bright, pretty, and we have a lot in common politically.

    Just a lot of fun, interesting, pretty girls out there...
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Amen damn good read bro...nice sharing
  • I agree with Juice's comments above. The privacy, intimacy, and value are better in sugar relationships if you find the right girl. Girls like RandomMember is talking about. It's just so much nicer spending a few hours with her in the privacy of your own home or at a nice hotel, instead of in a dark, dirty VIP room at a strip club. All for about the same cost too. Don't get me wrong, I like strip clubs. It's nice to enjoy your girl without all the loud music, club employees, timers, cameras, etc. though.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I agree damn good points
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I would still suggest that you find your women at strip clubs. F2F first meetings are always best. Also, girls from high mileage strip clubs are sex freaks.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Are you guys considering girls under 21? I have not been, since I'd prefer to have an SB I can drink with, but obviously the younger girls open up a lot of new prospects, plus my general impression is that they ask for less, at least the few I have talked to
  • The girls that I've been in arrangements with have been between 21 and 30. I went on two meet and greets with an 18 year old and a 20 year old, but didn't start arrangements with them for different reasons. The 18 year old was mature for her age, but wanted to take things very slowly, so I got the feeling she wasn't completely ready and I didn't want to push her. The 20 year old wasn't as attractive in person, so I didn't pursue it. Yeah, I think 21 and up is a good policy.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I target 21-24 year olds
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    I think your target is right but I think the process went faster for me by finding them in strip clubs. In the strip club you can interview 15 -20 a night where in the dating services you can only interview 1 a night. Good luck though I went that route and it didn't work for me hope it works for you.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I hope it does as well


    I can't give up strip clubs because I actually enjoy the whole process and game of it all by itself...strip club junkie for life

    I did give up AMPs and BackPage hookers due to my fear of LE and my ethics of feeling like I was or was at a higher possible chance to be supportive of trafficking and I did not enjoy that feeling.

    So normal dating sites, sugar baby sites and strip clubs are my platforms of getting laid
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Jest you drive home a very good point and it is true

    If you don't mind pm me some stories of your sugar experience
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I had my age range set 21-40. So far I have not met a girl over 23 yet, but I secretly hope to find a wild, hot late-20s girl.

    Anyway, I've lowered my minimum age to 19, just to see what happens. I really am not interested in a SB who I can't go out drinking with, but what the hell, let's see if this changes anything
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    The Ultimate Strip Club List
    So much knowledge, even lawyers ask for advice.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Stop playing the online chumps game.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
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