I asked a Follies manager if they would be open on election day and he replied that they would be and expected a lot of drinkers. I asked a favorite dancer if she would be working and she said that she would be there wearing red, white & blue.
Anybody have any experiences with previous presidential elections, as far as clubbing goes? I plan to pass.
Every bar and club I've been to on Election Days has been packed. None of them have been strip clubs, though. It's kind of surprising given that you would expect people to be having "Election Viewing Parties" at their homes instead.
Not surprising especially this election. If Trump wins, rednecks and lesser educated white men rejoice with strippers and drinking to take away the stress and get a head start on the women debauchery.
If Hilary wins, enjoy one last night of debauchery with women before we change USA to Feminist movement land. Plus need something to drink the pain away
I wonder how many clubs will be featuring Donald Trump's official campaign song from the Who, Momma's Got a Squeeze Box (or was it Gotta Squeeze Momma's Box?)?
last commentIf Hilary wins, enjoy one last night of debauchery with women before we change USA to Feminist movement land. Plus need something to drink the pain away
Don't worry. rickthebarnacle is the wisest rick of all.