From SW: Which customers make you feel awkward?

avatar for Subraman
seashell-->"Women, in general. And also men who seem perfectly normal or look like someone I'd want to date. I'd honestly rather dance for the uggos and weirdos whose opinions I don't care about, lol. "

That's good news for nearly every single male tuscl contributor!!

PrettyPuppet-->"Guys that I have no stripper chemistry with that want a ton of eye contact during dances. This is my time to take a break and watch myself in the mirror, please stay transfixed on my body. "

I've been working on my creepy stare, just for you baby!

SuperJa-->"Really large men. It's so hard to do lap dances for people with no laps. "

Juice! Juice! Juice!

ZfinaX-->"The ones that do so much dirty talking when we're sitting around a lot of people. I once had a guy that was saying things like "I would so lick your fat pussy inside out" when a song ended so it got quiet in the room and everyone looked our way. -____-"

LOL! SJG trying to get a little front room GFE!

SuperJa-->"Also guys who buy long amounts of time and don't talk at all. It's so awkward without any sort of feedback. Are you thinking "wow what a waste of $500"? Are you speechless because nude woman? Who knows?"

Well okay, next time I'll fill that time telling you about how I'd so lick your fat pussy inside out.

CharlottesWebb-->"Guys who ask "so what do you do back there?" Or "what are your boundaries?""

Well, take that, every strip club customer ever.

Grace108-->"The costumers that after a $20 dance ask you if you go to the hotel or what's happening after the dance. "

That's our Rick! Step #23 in The System

Grace108-->"Or some indian guy who as for sex for $60."

Bangalore Movers and Packers IN DA HOUSEY-HOUSE


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avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
LMFAO this is funny Shit

Since I have no lap usually they just climbing the couch and shove that pussy in my fat faces lol

In juices name, Amen
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
That's what I like about the SC. One can be less PC and more direct. I do have to wonder about the dancers or customers who struggle with convo. Loosen up. Practice. Spit it out. It does not pay to be shy.

Otherwise, lol at the comments (both dancers and Subraman's commentary).
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago

In juices name, amen
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Yeah; not often; but sometimes I'll see a PL lock down a dancer next to them and not talk at all and just stare at the stage.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
I have it on good authority that the main type of customer that makes strippers feel awkward is this guy:…
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I thought this was the one…
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
That's funny shit.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Sjg has gone full Alucard.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
LMFAO damned it warhawk
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
In juices name Amen
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Subra comments (as usual) are priceless! Lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I think its better to get the girl to sit with you, and feed her money, and get relaxed talk going.

Dance booths are a gimmick. Lap dancing originally meant front room lap sitting.

avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Lmfao! I just read this shit today when I was over on that site killing time. Too Fing funny!
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
Once again Lloyd chiming in and making everything relevant to the way he would want things NOT the way things actually go down at a club somewhere removed from his "Underground Mexican club/ Vietnamese coffee houses.

That said I totally agree that Subraman's comments were totally on point.

As for the girls who are so creeped out to make eye contact or to be asked about personal limits or boundaries, maybe they should ask themselves what other line of work they are suited for. If I creep you out bitch, ask someone else for money- 'nuff said.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
HughGR, if you want to bring an adversarial attitude into a strip club, you will get what you deserve.

Some others find ways to build rapport with the dancers, not for free, but not letting them sell you dances either. I have seen and personally done this in our local clubs and in our underground circuit.

'nuff said.

avatar for hassenpfeffer65
8 years ago
Excellent, Subraman!
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