Dancer periods. How understanding are you?
Atlanta suburb
Recently my favorite black dancer told me that she was giving a dance to a white customer and her period started 2 days early and she made a mess on the customers pants. She said that he was very understanding. Shit happens. But she said if it had been a black customer, he would have been "All up in her face".
It has never happened to me but I have seen it reported on here. I wish that they would just stay at home when Aunt Flo comes but if it should ever happen to me, I think that I would be disappointed but understanding.
It has never happened to me but I have seen it reported on here. I wish that they would just stay at home when Aunt Flo comes but if it should ever happen to me, I think that I would be disappointed but understanding.
I've never been period-ed on, but I'd guess I'd be understanding as well. It's not like every other girl doesn't work on their period also. It's not like she did it on purpose. Mistakes happen.
During my last visit my CF excused herself for, as she called it, "technical difficulties"....assume it could be related to this subject.
Not brilliant!
But still funny! ;)
I've known girls to take the worst day or two off, however.