ain't nothing more than a big pickup. i drive sets of doubles. 70 feet long. sometimes triples. 110 feet long. i just close my eyes and hope for the best. kidding.
That is a Mack Granite chassis made to look like a pickup truck. The Granite chassis is used for short dump trucks, concrete mixers, wreckers, haulers. I would drive it, but it probably gets about 10 mpg on diesel.
10MPG! Holy hell thats better than my SUV, it gets 9 around town. I can actually watch the gas gauge go down when I'm idling in a slow moving fast food drive thru line.
Shailynn just needs 'more land' and an 8-car pole barn er garage. That truck is truly 'Hillbilly Extreme.' I'd drive it but I can't pull off more than a Ford F-350. I'm more of a luxury seden guy too, but there's something about the self-reliance image in American pickup trucks. I toe the line with a 4x4 SUV.
Chicks love trucks. Even chicks that don't love trucks, respect trucks because it gives off a 'manly' image. Now, I am talking about normal trucks, sometimes guys take it too far (like the truck in the photo) or you see one with two huge smokestacks and huge wheels, and some women go 'I wonder how small is dick is that he had to buy a truck that big to compensate.'
Shailynn, your 9 MPG SUV would probably get 20 MPG if it had a diesel. You also get to put up with comments that your car "sounds like a school bus" from the young ladies, Lol!
last commentkidding.
Never been a pickup truck guy - prefer luxury sedans.
*Fingers crossed*
" I toe the line with a 4x4 SUV." - yep me too.