
OT: I hate people milking the system

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Down here in banana-republic Miami milking the system is rampant.

IDK about where you live but here in Miami one *constantly* sees people parking in handicapped spaces where they don't seem to be disabled at all; I'm talking about people in the their 20s and 30s - I mean; if you park in a handicapped spot; and then walk out w/ no impairment visible; and walk a big ass Walmart w/ no issues; I doubt that you are that handicapped to need to use that space - if the person is 65+ one can let it slide but young people doing this shit pisses me off.

I am at a Starbucks right now; I'm parking and I see a couple that are in their early-20s parking in the handicap spot - I get behind them in line and said fuck-it and I ask them why they are parked there since they don't seem disabled to me - the girl tells me she has a "visual impairment" yet I see her walk in w/ no assistance; use the credit-card reader w/ no issues; and walk about w/ no issues or assistance - that shit pisses me off and is rampant down here in Miami where one sees the handicap spaces constantly occupied by seemingly abled-bodied people - e.g. if you can walk an entire Super-Walmart and shop for an hour; IMO you do not need a handicap spot - SMH.


  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    I have a handicap placard. I do use it at times, but often do not. It is due to my foot injury and repair. Yes, I can walk quite a distance and no one would feel the pain I feel. But, you see, pain doesn't always show.

    Now what I hate is seeing obvious things. I saw DOMINO'S PIZZA driver pull into a handicap space right in front of the shop. I asked if he had a placard to park there, he said, "Fuck you. " I shot him dead. (Kidding) What I did do is walk in the shop and tried to speak to the manager. He wasn't in. Well who is in charge? Looked like some high school dropout. I explained it to him. His response, "I can't do anything about what he says or where he parks." I turned and walked out.

    Now I know this shopping area well and know the police watch that ILLEGAL activity closely and one was in the lot. I stop him and told him the situation. By this time the driver was gone, but he went into the store and pretty much read them the riot act. I enjoyed that immensely!
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy, get these people to stop milking your system before Papi has to do something he might regret!!!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I agree. Hanicapped parking should only be for people like RickyBoy's wheelchair bound father.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Good job, guys. A long time ago, I was in a restaurant and some stud pulls into a handicapped space with his hot girlfriend, it pissed me off. My mom had a handicap placard, she needed those spaces. I asked the schmuck why he parked in a handicapped slot and he almost started fighting me in front of the manager. I told him I'd be quite happy to call the cops. He stomped out of the restaurant.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    On the serious note...it does suck when people do this.

    Another example is when you go to a grocery store and you'll see kids riding around on those motorized carts designed for people who can't walk thru the store. And then when a person who actually needs it enters the store....they can't use it because kids are playing around on it

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Yeah, and I also people who try and bring more than 15 items through the express lane. And then clerks who don't have the balls to cancel their orders when they see what happened. Cancel it all and make them wait in the regular lines.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I'm morally handicapped. Can I park in those spaces?
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @jackslash. i think you mean you’re morally bankrupt. now san_jose_guy is mentally handicapped but he never leaves his mom’s basement so parking is not an issue for him
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think 75% of people that use those don't really need them - they are often just being lazy and want a good parking spot nearby - I also think people use other people's card they place on the rear-view mirror or use someone else's car - a while back I see this guy (also at a Starbucks) park his Mercedes SUV in the handicap space - the guy is in his 20s; wearing a tiny tank-top and built like an NFL tight-end (looked like a roider) - there happens to be two gyms across the street which judging by the way he looked and was dressed it looked he had just come from the gym - no fucking way that roided out 20-something dickhead was disabled.

    Every once in a while local news reporters will do stings and then confront the people on camera and like 90% fess up and say they don't really need-it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ clubber:

    I know what you mean about a disability often not been able to be visible and why if it's an older person one kinda gives them the benefit of the doubt - but some of these 20 - 40-somethings that I see using the spots look in better shape than me.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Those people cheating out the system like this are real cock-suckers.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I agree tha able bodied younger folds should show some respect and leave handicapped for those that truly need them.
    With that being said I lost my dad earlier this year he was 92 years young. The last 3 years I was his chauffeur as he stopped driving and many places we would go he had a handicapped pass that I would Place in my car when I would take him to the store or to a restaurant. He walked slowly and resented using a cane or a walker so it was easier to park close to where he was going. He also tired easily so sometimes he would stop and rest for a few moments before continuing. There were a few times when people would make rude comments about me using the handicapped space because they didn't realize how old my pop was he looked 15 years younger than he was and conversationally he appeared fine so folks would assume the worst. My point is sometimes a persons disability is not obvious so it is best not to judge without knowing all of the facts.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah; older folks def should get the benefit of the doubt - problem is there are folks in your situation that have a pass to use when they are chauffeuring their elderly family member but will also use it when they don't have that elderly person w/ them (I assume that is how some of these young people are able to have a pass)
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    That might be true Papi but sometimes they have a real disability and need that pass even though they appear to be fine. I almost got in a fight bringing packages to my car when my dad was sitting on a bench outside Publix before I could go back and get him to help him to the car.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    many handicaps such as a heart condition are not always obvious and caregivers like twentyfive should be given wide leeway but for those who abuse the privilege, they should be made handicapped on the spot
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Confronting transgressors is satisfying but often a bad idea. You never know if crazy has a knife or gun or some shit. Best to call the cops, advise that you're trying to avoid a confrontation and urge a prompt response before it escalates. Further advise them you intend to wait until a cop arrives. They won't want to risk a confrontation after they were advised and will usually get right after it.

    If they arrive on time and the parking is deemed illegal, the fines are usually quite hefty!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yes, pensionking, that was my take on the incident I described at the restaurant. When studmuffin decided I wasn't blufffing, he fled. This was way back when.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    If they have the placard then presumably they got a Doctor to sign off on it so I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    The people playing on the grocery store carts really pisses me off.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    It is absolutely the case that you might not be able to see what the handicap is. So, if someone has a placard, I don't think there's any reason to question it, even if you can't tell, even if they're younger. Yes, could be they are "borrowing" their dad's card, or whatever, which is illegal -- but again, you can't tell just by looking at them

    If they don't have a placard, they shouldn't be parking there
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    In our area of Atlanta it is often the kids driving the parent's vehicle....when asked they thought to parking permit was for the vehicle not the individual. It does seem to get abused a good bit.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    bunch of liberal fags who feel entitled. end of subject.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    I had another thing happen again just two days ago. After lunch, the SO and I went into a PUBLIX and picked out 3 cans of cat food and a jar of instant coffee. We go to the open "EXPRESS" lane. Some "lady" says. sorry, I'd let you go first but he already started ringing me up. I looked and the FUCKING counter was full in a 10 items or less lane. I ask the dildo ringing her up why he took her? He says he was new. I said, so being new you can't count to 10 or know the difference between 10 items or SIXTY? Then the lady says she didn't know it was an express lane. Yeah, right, but let's say I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I asked her, did you think this empty lane when all the others were full was just for you or the others were all stupid for waiting with an open lane here? This lady already had a bag or two full and I counted another 36 items before I stopped counting. I am sure another 20, at least, were on the counter. I check out and go to customer service and ask the lady there about it. Her response, they didn't know. I asked if is was normal to hire people that can't count to 10? I asked what is the policy. She says it varies by store. What about THIS store? She says the manager says take the customer. She says, when I asked for the manager, none were available. Yeah, right!

    Now I'll tell you the crust of the problem. This was a high income area where we "normai", people are second class. I guess my Harley attire didn't rate. I have contacted corporate, but heard nothing, not that I expected to.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I say do away with the spaces altogether. If you are well enough to drive, you are well enough to walk an extra 20 yards.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Actually a pet peeve of mine is restaurants and shopping malls putting the majority of parking spaces near the entrances for the use of paid valet parking services. I dislike handing the keys to my expensive Mercedes to some jerk who then speeds off in my car changes the seat positions, a/c, or raises the radio volume. For that reason I prefer to self park.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    If one uses a placard, THEY have to leave the vehicle and go to wherever. Also, in Florida, I can use my placard in a "baby spot" if the handicaps are full.

    Personally, I only use it when my foot is already hurting, or I know it will be before my return. Another point. When the doctor authorized the pass, he made it lifetime. I ask why, and he said, my foot would only progress so far and never be "OK" again. As an example, our last Tootsie meet, I had no spots available, and by the time I returned to my vehicle, it was "paining" pretty good. Problem is, part of the foot is bone grafted, fused and screwed together. The rest is normal, so I think they fight each other. :) And one other downside is that part of the fixed part is the big toe part. I could add, same foot where I was shot and also have broken the ankle. I have 16 healed "holes" in it that weren't there before. :)
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Time fo a revolution !! Let's pull out our Glocks and hold these asses until the police arrive, and charge them with assault on old folks and us with disabilities. I leave my wheelchair in my car at all times for extended trips anywhere. No toes, am I. It happened, that's life. Like Clubber, I know if I walk too much, there's going to be right foot pain. My doctor once told me I'll have pain down there for the rest of my life. I thanked him for that insight, a touch sarcastedly, but he's right. I just keep on going, I'm tough and I value my friend, Clubber strongly. We'll disagree, but friends do. I'll never agree with a non-handicapped person taking a handicapped space.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    What I want to know is why they don't have special parking spaces for old men with hemorrhoids? :)
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Scat-Those spaces are at the Dunkin Donuts they are the spaces with the donut seat.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    ^^^ But Shadow - they do! Just look for the sign that says "MEN" inside almost any public place and you wil find a stall with free parking for your butt. Or you could just ask our very own McDonald's shitter for directions.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Yeah Clubber I remember that well funny movie.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    And I always thought clubber got his name because he goes to clubs, not because of his foot.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I believe the police will ticket people who illegally park in such spaces where I live. I think anyone who does it illegally is very disrespectful. I know someone who is handicapped and needs the space.

    A gray area where it is legal I believe is if they are in the vehicle and want me to park in a handicap spot and have me run in the store while they sit in the car. They are worse now so that has stopped.

    As far as a few items over a 15 or 20 limit, I've had cashiers tell me I could get checked out in such a line because they were empty and just standing around doing nothing. Now when someone comes up behind me and sees like 30 items I have, that is why I'm checking out in that space. I don't think I need to apologize or explain to anyone who walks up behind me. They might get upset and say nothing but that is why that happened a few times in my case. If they are quick, I see no reason to get upset.

    When I'm alone, I usually park far across the parking lot near an empty shopping cart return area and pick any aisle that is self checkout or not a 20 item or less aisle if I have a lot of stuff.

    As far as illegally parking in handicap spots, it is only legal I believe if you have a handicap placard or license plate and the handicap person is with you. All others should get ticketed unless they are really handicapped and want to explain it to an officer. There are a lot of jerks out there not interested in walking.

    Some places didn't design their parking lot well it before they built the building and have the handicap spots far from the entrance and don't have the curb with the fire hydrant marked as and no parking area. The church I go to has these problems. I keep wondering if I should say something but then someone may want me to help fix the problems. It's a hazard to everyone in church if someone parks along the curb with the fire hydrant. My handicapped relative can barely make it into church if much walking is required. Probably not going to make it anymore. Too much walking unless we get there 30 minutes early.
    She said something about enjoying church. I'm like wtf? I don't ever remember enjoying church unless some young girl in a short skirt or shorts sat in front of me. It usually feels like an hour of torture.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    damn. i'm 66 and can't get a handicapped thingie.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Maybe I should send a message to the church so my conscience will be clear if there is a fire and the fire truck can't get to the hydrant easily because people parked Infront of it. Handicap spots should be near the entrance, not half way across the parking lot. I shouldn't under estimate stupidity. If they have extra money, the curbs could be rounded down for handicap access as well including the concrete crosswalks across the parking lot if all handicap spots are full. I think most people never think about this stuff if they are well and don't know anyone handicapped.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    "As far as a few items over a 15 or 20 limit, I've had cashiers tell me I could get checked out in such a line because they were empty and just standing around doing nothing. Now when someone comes up behind me and sees like 30 items I have, that is why I'm checking out in that space."

    We've all been in this situation, and I for one, do get pissed off when people go through express lines with obviously too many items. I don't consider myself a special case that is exempt from the rules everyone else has to follow.

    Because I consider it rude I will not accept an offer to go through express when I don't qualify. If I did, I know I would be unjustly slowing down the next customer who qualifies. It is simply being considerate and having a little humility.

    The worst is when someone splits their order in two in order to be under the limit, the husband and wife each paying separately. First it goes against the spirit of express, second it takes even longer than keeping it one order.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Yes, I guess I'm a grumpy old man.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Well since we are giving our grievances LOL; not that I see it often but see it from time to time, the other day I see this group of 3 or 4 people that seem to be from the same family and they get into 2 separate lines, they have their cart full of shit in one line while their family member stands in another line w/ nothing in hand; and then they want to switch lines at the end depending on which line goes quicker - really - you are gonna be w/ your cart in one line then leave that line w/ your cart full of shit and jump in front of me - idiots
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    "And I always thought clubber got his name because he goes to clubs, not because of his foot."

    Good one, but the foot became an issue just a few years ago. I joined TUSCL in 2000.

    Look closely at my avatar and you'' get it. I wish the gifs would work, founder!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    While we are airing grievances allow me to offer one only semi-joking, school zones where you must slow down to 20 or 15 MPH, damn why can't they just teach these damn kids to cross at the light where the crossing guard is I think if drivers would speed up Darwin's Law would work effectively.......................; )
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    If they have a placard or license plate entitling them to park in a handicapped spot, I don't have a problem in most cases. As Clubber said, a handicap isn't always visible.

    If they don't have one of those, I have a problem. :)
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    I have to chime in on this one....

    Because I am like Papi..... It pisses me off to now extent.

    I have a family member who is handicap since birth. Many time when I am with and go places I don't park in a handicap spot even though I have a sticker because I am able body and can get him in and out of the vehicle into his wheel chair. The only time I use those spots is in extreme cold or rain.

    Yet I have seen people park in the HC spot with a sticker to only have an able body person run into the store for an errand. I have seen people park in the HC spot who don't have stickers..... I have see people and confronted them on why they have one..... It was one they kept on renewing from a past injury....IE: broken leg or something and just keep renewing it with out having to submit proper paperwork. All bullshit things.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @crsm27 But how do you feel about school zones, run the kids over or not?
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    @ 25 are you a fucking idiot.

    It is people who take up a spot and don't even get out. School zones are dropping kids off. These people I am talking about park there and wait for the people to run errands.... which could take 30+ mins.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @crsm Cmon man have a sense of humor about it for god sake or you don't get sarcasm.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    No I don't have a sense of humor in this situation.

    These people are abusing a system and taking spots from people who need them. elderly people who I have seen fallen because handicap spots are taken. These elderly have to walk further than needed in icy situations. It happened this morning! People in wheel chairs who need those spots because of the room to get in and out of a vehicle. then they get blocked in because normal parking spots are not big enough. I could go on and on.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Who said anything about handicap spots my humor was directed at Papi's post while we are posting grievances read the whole thread through before you get on your high horse and start a fight.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Lighten up Francis.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Papi talk to SJG he will milk your prostate.
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