
School girl outfits

Atlanta suburb
It seems by the posts on here that school girl outfits are very popular with customers. Which begs the question of why. Are we a bunch of closet pedophiles?


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    it has been a sexy look now for quite a long while. even when i was young the catholic high school girls in their uniforms had that 'edge'.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I used to like schoolgirl outfits when I was just starting out. Now I no longer like them -- nothing to do with not wanting to come off as a pedo, but rather, I just find it cliched and not so sexy. I'm not a huge fan of skirts anyway, even short ones, they can hide too much. I DO love me some kneesocks -- with a nice thong or boyshorts or cheeky panties w/ garters.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I like short skirts
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    LOVE school girl outfits
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I'm not a fan of the schoolgirl outfit.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Nothing "closet" about JS6.

  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Can't speak for others, but that's what the girls were wearing when I discovered girls weren't just soft boys. As they got older, well, I still like the look.

    OMG, when my ATF wore one for me, she could have gotten me to do anything for her!
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    The school girl outfit reminds me of a good looking cheerleader I knew in High School who used to sit right beside me in one class. I always liked the nice legs. Shorts were not allowed in my high school but school uniforms were. I knew a few of the cheer leaders. They all looked good. One girl was called an airhead behind her back or just lost in the fog.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    No sireee...we be All gays for those Scottish trannys with bagpipes. Except those of us that like Sara Palin
  • busta_nut
    8 years ago
    Works for me.. and I am not ashamed to admit that if they are old enough to work there, I am old enough to look. lol
    Bottom line Shadow... they didn't make em like that when we were kids.. just sayin
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Oh so true, but when I was the same age, YES!
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    I hate school girl outfits. One time I went to see a young English escort in London, she was 18 but was wearing a school girl outfit when I arrived, I asked her to change immediately.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I don't really care for schoolgirl outfits. One time, I saw a stripper I already knew was a grandma wear one. That one made me want to throw up in my mouth. And the ones who legitimately look like schoolgirls don't generally appeal to me. Of course, if they had big tits, it would be different.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I think that school girl outfits are ok, and I have a very vivid memory of the one my ATF wore one night with no panties. Whew!

    However, the outfit that really gets my motor running is the French maid costume worn by another favorite at the same club. Black with white trim (but of course!), very shirt skirt section, and decolletage that shows her gorgeous cleavage to best effect, all set off by her dark red hair......

    Excuse me, please, while I go toss one off.....
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Maybe I shouldn't call it a school girl outfit. I should call it a hot cheerleader outfit with a very short skirt that I like. Bikini top is ok. I like red too. That would be an improvement over the cheerleader top from High School. No panties worn under the skirt is even sexier.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Is it just me or is it unusual to see dancers wearing these?

    I hardly ever see it :-(
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    To me it is just a cute and practical outfit for the girl to wear, nothing to do with making her look juvenile.

    Best is no bra or panties, maybe thigh high stockings and a garter belt. And always real stripper shoes with straps to hold them on.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It's not that most guys are closet pedophiles which means secretly getting turned on by prepubescent children. Instead, I think many are whatever that other term is for getting turned on by girls in the 16-19 yo range.

    And yes of course I love school girl outfits. The DS had some of her most successful itc nights in her school girl outfit, and that included some nights when I wasn't there.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Skirts and dresses are always best because you can get your cock into her without taking off her high heels. This is mandatory. You don't even need to undress her. What could possibly be better. Playful and practical outfit.

  • Cheo_D
    8 years ago
    Well yes, there's that eminently practical factor, of course. Thank you, SJG
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Even better if she's asleep, right SJG?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I like to keep girls in high heels and makeup. But the high heels part doesn't go so far as to apply when she is asleep.

    But I do like to disturb girl's when they are asleep. As far as I have ever found, they love it. Most they ever resist is just to say, "Wait wait wait, let me go to the bathroom." Then they come back and deliver at full throttle.

    And the trick is to get into her, without waking her up. Then once in I just wait the few seconds more until she awakens.

    I would not do it unless I had just fucked her before she fell asleep. And I find little ways to give them hints as to what to expect. They like it because I am treating them as if I own their pussies.

    I learned this from one who was telling me, "I want more." So I told her she would have to wait. And then later when I rolled her onto her back and we proceeded, she said lovingly, "You woke me up."

    And then there was another who after our first night together presented me with a little wooden box full of ginseng tea packages, "So you can go more times."

    I was young and had no need of chemical enhancement. But what I was in need of was exactly what she was delivering, a kick in the ass to show me that I don't need to be such a gentleman when in bed with her.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The sidewalk is not the same as a strip club. But if you wanted to try and engage in sidewalk GFE, I would think you would have to do it rather like this:


    Don't keep your girl with her back to the wall. Instead, back yourself up against the wall, and then try and get her in front of you. Safer for you and she both. Need to be on guard against pick pockets.

    Some soft words, etc, could work. But best would be if you can get her into accepting small tips, like is so widely reported about the HK Bar and the $1 feel ups.


  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Love it.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    And honestly don't see enough of it anymore. Maybe area has been played out, or the uglies wear it and I've blocked them out.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    At lots of those places in Thailand, ones with huge web sites, it is the standard uniform.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Also, I like the girls to be in real stripper shoes and stripper grade makeup. So it is not about her looking juvenile. It is just a cute and very practical outfit.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Los trajes de niña de escuela pueden ser lindos, pero me gustaría verlos en extremo tacones y más maquillaje.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It's not a deal-breaker for me but not something I find extra special nor extra-sexy

    For me less is more meaning I generally get more turned-on the less they are wearing and if they are walking around butt-naked then that's my fave "outfit" of all - and as Subra mentioned; if they are covering up too much I'm concerned I won't like what I see when the outfit comes off.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Wearing less, but how about standing out on the sidewalk?


  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    why don't you go stand out in traffic dumbass
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    School girl uniforms are practical, but more so if they are in full height stripper shoes.


  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    I like the red / black skirt with white blouse and thigh highs with 6-8 inch heels. Throw in some eyeglasses and red lipstick and I'm all in.

    Lead in the pencil every time
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I've heard the saying before, but I just thought about it for the first time...

    Wouldn't the pencil be just as hard and big without the lead in it?
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Not only that, it works better if the center is hollow! :-D
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Wow!

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This counts as a school girl. No further explanation necessary. But as always, its the high heels that make the girl. Straps to hold them on, and stockings too.

    Mexico City:

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    that girl at the corner of the building in the black and white sshool girl outfit and high heels does look hot.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I'd be needing to spend lots of time with her, before I let her out of my grip.

    Do you agree that the most important part is the high heels? After all, everything else she is wearing except the shoes and stockings is just going to get taken off of her.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    if she wants to wear only the stockings and high heels... that would be fine. but if she took them off then that's fine too.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We aren't able to see her face, but yet we feel confident that she is a pretty girl.

    I think the manner of dress has much to do with this.

    For me, which girl I go for has a great deal to do with the high heels, strapped on, and the paint up, and the slutty outfit.

    So yes, I believe that that one is awesome, but for me to end up with her, the high heels and the stockings would have a great deal to do with it.

    That's one of the reasons I don't like the idea of escorts or AAMPs ( apartment AMPs).

    I want , See, Want , Get. And that means dressed and painted up just as I found her. Best not to need a motor vehicle. So it all has to be within the 100ft or so range of a girl walking in stripper shoes.

    This is why I see TJ as the Heavenly Paradise here on Earth.

    And is there any reason why Nevada Legal Houses cannot be just as good, though probably more expensive. Everyone says they are horrible, and now to me, including someone involved in running one.

    On TJAmigos, they tend to direct newbies to escorts. For the reasons I've explained, I don't like that idea.

    Should be able to get better in strip club.

    1. Pick girl you like, dressed and painted up as you like.
    2. Get to know her, which means front room makeout session
    3. Proceed to spend as much time with her as you want and can pay for, which includes food and Jacuzzi. Continue with repeat visits.

    But guys are chicken, don't know how to approach and civilianize beautiful women ,and so the call the escorts.


    These girls are okay. But far better if I could meet them first, as how I feel about them is not going to be all looks. And if I approach the girl, she can see that I like her and it will make it all much easier for her. And again, dressed and painted up as I found her.

    I say we should always first meet girls that way.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dress for success manuals tell how to normalize. But for a girl to dress sexy, it means to exaggerate her characteristics.

    This girl is slender and has long legs. But it is also caused by the shoes, the stockings, and the skirt which is probably not long enough to cover.


    When a girl has this kind of a sense about dressing for sexiness, then you can know that she is going to be a blast behind closed doors.

    I would enjoy her millimeter by millimeter and in multiple slow rounds.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    why did they blur the pic???
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Usually they blur the faces to keep people from being recognized. But in this case, her long legs are being exaggerated by her tacones and stockings, and a skirt which is probably so short that it shows her ass and panties.

    Doesn't Mexico look like a paradise? Out on the sidewalk in broad daylight?

    Don't you think it foolish that TJA is directing the inexperienced to escorts:

    Isn't a strip club far better?

    They are saying that a playboy club, girls come up from behind a seated buy and use both hands to grab his head, and then shove their tongue into his mouth, and for about a full minute.

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